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Items tagged with: Prague

After the last #bike incident I charged my old GoPro and started to use it as a dashcam. The aggression on #Prague roads is huge and I need proof when it endangers me.

Today I experienced the windshield washing me on the #Prague #bike way to work for the first time.
On the down hill ride, in 40km/h, when I am right behind another car an idiot starts to overtake me, than pushes me slowly out of the road and then also helps himself by completely blinding me out by water.
I had to stop quickly and completely to wipe my glasses which the car behind me didn't like and honked at me too.

On the today's #cycling to work I was surprised by a car heading against me in a one-way road. It was a police car...
It quite describes the traffic situation in #Prague

edit: still trying! please keep on boosting!

we're moving to #Prague! and we need some friends.
we're moving to #Czechia in September and we might be a bit lonely. so if you want to befriend a couple of quirky migrants, let me know!

I'm into #music, #FOSS, #linguistics, #DoctorWho, #TTRPG and #DropoutTV. oh, and I'm #trans.
my girlfriend likes #medicine, British television, #Disney, #Eurovision and #TrueCrime. "I am the bisexual stereotype".


#Praha #Prag #PleaseBoost

I’ve been on the #Metro, in several major cities, and without measuring, it seems to me like #Prague is one of the deepest. The escalators are super long, and super steep (you have to lean back to not fall over), and certain stops even have more than one escalator get back to street level. That must’ve been crazy to build. #PublicTransit

Yesterday and today is the #Rammstein concert in #Prague. I am not there, but I can hear the bass and even electric guitars from my balcony. I live 9km away, on the other side of the city. 🤯

Definitely one of the best live concerts I have ever been to. They are doing such a good show and yet they are so nice, natural and full of love...
#DieAntwoord in #Prague with @anna ❤️🎶

I had the pleasure to talk at #installfest in #prague today. That was a great experience. I hope my talk about #Thunderbird convinced at least one person to contribute to #Foss. I even met Mitch Altman, who it turns out uses the email client for a long time.
#linux #conference #prague

Nechce někdo 2 lístky do divadla? Dnes od 19:00. Doprovod mi onemocněl a samotnýmu se mi nechce, tak ať nepropadnou...…
#Prague #Praha

Everytime there is a new #bike lane in #Prague I read somebody to demand physical lane separators to feel more safe.
Well in #Glasgow they have these separators, but it looks like bike lines are not properly cleaned because of them...
And the added safety seems to me imaginary.
I think ordinary line is just cheaper to make, easily maintainable and over all good enough for me.

Dobré ráno vinšuji přátelé, dnes je sobota a čeká nás krásný pracovní den. Nevím co budete dělat Vy, já si obejdu dva Alberty a potom se půjdu zachumlat do peřin.
Tak hezké ráno

Setkání s bývalou kolegyní mě vždycky naplní radostí… že tam už nepracuju.

A teď domů, dneska v noci jsem sice mírně opilá, ale žádný výstřednosti nepáchám.

(Fotka je z #praha #prague #night #strašněmocdalšíchheštegů)

I just watched the second season of the #Foundation #series.
I very quickly realized it was shot in #Czechia. Everyone living in #Prague have to recoginze the New stage of National theatre and the old building of National theatre in the background.
🎥 🇨🇿

I was invited to a birthday party on the #tram T3 Coupé. It is a perfect experience. The design of the tram is just superb; The tram offers very nice views of #Prague; The people I was celebrating with were fantastic; The open back is like driving in a cabriolet; The tram was turning a lot of heads.
🚋 :prague: 🥳💙

Today I spent the evening at a slam poetry session on the roof of the Radost building.
:prague: #Prague

It's been a while since I've taken a photo! This is the Zizkov Tower in Prague, Czech Republic. It's said to be the second ugliest building in the world (second only to the Morris A. Mechanic Theatre in Baltimore). However, living in the area around it, you can't help but love it. It's a symbol that watches over you when you come home from a pub, and sits on the horizon when you're out with your family. Plus, it'll look amazing in 700 years! #photography #prague

That's cool. Owners of Irish setters meet on St. Patrick's day (well the weekend after) in Kampa #Prague. I have never seen so many dogs of a same kind. 🍀🐕

A new train station was built in my neighborhood. 👍 But entering it in winter seems to be at your own risk. ❓
:prague10: 🚆❄️⚠️

This makes me angry everytime I walk here. During railway reconstruction they took the old bridge down and built this new wider one. But they recreated the pavement under it in the old footprint. Why? It so narrow that two people can't pass each other. 😭 #prague #nonsence

Today I'm just chilling in my favourite #Prague #Banyan #TeaLounge with @anna

#Trolleybus coming back to Hanspaulka? 👍 👍 I hope they will use these two historic poles reminding the first trolleybus line in #Prague (1936)...…

Our friends from Spain visited us in #Prague. Any ideas what other restaurants should we show them in city center?