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Photo of early Chrome Alpha build before they'd locked down the UI.
in reply to Longwing

@Annalee this contraption is in the Biblioteca Palafoxiana, in Puebla, Mexico. You can visit!

in reply to Jonasnuts

quando escreves que o voto em papel é “simples e acessível a todos”, ignoras a quantidade não irrelevante de almas que por nãoverem, não conseguirem usar as mãos ou não conseguirem chegar a uma assembleia de voto. Há algumas tentativas bem intencionadas, como a matriz em braille, mas resolvem muito pouco.
in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb a questão da acessibilidade é relevante, sim. Nas assembleias de voto existe a dificuldade de acesso para cadeirantes. As cabines de voto é demasiado alta. Dei por isso quando comecei a ir para as mesas. Seja como for, o voto eletrónico não resolve nenhum desses problemas. Temos de tornar o atual sistema mais inclusivo. Claramente.
in reply to Jonasnuts

com isto não estou a advogar pelo voto electrónico, de todo. No entanto há coisas a resolver. Eu tenho alguma dificuldade em argumentar com pessoas cegas, como eu;”, que pensam ter no voto electrónico una solução mais acessível e, no caso particular, mais secreta. Voto acompanhado é tudo menos secreto. Como bem argumentaste os riscos de segurança complicam muito.
in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb o boletim em braille não resolve? De que forma é que se poderia mitigar esse problema para cegos e amblíopes?
in reply to Jonasnuts

boletim em braille assume que a maioria das pessoas cegas lê braille, o que não é verdade. Mas mesmo que assim fosse, nunca poderias ter boletins diferentes para pessoas, facilmente se saberia em que e que o unico cego da mesa teria votado. Existe por cá a matriz em braille, que colocas por cima do boletim em braille, no entanto é pouco fiável, na minha opinião.
in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb das duas vezes que estive em mesas, verifiquei a correção das matrizes contra os boletins e das duas vezes estava tudo certo. Mas sim, temos de pensar de forma mais inclusiva. As associações têm de fazer um melhor trabalho na divulgação das dificuldades, por um lado, os governos têm de governar para todos e as pessoas têm de ser mais empáticas e menos umbiguistas (não necessariamente por esta ordem).
in reply to Jonasnuts

a matriz ajuda, eu uso-a sempre que existe, porém nunca tenho confiança total que votei correctamente. A matriz pode ter saído do sitio, a caneta pode não ter escrito, impossível verificar. Mas claro, quem não aprendeu braille, e é o caso da maioria das pessoas com cegueira adquirida, continua dependente.
in reply to Jonasnuts

até acho que as associações têm feito algum trabalho com a CNE e o MAI, a matriz foi exemplo disso. Os governos PS também propiciaram mais isso. Só que são gotas no oceano.
in reply to Jonasnuts

tambem não sei como resolver. Por isso mesmo entendo quem tenha a esperança legitima de que situações como estas se mitiguem com o voto electrónico, tal como acontece noutros países… Mas a segurança e a..
in reply to Jonasnuts

a ideia que tentaram em Évora tinha pontos que poderiam ser pensados - aquilo gerava papel, no fundo - mas parece ter corrido tão mal em todos os aspectos que mais vale ignorar.
in reply to Rui Batista


O voto eletrónico não é uma alternativa com vantagens em relação ao voto acompanhado, quer em termos de confiança quer de privacidade. Em quem preferimos confiar: numa pessoa que conhecemos ou numa máquina programada por desconhecidos e da qual não podemos verificar o funcionamento?


in reply to António Manuel Dias

@ammdias concordo em parte e tenho a sorte de ter pessoas em quem posso confiar para isso. Nem toda a gente o tem. Por outro lado o voto electrónico é hipoteticamente auditavel. Seja como for o voto acompanhado e o voto electrónico não são comparáveis, são planos diferentes.

Almost all European web sites fail accessibility test - Techzine Europe…

Apple’s ‘Help Me Choose’ Mac Buying Tool Drives Accessibility As Hard As It Does Capitalism…

DuckDuckGo has committed a cardinal sin today. I did a regular web search in my browser, and instead of providing search results this popup appeared. Does anyone have any recommendations for alternative search engines (that aren't Google, Yahoo, or Bing)? I would really appreciate something with the !Bang shortcuts DDG has.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Chris 🌱

I use ddg daily and this has only ever popped up for me when clicking on the “chat” filter. Is there any chance you clicked on it by accident?

