
Items tagged with: LaTex

Querida fedigente buena: ando atascado en mi profundo desconocimiento del #LaTeX porque por mucho que lo intento no consigo que el texto de un paper que va para un libro de actas de un congreso se adapte a la plantilla bien: siempre me salen las referencias bibliográficas con una interrogación en vez de el número que debería. ¿Alguien tiene habilidad y un ratillo para echarme una mano? Muchísimas gracias, de verdad. (No vengáis todes, con una persona me vale...)

That's impressive and useful! 👌
May I ask if there is an extension for #LaTeX #equations integration ? 🔍👀

love the csv-import, much better than excels kind of import. formula editing and syntax (comparing to #LaTex​) bit confusing and not that intuitive; would love to see better integration, but works very well. Thanks!

The Fallout series is absolutely great, it has incredibly elaborate details and the actors are amazing.

However, if the internet creeps already have the need to "beautify" the main character, then they should have carried it through to the end.

(Yes, I'm the one on the most right side of the picture.)

#latex #cosplay

Be sure to check your kid's candy this year! I found an "Underfull \vbox (badness 666)" in a pack of m\&m's! #LaTeX #CheckYourCandy

I love #Libreoffice for a number of reasons:
Because it is completely #FreeSoftware.
Because I don't have to pay for its full version.
Because it is no Cloud stuff.
Because it is fully GDPR-compliant, while MSh*it isn't.
Because it is simpler to use LibreOffice than doing everything in #LaTex.
The #LibreOffice suite is one of my most important tools since my school days. You helped me to reach university.

I just had whatever the opposite of 'future shock' is - I stumbled upon a telescope proposal from 2001 and I wondered if the #latex would compile - of course it did, and the proposal looked exactly as it should have.

In related news, I wrote my thesis in Word 98 and the next version refused to open one of my chapters for no obvious reason.

Plain text and openly documented image formats are definitely the way to future proof your work.... #astrodon #opensource #openscience #TeXLaTeX

I've been using #AnnotatedEquations in my recent papers. I think it really adds to the readability and understanding of the math.

Here are some examples. It uses #tikz in #latex.

Let me know if you like it. Happy for any feedback.