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Wonder if anyone still uses #Zello. Unihertz phones have an extra button that can be assigned to push-to-talk, and it seems to work pretty well with Zello. Maybe I'll just create a channel.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

I haven't heard of that being used in ages. Could be fun though.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn I didn't use it for very long, but then it felt a bit too much like teamtalk and the horrors o f the hords of blind peole sat around in channels for marathon session of doing nothing never sat well with me.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo It doesn't so much work in the same way (you're not constantly transmitting or anything. We used to have a family channel which was actually super useful when we needed to communicate a thing but not *urgently*)

iOS 18 beta 4: Here’s what’s new…
in reply to 9to5Mac

er, tMobile and Orange went away years ago. DO they still use those idents on their infrastructure?

I have some, hmm. Thoughts on the Alicia's Electric Keys CP70 library that came out yesterday. I think they are best explained via an audio post, so here they are.

@cachondo Sean how did you change the sound in IOS 18 for BSI mode when your configuring the braille?
in reply to Derry Lawlor

Hi Derry,
In settings, accessibility, VoiceOver, Braille Screen Input you can choose sounds in the typing feedback section, and turn them on or off for the mode announcements too. :)
in reply to Sean Randall

Thanks Sean I thought I could change one of two fo the sounds as well,

Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz gegen #Tracking-Cookies erfolgreich. #Microsoft verliert in zweiter Instanz. § 25 TTDSG/TDDDG zeigt Zähne. Glückwunsch an meine coolen Kolleg:innen bei Spirit Legal. Dieses Urteil ist ein Meilenstein.
#TeamDatenschutz #PrivacyLitigation…

Fußball, Flugbereitschaft, Annalena Baerbock

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#BVerfG #Rechtsstaat #Demokratie #noAfD

Zwei Aspekte scheinen mir bei dem Projekt zur Absicherung der #Unabhängigkeit des BVerfG besonders bemerkenswert:

- die demokratischen Kräfte haben sich in einer sehr komplexen Problematik auf sachliche Kompromisse geeinigt + treten gemeinsam dafür ein

- alle haben darauf verzichtet, "Pakete" mit Themen zu schnüren, die nix damit zu tun haben.

So geht Demokratie.

Hier die Zusammenfassung der geplanten Regelungen :…

Here’s what parenting can look like.

When I told my dad I was trans, my dad’s response was, “Oh! I can send you jewelry now!” (He was retired and made jewelry as a hobby).

Two days latter, I had a letter in the mail addressed to Joelle, the first time “Joelle” ever got mail, with a necklace in it. Later he made me this one. He told me, “I hope I got the colors right, I looked it up online.”

You don’t have to mourn a child transitioning. You can be the first to do so many affirming things.

The #curl release stream is live at

KI-Ampel in Essenbach verärgert Autofahrer | heise online…

Konečně jsem se rozhoupal vyzkoušet vyhledávač #Kagi. Zejména mi tím došlo, jak moc Google stagnuje, jak moc se překlopil na stranu inzerentů, nikoliv uživatelů. Na Kagi zatím cením hlavně to, že polovinu první strany výsledků nezabírají reklamy (kdy jste u Googlu naposledy mohli kliknout na první výsledek?) a že můžu výsledky snadno přeházet nahoru/dolů podle svých preferencí – k tomuhle existuje i vtipný globální žebříček „toho nejhoršího z webu“:…
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in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček

Ja jsem ho zkousel pred nejakou dobou a tak nejak jsem dosel k zaveru, ze vyhledavani jako sluzbu moc nepotrebuju. Google je pro me ve vetsine pripadu spis zkratka/bookmark na par webu (SO, Wiki, news...).

Vyhledavani, jako objevovani neceho, pouzivam treba 2-3x tydne.

A pak jeste vyhledavani jako x-ray, ale to je taky vyjimecne.

Ale koukam na jejich changelog a mozna to zase zkusim.

Long form - on transphobia and trans women as basilisks

That thing transphobes do, where something trips in their brains and they end up doing nothing but obsessing about trans women, while probably in a darkened room with no clean underwear surrounded by empty pot noodles and bags of their own urine.

