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Whoop whoop, I have great news: There's a new update for! :neobot_floof_cute:

From now on, you can view a leaderboard of instances with the most emotes! Simply enter your instance and find out how many emotes it has. With a bit of luck, your instance could make it into the Top 15 list :neobot_heart_cyan:

If you're going to suggest we ditch C++, you better have a better suggestion for what to use next other than "rewrite it in Rust". If that's your only answer, sorry not sorry, I'm not listening to you.
in reply to Quin

Depends for what, doesn't it? For low-level things that are performance-critical, Rust is indeed a good choice. But there's a lot of C++ that isn't, and could be substituted by any rando GC'd language.
in reply to modulux

@modulux There's also plenty of C++ that's just utterly fine. Windows is C++, linux is *C*, etc. Granted they've both started, very slowly, putting rust in their kernels, but C/C++ are fine, and the Rust mentality of "oh my god this language doesn't actually hold your hand through every little tiny thing and it's possible to get a paging error nuke it from orbit right now!" pisses me right off
in reply to Quin

But it keeps being not fine all the time, is the thing. Sure we can't rewrite the world in a day, but it's a good idea to move in that direction whenever possible.
in reply to modulux

@modulux Oh, of course. Don't get me wrong, you're not going to hear me saying we should continue writing everything in C++. The number of hours of my young life I've spent debugging null pointer and use after free errors has taught me that. But I A, don't really think Rust is the answer, and B, am really, really against people who want to basically throw the baby out with the bathwater, and try and rewrite the whole world in rust in a week or whatever.
in reply to Quin

Fair enough, if nothing else because it can't be done; and rewriting fast risks introducing more bugs. I do think Rust is a very good language, especially for its intended niche, but then it fits the way I think very well; I like formal methods and proofs of correctness too. What do you particularly dislike about it, if you care to comment?
in reply to modulux

it's always better to strive for languages which help us humans overcome more of our deficiencies, be that a narrow context window in the brain, combined with carelessness, all of that ads up. If we got a language which both helps us make less mistakes if we design a good API upfront, with a smarter compile, with a better type system, why not use it? if, one day, we'll get an even better language than rust, without the most horrible stuff but with the same guarantees, why not use it? I'm not saying jump on it now, now, now, but at the same time, maybe it's not a bad idea to seriously check it out and see if it works. To answer your actual question, maybe try zig? I heard it's a quite good compromise between rust and C/c++, even though I don't personally like its sintax.
in reply to the esoteric programmer

@esoteric_programmer @modulux I did try rust, I determined that it's one of the worst languages for me. I don't want to relearn how to code. I started this shit when I was 11 or 12 by reading AutoIt documentation. I don't want to throw away 6 years of learning how to code and think on Rust. It's just... not there for me. zig does look interesting though, I've been eyeing it for a while. As does Carbon.
in reply to Quin

yeah, understandable. Speaking of, here's an interesting article about that kind of thing, you'd probably enjoy it, maybe…

in reply to Quin

Haha, I guess it's time for that saying. There are two types of programming languages: those people complain about, and those nobody uses. :)
in reply to Quin

Is your problem with Rust, or the idea of rewriting everything? I understand why the latter is a problem, but I actually like Rust.

Annähernd jedes Land, jede Organisation und jedes Unternehmen setzen auf Microsoft-365-Cloud-Services und weltweit gibt es nur fünf bis sechs große Cybersicherheitsanbieter, die von allen großen Organisationen genutzt werden.

Der heutige IT-Ausfall (der wohl größte aller Zeiten), welcher auf einem einzigen Fehler von einem dieser Anbieter basiert, zeigt, welche Folgen solch eine ungezügelte Marktmonopolisierung haben kann.

#itausfall #microsoft #monopolisierung

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Tip for software companies. Your stock price can't crash when you release a bad update if your update manyages to take out the stock exchanges

No notes, it's perfect.…

TetraLogical Director @SteveFaulkner has just released a helpful guide on how WCAG 2.2 applies to native apps, especially with the new European Accessibility Act.

