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Items tagged with: policy

"What made me put my coffee down this morning was 'synthetically generating music', which apparently now falls under 'needs to disclose'.

Them’s fighting words.

Let’s say I fiddle with some knobs on my Eurorack setup (that’s a music synthesizer if you don’t know), and decide to upload it in the background of a video. Am I now making 'altered content?'"

#MusicProduction #MusicTech #AI #Policy #YouTube #Deepfakes

Falsehoods programmers believe about… Biometrics

(For the new reader, there is a famous essay called Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names. It has since spawned a long list of Falsehoods Programmers Believe About....)

Everyone has fingerprints!

The BBC has a grim tale of a family with a genetic mutation which means they have no fingerprints. It det

#/etc/ #design #falsehoods #policy #security

If you're an #EU citizen, I strongly encourage you to take a look and consider signing this European Citizen's Initiative (ECI) that calls for the establishment of a #tax on great #wealth to fund a just ecological and social transition:

Boosts very welcome.

#environment #policy #taxation #TaxTheRich

Avoiding USB-C on iPhones may get harder for Apple as Brazil considers mandate

# # # # # #-C # #