There is a pop-psychology concept amongst tech geeks of a "basilisk". This is something that, once you become aware of it, it breaks you. You cannot come back once you have experienced the basilisk. It's a one way ticket to, usually, madness, or perhaps total system shutdown. It's generalised from the idea from antiquity of the basilisk as a creature that turns you to stone.

There's a fun story called Blit - linked here,… about a visual basilisk. Another example is something called Roko's Basilisk which is basically Pascal's wager for atheists who spend too long in Silicon Valley (it's stupid, but some of the terrible people with more money than sense, like Musk and Thiel, actually appear to believe it, and are therefore broken by it, and I reiterate, it's really, really stupid).

Anyway, in the latter case, Roko's Basilisk breaks you by becoming aware of it, BUT, here's the thing: it only works on certain people. They have to be susceptible, and in the case of Roko, the susceptibility lies around a particular weak spot in the ability of otherwise intelligent people to think critically and realise, "this is fucking stupid".

But, here's the thing, TO THOSE WHO ARE SUSCEPTIBLE, I've realised that trans women are a basilisk.

Look at people like Graham Lineman, J K Rowling, and a load of less famous people who have ended up in the same state. They all reached a point where SOMETHING relating to the fact that trans women exist tripped them into some downward doom spiral that has basically pushed their brain into a self-reinforcing state of insanity that they can't recover from.

There are probably several psychology PhDs for the taking on the subject of this.

But it seems I, and many women like me, are basilisks. This is a public post. Some of the people hate reading it have already passed the trigger condition. If you're one of them, you should probably empty some of those bags of your own wee and eat a fresh vegetable, if you can. Good luck!

My name is Sarah, and I am a basilisk. Fear me.

24px? 44px ? Wait, 48dp on Android, hu? What is the size of an accessible button exactly?
Well, it depends (haha). @eric clarifies a lot of miss conceptions around the minimum WCAG-conformant interactive element size.

Short answer:
- For 2.5.5 (AA), your target must be 24px, you can use padding (extend the size) or margin (add spacing) to achieve it. This doesn’t apply to link in blocks of text.
- Same for 2.5.8 (AAA) except you need to achieve 44px.



  • Free (36%, 8 votes)
  • Open (27%, 6 votes)
  • Net (31%, 7 votes)
  • DragonFly (4%, 1 vote)
  • Other (0%, 0 votes)
22 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

New rule for software design discussions: if your argument for a design includes the words "the unix philosophy", your design is automatically rejected, with no appeal available.

If you mean a specific design goal, say what you mean. "The unix philosophy" has half a dozen definitions, unix never followed any of them religiously at all times, and has become shorthand for "I like this and don't feel like unpacking why".

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Después de revisar el registro electrónico (tenemos un informe de asesoría y visado de texto normativo) he visto las noticias de administración electrónica, y no hay casi nada inteeresante. Mucha charla sobre IA y gobernanza de datos. Como excepción, se añade a Mi Carpeta Ciudadana la obtención de certificado de ausencia de antecedentes penales por crímenes sexuales.

#curl 8.9.0 is out:…

2 CVEs fixed
11 changes
260 bugfixes

by 80 contributors, out of which 47 authored commits

in 63 days since the previous release


Bubu :progress_pride: reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

and (finally) official curl container 8.9.0 is available, try it out > podman run -V

daniel:// stenberg:// reshared this.

After the last #bike incident I charged my old GoPro and started to use it as a dashcam. The aggression on #Prague roads is huge and I need proof when it endangers me.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Lo entiendo. Hay a quien el verano le supera. Yo voy al trabajo con ganas, como si me hubiera chutado algo (100% sin drogas). Mi calidad de vida aumentaría exponencialmente en un clima subtropical.

Hanna sat down with Henry from @techlore for an in-depth talk about #privacy, #encryption, and #email!

You can watch the full interview here 👉

in reply to Doerk

Now you can say: But I have to exchange a key with PGP as well, but that's what public keys are for.
in reply to Tuta

I only got the chance to listen to this yesterday.

Great interview. Thank you to both Hanna & Henry!

