Items tagged with: culture


Items tagged with: culture

J'adore le rock nigérian (tuareg) !
Mdou Moctar - Tarhatazed (Live on KEXP)

En plus ça permet de faire des jeux de mots débiles tout en faisant connaître cette culture musicale.
"Tarhatazed" c'est un peu comme "Tahartagueule (à la récré)" mais en mieux que quand c'est Souchon...

#culture #musique #rock #Niger #Tuareg #MdouMoctar #pouetradio

I come back to this Tang Dynasty-inspired dance all the time. Love the music, especially when it is sung Chinese opera style, and definitely the beautiful dance, which is about Princess Anle, an arrogant and willful princess who helped overthrow her father and ended up beheaded by rebels.

I know right? Griiim.

#China #Dance #Culture…

🆕 blog! “A practical example of the social construct of race”

I've been reading lots of books about race, justice, and history. One of the things which confused me when I started this journey was the notion that race is a construct. But then I started reading about how Blumenbach literally invented the concept of distinct human races. And about how the discredited "S…

👀 Read more:…

#culture #race #racism

Ce soir 20h #WiktionnaireGame n°8 avec @HygieneMentale , @INSVideos (Jean de la Lune) et @Lithenna ! Préparez vos #JeuDeMotsIndé !
Rdv sur !

Avec le soutien de @wiktionnaire et Wikimedia_Fr !
#StreamHer #TwitchFr #Culture #Vulgarisation

Joseph Henrich, evolutionary anthropologist:

"More than any other animal, we depend on learning from others. Cultural evolution occurs alongside biological evolution. You can look at a human & study the genes that they’ve inherited from their parents… but that person has also acquired beliefs, values, practices, norms, languages & ways of thinking from their parents & other members of their community."…

#culture #cooperation #learning

As the app that is the star of today's window has updated on my phone today, let me introduce you to Greta, the German app for audiodescription, closed captions and other forms of accessibility in movies.
It works by first downloading an encrypted, I believe, copy of the movie's audio and then when we want to watch it described or subtitled, we just start the app, let it listen to the sound around us and it will tune in at the right spot in time with the accessibility accommodations we need. Should you forget your headphones to hear the audiodescription in, you can still listen to it over the earpiece. The system is not context-aware so it can tune into the movie at a cinema or at home when watching on the Internet or on TV which gives universal access to all the accommodations. The only wish I would have is more independent cinema productions and the ability to combine multiple adjustments so that I could watch that movie with a lot of Austrian dialect in it with both audiodescription and subtitles.
Today's update brings sound amplification. If I understand correctly, you can also have the actual audio track of the movie played through your phone in sync with the original.
I believe the concept was replicated in other countries already so you might know it under another name.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #Germany #Culture #Movies #Audiodescription #Cinema #TV #Subtitling