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Items tagged with: FDroid

#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* husi: a proxy configurations manager

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated & 3 added apps, one of them complementing your Green Suite again:

* ProgrammingTools: generate QR codes from text input
* Flying Carpet: exchange files with Linux/Mac/Win
* Fossify SMS Messenger: Replacement for your now ad-ridden orange one to manage your SMS 😍

And btw: some summary of the latest scanner improvements is now available here:

Enjoy your #foss #apps with #FDroid & the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain today at brings you 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* Passtable: Cross-platform password manager

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

Today's #AndroidAppRain at brings you 8 updated & 2 added apps, the latter enlarging your "green suite":

* Fossify Contacts
* Fossify Phone

Replacing your orange, now ad-ridden Simple Tools apps.

On the security front, the new APK checks are now fully in place. 2 more apps with debug keys have been removed (no longer maintained), and Dotterel switched to a proper release key.

Enjos your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 6 updated and 2 added apps:

* Digital Calculator: neumorphic themed digital calculator with keyboard and dark mode support
* monocles browser: web browser that respects your privacy had 2 Magisk modules updated.

Enjoy your #free #android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at again today with 9 updated and 1 added apps:

* Nitterify: open Twitter links in Nitter

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 18 updated and 1 added apps:

* AppSearcher: lightweight search engine for Android

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at @fdroidorg today with 65 updated and 1 added apps:

* PiliPala: a third-party Bilibili client

in my repo, 7 apps received updates.

At 1 module was updated and 1 added, bringing the number of modules provided there to a round 100 🥳

* DNSCrypt-Proxy 2: flexible DNS proxy with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 2 added apps:

* ColorBlendr: modify material you colors of your device
* Carfoin: Investment Fund Portfolio Manager

Guardian repo had 2 apps updated (Tor browser and its alpha).

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

Yesterday I've promised starting to fill the gaps, so let's go: Today's #AndroidAppRain at brings you 9 updated and 3 added apps:

* OTG Keyboard: use Android as A BT Keyboard
* Tarifa luz: regulated electricity rate in Spain
* Units: a powerful unit-aware calculator

Webierta's To-Do Manager switched to a proper release signing key, so you have to uninstall before you can install the new release.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid & the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at @fdroidorg today with (looks again) haha, OK, with 42 updated and 1 added apps:

* AndroidIDE: an IDE to develop full featured Android apps on Android

At 12 apps were updated.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 18 updated and 2 added apps:

* Peristyle: a wallpaper manager
* Fossify File Manager: your replacement for the (now ad-ridden) Simple File Manager

That now makes 3 of the Fossify apps available here! More to come, hopefully 😃

At there was 1 module updated today.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 5 updated and 1 added apps:

* PeerTube Redirect: redirect all PeerTube links to your PeerTube app

1 app was removed on request of its author:

* AppVerifier

At @fdroidorg 43 apps received updates.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 13 updated and 1 added apps:

* Fossify Calendar: your replacement for the now ad-ridden Simple Calendar

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at @fdroidorg today with 52 updated and 1 added app:

* Fossify Gallery: the fork of the now ad-ridden Simple Gallery

At, 24 apps received updates.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* Free TV: watching TV channels from around the world

1 updated #Magisk module at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 3 added apps:

* Simple Play Integrity Checker: demonstrates the usage of the Play Integrity and SafetyNet Attestation API
* RotationControl: force full sensor rotation on selected packages (Xposed)
* Open Video Editor: edit/convert your videos has 3 modules updated, F-Droid 32 apps.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo – and have a good new year! :awesome:


* 12482 🇩🇪 & 1103 🇺🇸 #ebooks bei
* 1148 #Android #Apps bei (4274 bei #FDroid selbst)
* 99 #Magisk Module bei

Freies Zeuch für freie Menschen – seid herzlich eingeladen! Natürlich alles ohne Tracking, ohne Cookie-Banner – und ohne sonstigen 💩 :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain again at today with 10 updated and 2 added apps:

* PI: a package installer
* Weathernaut:Weather, Music, and More

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at with 18 updated and 3 added apps today:

* Disable Target API Block: Xposed module for disabling Android 14's installation block for old apps
* AppVerifier: an app signing certificate hash viewer and verifier
* opendtu-react-native: OpenDTU client (use Hoymiles Inverters without their cloud stuff) had 3 #Magisk modules added.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

Remember that #PlayStore wanted to update/replace a bunch of apps installed from other sources such as #FDroid recently? Well, turns out someone found what triggers it and how it can be avoided, see for details.

Basically, the reason there was that AABs (the #Android App Bundles uploaded to Play) had a higher versionCode than the APKs distributed by the other sources. Still does not explain why Google ignored the "installer" property, though.

and at @fdroidorg 36 updated and 2 added apps:

* Onyx: guide you around La Doua Campus
* QuickShot: Share Screenshot

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

In the latest edition of This week in F-Droid (TWIF), we talk about

- Jami's donation campaign
- A major update of the malware scanner Hypatia
- Silence is now available on newer devices
- Deku SMS as another app for secure SMS messages
- Mercurygram as new Telegram client

Also, we added another 17 apps last week and updated 128 apps.


