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Items tagged with: Safety

Tip of the day: Our Earth is struck by lightning eight million times per day and the power of a single strike can shut down electricity for a house, a neighborhood, or more. But there are also other potential causes of power outages, outages that can lead to data loss. Here’s one way to try and minimize potential losses of your data. #safety #tipoftheday

LLVM CFI and Cross-Language LLVM CFI Support for Rust,

> add LLVM CFI and cross-language LLVM CFI (and LLVM KCFI and cross-language LLVM KCFI) to the Rust compiler as part of our work in the Rust Exploit Mitigations Project Group. This is the first cross-language, fine-grained, forward-edge control flow protection implementation for mixed-language binaries that we know of.

Really interesting project.

#RustLang #llvm #security #safety #ffi

Re-reading your question it looks to me that I didn't answer (get) your question @Simon John.

If you refer to user name, and hosting data I guess the answer is yes, it looks like plain text from the front end.
The password apparently at least can be protected by a general password manager.

Has there been general questioning of #FileZilla's safety?
Is there some recommendation for linux desktops?

#linux #fedihelp #safety
