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Items tagged with: bevy

Can't believe this runs in a terminal! 🤯

🐠 **lifecycler**: Terminal aquarium 🫧

🆙 ASCIIquarium reaches a new level! 🐟

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs + @bevy

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #aquarium #terminal #asciiquarium #bevy #gamedev #game #gamejam

I finally have the chunking working properly. It took a lot of time to get to this point, a lot of trial-and-error and different implementations. Now it's all quite efficient, working on top of a Sqlite database.
#bevy #gamedev

Hey folks, new to the server and thought an #introduction was in order.

I'm Nolan, A.K.A.. Lights Out Games, a blind game developer making audio-focused games. Check out my profile link for examples of what these sound like.

I also do lots of open source work, much of which currently involves game accessibility in some form. Notably, recently I helped integrate the #Bevy engine with platform accessibility APIs via AccessKit.

Look forward to meeting you all.

Bevy 0.10 is out now!

It features ECS Schedule v3, Cascaded Shadow Maps, Environment Map Lighting, Depth / Normal Prepass, Smooth Animation Transitions, Improved Android Support, Revamped Bloom, Distance and Atmospheric Fog, and much much more!

#bevy #bevyengine

Excited to announce that my recent work integrating #AccessKit into #Bevy was recently merged, making accessibility (mostly) on by default in the upcoming 0.10 release due out soon if not today.

The one exception is Linux, where it is feature-gated pending reduction in dependency size and integration with non-experimental screen readers and forks.

I think this may make Bevy the first general-purpose game engine with accessibility in its core (I.e. not a bolted-on optional plugin or a series of partial solutions. In any case, it's the only game engine with accessibility features that I can use as a blind developer, though #Godot also seems to be making strides in this direction as well.

Spent the last few days upgrading my game to #Bevy 0.9. Also put together "official" releases of a few of my custom plugins:

  • bevy_tts: Easily add text-to-speech. Works just about everywhere, though mobile testing has been a bit lacking.
  • bevy_synthizer: Binaural/spatial audio via Synthizer.
  • bevy_full_throttle: Automatically enable CPU performance profiles so players on battery don't complain. Windows-only, help with other platforms welcome.

Planning on opening another account somewhere for game dev promotion soon, which is where most of this will go. But for now I thought I'd drop it here, particularly as all of these are MIT/Apache-licensed.


For anyone interested in #game #accessibility, I've begun work to integrate AccessKit into Bevy. Will this make #Bevy the first natively-accessible game engine out of the box? Not sure, but exciting times. Help out or follow my progress here.