A cube has six faces. There should be 64 named food shapes on this grid. In 32 of them, the filling should fall to the floor immediately.

Don't play like you're doing science if you're not really willing to think it through.

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites: 5 Tips for Repelling Insects This Summer…

in reply to Shyra “Tech Ambrosia”

FWIW, if such a resume happens to be read by a blind human, they'd catch this trick. Hopefully they'd be impressed by it.

🤔 “The recent ‘Longest Ballot’ action in #TorontoStPauls has only ever participated in Liberal ridings & one NDP riding. NOT ONE Conservative held riding. Running 74 fake spoiler candidates who don’t live, support, or even campaign, in the communities they target, is so clearly a dirty trick & an abuse of rules & norms, benefiting #Conservatives. The organizers claim to be independent, but the ridings they target tell another story.” - @HeatherMoAndCo
#cdnpoli #toronto
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

„Seit Jahren sind rund 50 % meiner Mandantinnen im Durchschnitt knapp 4 Wochen zu Unrecht in Haft - durch rechtskräftige Entscheidung festgestellt. Geschätzt 85 bis 90 % aller Abschiebehaftverfahren beim BGH erweisen sich als rechtswidrig.“ Und durch dieses System sollen jetzt ohne Reform noch mehr Menschen gehen? 👇Pflichtlektüre für alle Praktiker*innen und Rechtspolitiker*innen. Hier besteht offensichtlicher (und seit Jahren verschleppter) Handlungsbedarf! 🚧…

took a while, but now curl container is the top level curl container on quay - #curl

Hey VIA Rail, I know you say you have HEPA filters and stuff, but how about some fresh air? This is far worse than an airplane. 1980's LRC car, 5 hour trip from Toronto to Montreal. #co2 #aranet #viarail #covid

"Coup attempt in Bolivia! Soldiers entered the government building"
in reply to b9AcE

"Bolivia armed forces mobilize in La Paz as coup fears rise"…
"Bolivian president warns ‘irregular’ military deployment under way in capital, raising coup fears"…

A new documentary tells the stories of three Palestinian families as they have fought to survive nine months of genocide.…

@pluralistic has an #OpenLetter to #PolicyMakers to create a regulatory environment to prevent the #enshittification of our already partly enshittified #CleanTech…

You need to read it, but most importantly, those who can actually, factually, change the system, before we're broke, living in a tent next to a mountain of #EWaste, need to read it.

In #Germany, I'm looking at you: @Bundesregierung @BNetzA

Wenns auf #Deutsch sein soll, geb einfach Bescheid.

in reply to Oliver Sampson

One thing I think we desperately need is the Framework Laptop, but for EV's. My dad used to have a kit car business, and that would seem to translate well to EVs. Get an EV Chassis with an isolated CAN bus and use standardized or custom parts to complete. Ditto non-proprietary, privacy-focused software for other functions. It should be possible to actually own your vehicle.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

I wrote some of this in a reply to another thread, but it's worth making into its own post so it's as loud and clear as can be.

Sun Microsystems used to pay people to work on GNOME accessibility and specifically, the Orca screenreader. Sun wasn't even selling Linux; they were selling Solaris, their own proprietary Unix.

Oracle then bought Sun. They promptly fired the people working on GNOME accessibility. Here's the irony. Oracle has its own Linux distro, Oracle Linux. This is a RHEL derivative with RedHat branding replaced by Oracle branding. There is optional commercial support.

The Wikipedia article about Oracle tells me that Oracle's net income is $10.47 billion in 2024. Oracle's CEO to employee pay ratio is 1205 to 1. The CEO's compensation in 2017 was $108,295,023.

Some of that income definitely comes from Linux. Some of it definitely comes from governments, like the US government. How is it that Oracle couldn't afford to pay people to work on Linux accessibility? How comes it that the US has an Americans with Disabilities Act, while the government still continues to do business with this company that blatantly fucked over blind Linux users?

When we talk about companies strip-mining the free software commons, this is a fine example to use.

Fuck Oracle, fuck Larry Ellison, and fuck capitalism.

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#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated & 1 added apps:

* Scroll Block: take control over your scrolling habits

1 app had to be removed for security reasons: PackageViewer (com.mai.packageviewer) had the full credentials & the keystore file in their Github repo, and it's author responded only with "ignore". We can't ignore this, so it had to be removed (and the leaked signing key blacklisted).