Before you put that hot take out there on social media, please remember that most employers these days check social media as part of initial screenings. That hot take could cost you a job interview. It could seriously limit your future prospects for a decent livelihood. In other words, that hot take is totally not worth it.

Navigating Hotel Apps as a Blind Traveler: Accessibility Challenges…

Blind Barbie and Assistive Technology For Visual Impairment…

Your Build AI Questions—Answered

Does anyone know if SampleTekk piano libraries are remotely accessible?

> Fast forward to 2018. OpenAI releases GPT-1, and suddenly, the future of content creation becomes crystal clear. AI-generated content, indistinguishable from human-written text, is on the horizon.

> (…)

> I'm sure that a vast amount of valuable content is being overlooked. Information that you might search for may never appear in Google's results. Not because it doesn't exist, but because Google has chosen not to include it.…

Big Tech eating itself.

in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

My response (Fedi link). Google has a longstanding bias against new sites as part of its Experience, Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT) guidelines, not in spite of them.

LLMs just exacerbated an issue that already had a long history, and Google’s established-site bias has long been visible (though perhaps less so in the past). It’d crawl instantly but not index for weeks or months.

Reply to Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content by Vincent Schmalbach

Selectivity is long overdue. Marginalia, Stract, and Teclis feel like a breath of fresh air for broad short-tail queries because they downrank or skip pages full of ads, trackers, scripts, and even SEO. However, Google’s selectivity can’t penalise such criteria as that would conflict with its ad business.

Google has a bias against new sites. This makes sense, given their spam potential. I disagree with your argument that a bias against new sites is a pivot away from Experience, Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT): it takes time for a website to become an authority and earn trust. If delayed indexing of new sites is wrong, then the problem lies with EEAT. I argue that EEAT is a good framework for an answer-focused engine, but a bad framework for a discovery- or surfing-focused engine like Marginalia or Wiby, respectively.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #Google #SearchEngines

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Evaluating Adobe’s new cloud-based auto-tagging feature for PDF accessibility…

no no, not a teams meeting, it's a meet meeting. on google meet. it might be called duo for you? i sent you a hangouts to the drive link on messages. no no not your gmail inbox, it's under "all mail", not every email goes to the inbox, haha. or if you're using the classic mode it might be under meetups or promotions. yeah where the chats used to be, before they made google voice an RCS thing. have you got it from google play? no not the green one, the new one with the multicoloured icon. you can only use the green one with legacy members. ok so the problem is you're on workspace for business, it's under google one basic now. did you try quick sharing it? no see you can't use it on a tablet, only a phone or laptop, unless you want the plus features, that only works on phones of course. honestly the easiest way from here is through the docs plugin, unless you wanna family share if you can do vowifi

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"The Biden administration has quietly pushed more than a half-dozen countries to weaken, delay or rethink baby formula regulations aimed at protecting the public’s health — sometimes after manufacturers complained, a ProPublica investigation has found."…

#PublicHealth #breastfeeding #BabyFriendly #formula #marketing #advertising #business #trade

food (lacto-veg) shitpost?

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I stg things like this in a bio continues to be a great predictor of terrible behavior:

> Straight, cis, LGBTQ+ ally.

in reply to Seirdy

shit do I need to add this to my bio

did I miss a techbro memo? am I out of compliance


in reply to khm

I just think it’s fascinating that it’s used exclusively by such a specific privileged demographic, to the point at which it’s a telltale sign. obviously it’s a minority of them.
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House Committee Calls On CrowdStrike CEO To Testify On Global Outage…

give me items for a soup, then i'll ask chatGPT to generate a recipe using those items

Please stop marketing your protocol’s use of the double ratchet algorithm as “what Signal uses” even if it’s strictly true. People confuse other E2EE protocols with the Signal protocol and get misled into thinking that OMEMO and megolm offer the same amount of privacy.

Saying you use a component of the Signal protocol is less misleading. Then again, it has many components.

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Wise Sons Deli Enhances Accessibility for the Blind and Visually Impaired with RightHear Technology…

US pol: I will not forgive or forget this RNC moment

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