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Items tagged with: SearxNG

#SearXNG – svobodný vyhledávač s lepšími výsledky 🔍


Can someone please recommend me a #search #engine that is not
* #Google (Ew google)
* #Duckduckgo (Keeps saying there were no results for my searches despite having the little information box to the right for the exact search)
* #Bing (I'd use bing if it wasn't crammed to death with CoPiLoT)
* #Brave (Ew, brave)
* #Ecosia (Its alright, but its just... slow. And gives kinda crap results)
* #Startpage (I just don't like it)
* #SearxNG (Slow, ugly, and useless)

I will probably update this list as I remember/am reminded about search engines that I've already tried and don't like.


Nice effort, but there's a typo : SearX project is no longer since September last year (See the SearX GitHub repository archived). The successor is #SearXNG Here's a list of instances :

Starpage, Qwant und SearXNG. Weitere datenschutzfreundliche Suchmaschinen kenne ich aktuell nicht. Ist da noch etwas auf dem Markt, dass ich übersehe?…

#suchmaschine #suchmaschinen #startpage #qwant #searxng

Today in #MatrixRooms: Searching #Matrix rooms from multiple places, just like with #SepiaSearch or #LemmyVerse.

Detailed instructions can be found in the alt text. In short, for #Element and #SchildiChat Web/Desktop user:
0. Open search in Element (Ctrl+K)
1. In the "Show" dropdown menu, press "Add new server...". Type and proceed.
2. Pick newly added rooms directory.

More on how to make this work in mobile apps, let all users of your instance benefit from this rooms directory or set this up as a search engine on your very own #SearXNG:…