This guide is perfect for ensuring your apps are accessible and can provide a better user experience for everyone.

Read about it now on the TetraLogical blog:…

Hallo zusammen! 👋

Wir haben einen Bericht über die Barriere-Freiheit in Sachsen-Anhalt veröffentlicht. 📰

Der Bericht ist in Leichter Sprache. 📝

Viele Menschen haben uns erzählt, was es für Probleme gibt. 🚧

Zum Beispiel: Treppen, schlechte Straßen und keine barrierefreien Toiletten. 🚽…

We think our project's journey from nearly dead to thriving is an awesome story with lessons for any OSS project. Watch @ryanleesipes tell that story in today's #GUADEC keynote at 21:45 UTC/ 15:45 Mountain. @gnome is streaming their talks (thank you!), and you can catch his talk here:…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

GNOME reshared this.

Всё больше убеждаюсь, что всегда найдутся люди, готовые на любые неадекватные поступки, чтобы навредить окружающим, испортить кому-то жизнь или потешить своё эго.

Мы со Звонимиром и Ники уже достаточно долгое время занимаемся созданием венгерского языка для синтезатора RHVoice.
Недавно мы выпустили бета-версии первых двух голосов, Anna и Katalin.
Анна была натренирована на том же датасете, который использовался для создания венгерского голоса для Piper TTS. Каталин же была создана из публичного датасета на Kaggle, в котором какая-то девушка начитала венгерскую книгу Egri Csillagok.
Важно заметить, что у датасета указан владелец LibriVox и лицензия CC0 public domain.
То есть использование датасета вроде как возможно без упоминания источника, а уж если и упоминать владельца, то именно LibriVox.

#RHVoice #magyar #magyarul #wtf

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Cyrmax


После публикации бета-версий голосов в нескольких венгерских сообществах для незрячих, с нами связались прикольные ребята и пригласили нас в свой подкаст, чтобы мы рассказали подробнее историю создания голосов, интересные нюансы и вообще показали, как это работает на компьютерах и телефонах.
Подкаст был записан во вторник, и уже в среду был готов к запланированной в пятницу (то есть сегодня) публикации.

Однако, сегодня выяснилось, что есть владелец того самого радио, на котором должен выйти подкаст. И этот владелец не разрешает публикацию подкаста в том формате, который мы сделали.
Он требует, чтобы при представлении голоса Katalin был упомянут какой-то там венгерский фонд, он, владелец радио, лично и ещё куча всякого бреда.

#RHVoice #magyar #magyarul #wtf

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Cyrmax


Если эти условия не будут соблюдены, то он запретит выход подкаста, и никто ни о чём не узнает.
Свои требования он аргументировал тем, что якобы эта девушка записывала датасет под эгидой того самого фонда, а он вроде как каким-то образом к этому фонду относится или что-то в этом роде.

Никаких документов, сайтов, лицензий и других доказательств кроме его слов мы не увидели, но у человека есть реальная возможность насрать в тапки создателям подкаста, заблокировать новые выпуски или вообще выгнать их с этого радио.

#RHVoice #magyar #magyarul #wtf

in reply to Cyrmax


Вроде бы сейчас Ники договорилась, что в подкасте будет только упомянут факт, что какой-то (без имён) венгерский фонд участвовал в записи датасета, но не более того.
Естественно никуда в лицензию к голосу на гитхабе и на других ресурсах мы этот бред писать не собираемся, ибо датасет взят легально из источника, на котором никакие фонды не упоминаются.
Но, чтобы подкаст вообще вышел в свет, пришлось пойти на вот такие уступки.

Какой же неадекватный бред, на самом деле.
И такие люди почему-то оказываются у руля и решают, чему быть, а чему не быть. Особенно актуально для множества незрячих сообществ в разных странах.

