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Items tagged with: iOSdev

An idea I have been wrestling with for a while: a mobile app which allows you to create screens and simple screen sequences where you can place any kind of arbitrary elements known to the host system. Images? No problem! Fake buttons with accessibility properties such as fake rotor actions? Here you are! I short: any kind of native control that the system can recognize created in a step-by-step fashion that everyone can familiarize themselves with. Things this could be useful for: 1. Creating fantasy apps - hey, why not call it just that?, or more professionally: mockups in which a screen reader user demonstrates the ideal scenario of how a given interface should read. 2. Copying interface concepts from apps you would like to demo where sensitive data is stored that you wouldn't like to be there for everyone to read. 3. Setting up maps of touch screen interfaces not accessible to the blind for the purpose of visualising them so that you can still support a sighted third-party in handling (think vending machines, ticket machines etc. where someone is lost but you can help them out by looking at your visualisation). 4. Any kind of visual concept really with things laid out in a structural way. Bonus points if the controls can do simple things like navigating to other views, fading the current view out but fade another one in etc. #iOSDev #App #Accessibility #A11y #Blind #Idea

I’m researching energy impact, profiling and performance of native iOS and Android apps.

Any recommendations for useful resources or tools?

#iOSdev #AndroidDev

An idea for an iPhone app: one that routes all audio to the earpiece. That's all. I used to have an app for this on Android and I was able to watch Youtube content on public transport when my headphones died while simultaneously looking like I was waiting for my turn in a queue on a customer support line to come around, not to mention privacy for anything the screen reader says. #Accessibility #Blind #iOSDev

We’ve been floored by everyone’s support for Project Tapestry! Three of the pledge tiers on Kickstarter are already sold out, but there are still several to choose from with rewards ranging from wallpapers to stickers, pins, and even a free year of Wallaroo. At this rate, we’re going to need to come up with some more stretch goals soon!…

#ProjectTapestry #Fediverse #RSS #iOSDev

Online media can be overwhelming. It's fragmented between countless services, websites, social networks, and apps.

You need an app that weaves together an overview of nearly everything that’s happening across all the different services you follow.

That’s our vision for Project Tapestry, the new Kickstarter we're launching today.…

#ProjectTapestry #Fediverse #iOSDev

Project Tapestry is a universal chronological timeline of your favorite social media services, blogs, RSS feeds & more. All updates in one place, in the order they’re posted with no algorithm deciding what you see or when you see it.

But we need your help! Check out our Kickstarter campaign to learn more about the project and the backer rewards we have planned, then make a pledge to help us turn Project Tapestry into a reality.…

#ProjectTapestry #Fediverse #iOSDev

If you're adapting your app for #AppleVisionPro, you've probably added `contentShape` to your custom button styles to get a better `.hoverEffect()`

This also has a nicer side effect for VoiceOver highlighting, as it will now match the actual UI element!

#a11y #iosdev

Today I'm excited to finally introduce @walleri!

Walleri is a Mastodon Client that lets you listen to your timeline instead of reading it!

Here is the TestFlight Link:…

If you have any feedback - good or bad, don't hesitate to reach out!

#walleri #swift #swiftlang #swiftui #ios #iosdev #iosdevelopment #tootsdk #fedidev #mastodonapi #buildinpublic #mastodev #testflight #xcode #indiedev