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Items tagged with: Technology

The Small Technology Foundation researches and promotes online services designed for human beings rather than corporate profits.

You can follow their live streaming account at:

➡️ @fedi

and to see more general posts on related topics follow their co-founder Aral Balkan at:

➡️ @aral

The Small Technology Foundation's website is at:

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I'm starting a small call for entries for a yet-to-exist 'zine on tech for resting, being lazy, letting be, and having a break. Share wide and far.


For the first Fallow Zine, la Jachère is interested in contributions about the following topics, but not limited to them.

- Lazy tech or tech for the lazies
- Tech that falls into place, fits, is just enough
- Tech for rest, pause, have a break, take a breath
- Tech for preservation, of the status quo, of energy, of a moment, of equilibrium

More on

- Deadline: 21. June 2022 (more or less… deadlines are thresholds to play with)

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Molly White is the creator of the "Web3 is going just great" project which tracks the latest news of cryptocurrency/NFT disasters, scams and collapses. You can follow at:

➡️ @molly0xfff (White's account)

➡️ @web3isgreat (project account)

The project's website is at and features a useful interactive timeline of the news items.

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Excuse the mess. Configuring new hardware. Soon to be hosting & 😁

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