#RHVoice #magyar #magyarul #wtf

in reply to Cyrmax

Этот хрен по имени Pál Zsolt (он же Pille), реально считает, что если он нашёл в гугле датасет на Kaggle, а его друг отправил ссылку нам, то они имеют право считаться участниками и чуть ли не владельцами проекта :)
Господи, как же насрано у людей в головах.
Жаль, я не могу поделиться с вами перепиской, ибо она на венгерском, но тут такой стыд происходит, что просто жесть.
Мужику 40 с лишним лет, а он угрожает нам, что если мы не будем вести себя хорошо, как он хочет, то его команда не выпустит новые голоса для Piper TTS.
Я вам скажу там такое хреновое качество звучания, что венгерские незрячие не так много и потеряют, если он так поступит.

#pille #RHVoice #magyar #magyarul

in reply to Cyrmax

не «нашел в гугле ссылку на датасет», а «занимался консультированием и сбором критически необходимой информации из открытых источников»

во всяком случае, так он написал бы в резюме :blobcatgooglytrashthumbsup:

in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@mo но ему лень и по хуй писать открыто, знаешь. Он хочет выёбываться.
Unknown parent

Zvonimir Stanecic
плюс, в каждом языке, что ни странно, иностранец научится материться. Это странная, но рабочая хуйня.

Okay so you know, bunch of shitposting and all that, but a serious interlude:

Someone pushed the button to start this rollout. They are probably having a _really_ bad time right now.

If someone at Crowdstrike knows who that is, please go and check on them, give them a hug, tell them it's not their fault, that it's going to be okay. No matter what the company line is on blameless culture whatever, the lizard brain is in charge right now and needs reassurance.

reshared this

in reply to Dave Anderson

@pixelate if it makes a hard impact on even clinics nobody should be hugged. They should be fired.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic


Zvonimir, I recommend you visit the original page for this post and read the rest of the comments.


Maybe rather than trying to shove AI and ads in every portion of Windows Microsoft should focus on not letting their cybersecurity partners take down computers and networks all over the world.

#fail #crowdstrike #microsoft

in reply to Brian Sletten

@pixelate I fuck Ai in general. People started to get dumber and more lazier because of it. I se it everydayin a way like: oh! gemini or chat gpt or blah blah blah will solve my problem instantly. They use it as such, without learning new skills themselves.

what do I do today? initial candidates:

  • agda
  • SDR in the browser
  • linker necromancy
in reply to Alba 🌸 :v_pat:

the thing that makes this especially complicated for my little brain is that in OFDM, in addition to carrier sync I need symbol sync
in reply to Alba 🌸 :v_pat:

no recommendations for dynamic systems / control theory so far, and I don't want to bother Roz so I think I'll search for courses online

This #CrowdStrike thing is as close as Fedi gets to the World Cup

PSA: Some of y'all are getting confused by this...

The #Crowdstrike outage is affecting local (bare metal and VM) Windows servers and user machines running Crowdstrike globally.

All of the issues around the world right now aren't because O365/azure was down earlier yesterday. That was an unrelated issue with their cloud services; the Crowdstrike issue isn't an MS cloud service outage.

I’m talking today about parental controls and digital wellbeing, first locally in Berlin and then remotely in Denver,…

#GUADEC #BerlinMiniGuadec

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Today I will be talking at #GUADEC about Gameeky, one of my coolest projects to date 😁…

Watch it live here

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Opening event of not so small mini-GUADEC in Berlin
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Наконец-то, после долгого времени, выпускаю хорватскую версию RHVoice. Надо с чем-то закончить неделю.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@mo Мне похуй на эту большую компанию, которая словила факап. Я тоже знаю дорогая Мо, что говорят о релизах в пятницу, но оно на меня не действует. Никогда я не славливал факуп после такого.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

да даже без факапов. Вот зарелизишь, юзеры прибегут за помощью, а у тебя выходные...
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@mo Плюс, я свои рилизы снабдеваю детальным мануалом, так что, пусть пользователи читают и следят.
in reply to Cyrmax

@cyrmax @mo Конечно, на серваке ещё одн експериментальная тренируется.

Всё, что не упало, работало не на Винде.

