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Items tagged with: UbuntuTouch

New release 1.4.0 of DeltaTouch, now in the OpenStore.

👍 Reactions! Long press a message to react with an emoji.
💠 Many small bugfixes, adjustments and refactorings.

Full list of changes in the changelog, see

#DeltaTouch #DeltaChat #UbuntuTouch

If you are looking for alternatives to Android, then #ubuntutouch from is a mobile platform where @lk108 implemented the nicely working DeltaTouch app which also just released guaranteed end-to-end encryption, being very much on par with the other platforms, see

New DeltaTouch release 1.3.0 is in the OpenStore, highlights:

🔹 1:1 chats guarantee E2E encryption for introduced contacts
🔸 Viewer for HTML message
🔹 Chats open much faster
🔸 Option in settings to scale the font size in chat list and in chats

Also, the UI for voice message recording has changed, hopefully for the better.

Full changelog:

More info re guaranteed E2E encryption:

#deltatouch #deltachat

DeltaTouch: New release v1.2.0, now in OpenStore

Main features:
+ (Experimental) Database encryption (login credentials + message texts only, images/voice messages/files etc. still unencrypted). Enable experimental features in settings or account config page to make it available.
+ Small colored shape signalling connectivity state.
+ Based on deltachat-core-rust v1.127.0.

See changelog for complete list of changes

#DeltaTouch #DeltaChat #UBports #UbuntuTouch

I'm happy to announce the release of DeltaTouch, a messenger based on deltachat-core for Ubuntu Touch. It's available in the OpenStore for both xenial and focal:

Big thanks to @delta for their continued support throughout this journey!

Thanks also to @playforvoices for testing and valuable suggestions.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the UT AppDev community (Maciek, dobey, Jonatan) for always coming up with a solution.

#delta #deltachat #UbuntuTouch #ubports

Ich befürchte das dann viele Projekte zu #github umziehen werden und nicht zu #codeberg

Wäre ein echt krasser und negativer Zug von Gitlab. Würden eine Menge #ubuntutouch Apps verschwinden die schon lange kein Update mehr bekommen haben.