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

"Der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) hat für den morgigen Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024, eine Hitzewarnung mit starker Wärmebelastung für die Region #Köln ausgesprochen"
#hitze #klima…

From Brewster Kahle—I Set Out to Build the Next Library of Alexandria. Now I Wonder: Will There Be Libraries in 25 Years?…

You can now get 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for Free…

FSCast 246, a visit with Dr. Tim Cordes, plus Crystal Jones talks about Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk…

Two New Artificial Intelligence Laws and Their Effects on Accessibility…

Star Wars: Andor season two – Krennic to return…

Přesně tohle jsem dostal za úkol na jednom pohovoru.
Otázka zněla, jakým způsobem dostaneš odpověď?
Vypočítáš? Zapájíš?
in reply to chiptronCZ

Dodnes nechápem ako som dostal skúšku z elektra... Na štvrtý pokus ale predsa a poctivo 😂

Auch zwei Wochen nach WM-Beginn hat die Stadt @koeln immer noch keinerlei Info zum Radverkehr veröffentlicht. Der Artikel zur Rheinuferstraße behandelt nur Sperrungen für Autos und Parken von Autos. Die mehrwöchige Sperrung des Radwegs wird verschwiegen.……

Looks like Apple just released the fix for a security vulnerability in AirPods that I've found a while ago:…

If you're interested in a few more details, I've blogged about it now:…

#ChatControl is on the agenda again: Hungary schedules debate in October and adoption in December.

We need to start preparing now. First step: Find allies!…

Cartoon AI-generated

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Worst Home Security Myths: Debunking These Worn-Out Assumptions…

“Wir sind überfordert mit dem Ausländerhass, nicht mit den Flüchtlingen selbst”, sagte ein CSU-Landrat. Eine Studie zeigt: Die Kommunen kommen immer besser mit der Unterbringung zurecht. Warum du so selten die positiven Nachrichten hörst.…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Volksverpetzer

«Schutzsuchende Männer, die bereits acht Jahre in Deutschland leben, arbeiten derzeit zu 86 % – im Vergleich zu 80 % bei Deutschen. Die Gründungsquote von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund ist doppelt so hoch wie die von Einheimischen. […]

[…] warum du von diesen Nachrichten wahrscheinlich noch gar nichts mitbekommen hast? Dass anerkannte Asylsuchende weniger oft tatverdächtig werden als der Durchschnitt, ist eine Tatsache […]»

Danke, @Volksverpetzer !…

Accent color in webpages is fun :3 (camera video because it's a VM and lags when changing colors during screen recording)

How would you feel about a less outdated Planet GNOME? @felipeborges deserves my utter gratitude for finally moving that giant boulder. Let's make it happen!…

Some GNOME websites are getting modernized and simplified, but Planet GNOME has fallen behind. Not anymore. I started a prototype for a Python script to publish Planet GNOME with GitLab Pages/CI.

As Planet GNOME Editor, I am often asked to look for blog and syndication issues I couldn’t really address due to limited server-side access. With this, debugging indexing issues should be easier as it is just about looking at the CI job output.

Also, the Planet website is perceived as messy and outdated. So this work allowed Jakub Steiner to quickly jump in and restyle the page from a clean state.

Try it live at felipeborges.pages.gitlab.gnom… and let me know what you think. Keep in mind this is a proof of concept. Tips, feedback, and contributions are welcome in the project repo.

This still doesn’t produce the global Planet rss feed, just the webpage, but that’s in my TODO list too.

P.S.: I know feed readers/parsers can over-request rss/atom feeds. So I plan to cache data and use metadata to avoid redundant downloads before this is even considered as a replacement for the current Planet implementation. No worries. 😉…

#blogs #feeds #gitlab #gnome #planet #rss

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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I wrote about my feelings of frustration and powerlessness in the face of mass-LLM scraping of the open web, and trying to do something about it.…

Christian Lindner lebt seit er 21 ist von Steuergeldern, damals wurde er Abgeordneter. Davor war er Geschäftsführer eines Start-ups für “komplexe Softwarelösungen”, das ihn zuerst entließ und dann trotzdem pleiteging, was etwa die KfW 1,2 Mio kostete.

Nur so als Kontext.