Интернет не упал, сайты не попадали, оплаты проходят.

The World runs on Linux

Может быть, перепрыгнуть уже с Манжары на Арч?

–если у тебя вышло установить линукс, то с этим точно проблем быть не должно

я со своим бедным арчем, который поставить минут 20 без особых проблем: :ablobcatraindepressed:

in reply to mnnwvn

Тогда чини драйвера и модули фирмвары. Удачи. Беда с процессорами AMD

Жена отправляет программиста в магазин
- Возьми палку колбасы. Если яйца есть - то возьми десяток

программер пришел в магаз
- У вас есть яйца?
- Есть
- Тогда мне десять палок колбасы

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Any sufficiently bad software update is indistinguishable from a cyberattack…

reshared this

Please please please can we name this incident "CrowdStrike: Global Offensive" ?

Last talk of today is Georges Stavracas's presentation on calendaring on the modern desktop, at 14:05 MDT (20:00 UTC):…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I've been getting a lot of requests lately, both in DMs and publicly, about implementing ActivityPub into AudioPub. I would like to address these requests here because I'm getting quite a lot of them.
AudioPub is going to stay independent. That's a decision I've carefully considered, and I believe it's the best path forward for the project's health.
When I open-sourced this project, it wasn't a step towards joining the Fediverse. It was about sharing the code, not changing AudioPub's fundamental nature. The open-source nature of the project does mean you have the choice to fork it and add federation yourself into your instance if that's something you're passionate about.
I like the community here, but the Fediverse culture isn't quite the right fit for AudioPub. Moderation would become overwhelmingly more complex for a single person or even if we get a team in the future. And honestly, it's just not the direction I want for this project.
I hope this clarifies my stance on the matter and the requests stop. Thank you for your understanding, and I'm willing to discuss this if you have something to say.


Today at 11:55 MDT (17:55 UTC), Patrick Griffis is going to be talking about developing WebKit with wkdev-sdk:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #webkit #igalia

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Video recording of Developing @WebKitGTK Made Easy at #GUADEC:…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

When Sean Bean was cast as Ned Stark in Game of Thrones, says The Guardian, he was asked to play the role using received pronunciation. He refused and stuck to his own Sheffield accent. As a result, all the actors playing other members of the Stark family (including the RP-speaking Kit Harington and Scottish Richard Madden) had to put on a northern accent, too.

The German navy is modernising, says Ars Technica, and that means finally ending its reliance on floppy disks. The nation’s F123 frigates use the removable storage devices for their onboard data acquisition systems, which are responsible for controlling the warship’s engines and power generation. In fairness, the Germans aren’t alone in taking their time to move on from the 1960s-era tech: the US Air Force only stopped using them for its intercontinental ballistic missile command in 2019.

This is a blast from the past for me, Armadillo Army. I love this game, but I don't think I'd pay $40 for it.…

So people paid and gave the keys of all their IT infrastructure to one incompetent company they knew nothing about because they were afraid of being taken down by a malevolent hacker in a black hoodie.

(yes, incompetent because no modern system should push a global update in production without at least some staging and revert mechanisms)

Is it just me or people just have what they deserve?

reshared this

in reply to ploum

@clv0 No, people have what they deserve, because of their ignorancy.


Crowdstrike published a faulty update. Causes Windows to bluescreen. Driver is C-00000291*.sys. Will cause worldwide outages. Thread follows, I suspect. 🧵

Ok, I'm done here today, i.e. *we* are done here. I believe I'll take a break from #WeAreDevelopers next year - it was mostly boring, with only a few interesting topics.

I haven't eveb booked the early-bird ticket for next year, which I usually do on the second day...

in reply to imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: :verifiedomnisexual: [witchzard]

Based on the posts I've seen from you, I can understand why. I hope the current obsession with "AI" passes quickly. It would be much more interesting to talk about reversing current trends to build software that uses resources efficiently, especially on our users' machines, and doing so in a way that itself doesn't use as much energy as LLMs do.