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Ok, so I know Biden just resigned and all, but are you looking at the exciting stuff the GNOME design team has worked on this year??


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I’m going to reiterate what I said the other day. I don’t give one shit who the Dem nominee AGAINST FASCISM is. I ONLY CARE that FASCISM LOSES.

Sad! No Rim for now. Will try it again in like 30 minutes, I guess. Now I'm determined to find out if it's better with keyhooking than NVDA Remote, or not. Hmm But for now: "504 Gateway Time-out"

From #DadSaysJokes Did you know, an opinion without 3.14 is an onion!

Think about it...

Trump is now the oldest POTUS candidate ever nominated by a major party.

He has repeatedly confused Biden with Obama and Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He fell asleep at his criminal trial.

Will the media scrutinize his age & mental decline with the fervor it focused on Biden?

I can’t believe the GOP is running an old guy for president. Yikes.

I know this is obvious, but I still decided to run through the following exercise. I asked OpenAI to analyze its own description of a photo. Here is what we came up with: The logical pattern of the description primarily follows a "concrete to generic" approach. Here's a breakdown of how this pattern unfolds:

1. **Concrete Details about the Main Subject**:
- The description begins with specific details about the man: his appearance and attire. (1/5)

in reply to victor tsaran

- "The photo shows a man sitting at an outdoor café. He has short, light brown hair and is wearing a pink T-shirt with a black shoulder strap across his chest."

2. **Concrete Details about the Immediate Surroundings**:
- It then moves to the specific details of what is immediately around the man: the table and the coffee. (2/5)

Unknown parent

victor tsaran
This progression from specific, concrete details to more general, contextual information helps build a vivid and complete picture of the scene, starting with what is most immediately noticeable and expanding outward to give a fuller sense of the environment and setting.
this is a really nice pattern. I think this is why these descriptions sound so palatable:) And here is the picture itself! :) ! (5/5)


Sensitive content

Politically, Biden's dropping out creates all sorts of uncertainty.

Procedurally, however, what happens how is extremely clear: The DNC will use its convention to officially designate its nominees for president and vice president, and those people will appear on the ballot in all 50 states, DC, etc.

A summary of state ballot access laws, from the officials who run the elections, is at…

It would have been much more complicated if this had occurred after the convention.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Y'all, I'm really thinking of this Rim subscription. Does anyone know if it installs its own keyboard driver or keyhook so that audio games like Mist World can still be controled?

Do Democrats have enough time to find a different path to victory?

It's actually not an unusual concept.

Until 1968, presidential candidates were always picked by party conventions.

And that process, though providing less public input, also produced some great nominees.…

#Biden #Election2024 #USPolitics #Histodons @histodons

Just heard Gordan Ramsay on TV yelling, "Where there is fat there is flavor," I know he wasn't speaking directly to me, but I'm taking it as a compliment. I'm not fat, I'm flavorful.

I believe we will win.

(If we all work for it.)

I believe will will win.


If the rumors are true, this week could be another exciting week for opensource LLMS! Meta may release Llama-3-405b on this Tuesday. Also there could be updates to 8b and 70b models distilled from 405B. Joe Spisak, a product director at Meta says they were initially going to call Llama 3 8b and 70b a prerelease or preview because these models didn't have all the things they planned to release.
#AI #ML #llm
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 No, it doesn't work. I lost faith in multimodal on llama.cpp, which Ollama relies on. Llama.cpp dropped multimodal support on March 7 (supposedly temporarily), but there is no momentum or interest among the devs to bring it back. They all seem preoccupied with providing immediate next day support for new text-only LLMs being released constantly.
in reply to Chi Kim

Interesting. I'm sort of getting tired of all these models being released every day. It increasingly looks more and more like a gaming exercise! :)

Hey @FreakyFwoof what does onj stand for? Is that something I should know by now? :)

And Track 2 talks on the livestream here:…

GUADEC day 3 will be back from the break soon. Catch Track 1 talks in 15 mins on the livestream here:…
#GUADEC 2024

Game on, folks. Whoever (Harris) inherits the nomination (Harris) is going to need an enormous amount of support to get over the line.
in reply to Matt May

Agree. Especially that US is still so full of anti-women citizens. She may be one of the best candidate, but you know, she is a woman. So, yeah, I hope she has a message and great campaign staff who will fight for her tooth and nail. Otherwise, it's going to be Hillary repeat...

Z-Library: More Domains Seized Than Any Other Pirate Site in History * TorrentFreak…

Joe Biden just announced on Twitter that he would not be seeking reelection.
"Why am I posting about this", you didn't ask? Well, he announced it in a letter, contained in an image, with the alt text of "A letter from president Biden". So for anyone curious what that letter actually said, here's a transcription. I had GPT transcribe it since Windows OCR was mangling parts of it, and OneStep Reader was even worse, but Aira verified the accuracy of it.
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in reply to Squish

That's a lot of fun chaos when you look at it from the other side of the world where the government is not even a thing. Laughs.

US Democrats are fretting in July about getting a candidate for a November election in respect of taking office in January.

We would have had five Conservative Prime Ministers in the same time period.

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in reply to SuspiciousDuck

čo si myslíš že robím preto aby som omladol? @Sandruska93 a váž svoje slová, nie ako so svojími kliknutiami prosím.. jedna zlá odpoveď je ban, ešte je možnosť nehovoriť nič
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Wow maybe they are onto something!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Please stop balloon releases: You’re killing wildlife. They aren’t going to heaven, they’re wrapping around the legs and necks of migratory birds, and killing them.

#AndroidAppRain at today with 9.5 updated and 1 added apps:

* ShikiApp: an unofficial Shikimori mobile app

The .5 update is, urn, Update.Me which forgot to increase the versionCode. So if you use this app, you might wish to manually update by simply installing it again as if it were not yet there 🙈

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Watching #GUADEC2024 and just heard I received the #GNOME "Pants of Thanks" award for my contributions over the years! 🎉

I'm extremely happy with this recognition! This community has done so much for me, changing my life in unimaginable ways. Because of that, I've made it my mission to help others onboard and succeed in our project. Thanks, everyone! I wish I was there in Denver to enjoy the conference with you. ❤️

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Congratulations to the winner of this year's Pants of Thanks Award, Felipe Borges @felipeborges ! Thank you for all your hard work and many many contributions to GNOME!


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Ich kann nicht mehr: Die Freiheitspartei will in Bremen die geschlechtergerechte Sprache verbieten ...…