At @fdroidorg 34 updated and 9 added apps:

* Alibi: Audio-Dashcam
* Vibrator: start & stop the system vibrator
* Mirror: turn your device into a pocket mirror
* GuessIron: measure things
* Bluetooth LE Spam: impersonate Bluetooth LE devices
* Mercurygram: Telegram client
* FreeCell4: Card game
* Libre Memory Game: a memory game

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

A couple of Android developers and I are organizing an Android App Developer Meetup at Day 3 (tomorrow) of #37C3.

„Are you developing an Open Source App for Android? Is your App distributed over #fdroid? Are you using reproducible builds yet? Do you have an opinion on Java 21 vs Kotlin? Do you have a favorite restriction Google introduced in a recent Android version?
If the answer is yes to any of those question the Android Open Source App Developer Meetup is for you!“

Prefer to recommend that folks install #Conversations, #Cheogram, and other forks from F-Droid:

#tallship #FOSS #e2ee #Privacy #FDroid #communications


#AndroidAppRain at today with 12 updated and 1 added apps:

* Smouldering Durtles: advanced client for client for WaniKani (learn Kanji)

At @fdroidorg 60 updated and 3 added apps:

* Iconeration: icon pack creator
* Vidya Music: player for the Vidya Intarweb Playlist
* set a timer for each task to stay focused

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at @fdroidorg with 54 updated and 5 added apps:

* Hammer [ALPHA]: a simple tool for building stories
* EHHelper: Ehang helper to use Douyin
* Paperless Mobile: a mobile Paperless client
* SMASH: digital field mapping app for geodiaries
* Li-Ri: arcade game where you drive a toy wood engine

At 12 updated apps.

At 2 updated modules.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

(2/2) continued:

* Keep Alive: notify others if you haven't used your device in a given period of time
* Tarock Palčka: play Tarock online/offline
* Clock Screensaver: Clock with Event View

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* RiMusic: streaming music from YouTube Music

1 app was removed as the author preferred that above removing proprietary dependencies: Zen Music

The Magisk repo at had 3 modules updated.

F-Droid pushed updates for 49 apps.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

I didn’t realize that @threemaapp had their own #fdroid repository¹ for a while. Now - through the magic of reproducible builds - Threema Libre is even available in the official @fdroidorg repository.
That’s pretty cool! I like it when developers work with the open source community instead of having nothing but despite for the »FOSS libertarian dream«².


This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was just published.

We have new alpha versions for F-Droid 1.19., and something about the Epic vs. Google trial.

On the app side, we talk about Threema, Xmp Mod Player, Orion Viewer, Transdroid, Minetest and Syncthing-Fork.

Last but not least, we had another 6 added apps, 109 updated apps and one removed app.


#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* Chrono: modern and powerful clock, alarms, timer and stopwatch

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 9 updated and 2 added apps:

* SmartMouse: use your smartphone as a normal computer mouse
* PhantomProcessesSavior: xposed module to keep Android 12 from killing subprocesses

My Magisk Repo ( had 2 modules updated.

At F-Droid, 49 apps where updated and 1 added:

* Untracker: remove tracking information before sharing links

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at with 5 updated and 1 added apps:

* SPH: Vertretungsplan einer Schule im Lanis-System anzeigen (Hessen, Germany)

At F-Droid, 46 updated and 2 added apps:

* Blazed Cloud: Minimal & Open-Source-Cloud-Speicher
* Flux News: Newsreader for miniflux backend

Oh, and 3 modules updated at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 10 updated and 3 added apps:

* OneClipboard: Client to sync clipboard contents with other devices
* OneClipboard Server: the server part for it
* PixEz: third-party Pixiv flutter client that supports viewing ugoira (and can also be used from mainland China)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and tze #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

In #FDroid bedeutet der Hacken jetzt, das
etwas erwünscht oder unerwünscht ist

verstehe Ich wirklich nicht


Und könntet ihr das mal deutlicher machen ??

bitte 😇😅

#Threema im originalen #fdroid Repo war nun doch eine unerwartete Überraschung.
Gibt es eine Erklärung dazu, warum es nun nach 'so langer Zeit' dazu kam bzw. Warum es lange nicht dazu kam?
Ist ja doch eine gefragte APP, die schon ein weilchen länger OpenSource ist, wenn ich das richtig verfolgt habe.

#AndroidAppRain at today with 13 updated and 2 added apps:

* ADB over WiFi: toggle ADB between USB and WiFi mode (root)
* Locale Changer: change the default system-wide locale

Over at F-Droid, 32 updated and 4 added:

* UpVPN - Serverless VPN: VPN based on WireGuard
* Threema Libre: Secure messaging
* BendyStraw: manage NewPipe databases
* LibreBible: Latin Vulgate Bible reader

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome: