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Beim Klimaschutz geschehe systematischer Rechtsbruch, sagt Rechtsanwalt Remo Klinger @umwelthilfe im DLF. Deshalb seien Klagen auf mehr Klimaschutz oft erfolgreich.…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

SCAM ALERT: Data centers bring practically zero local jobs. They are a tax break scam everywhere they operate.

"Washington lawmakers approved a tax break for data centers to create more jobs in rural Washington, but they can’t say how many jobs the state actually got. Repeated expansions turned a modest program to bring a budding industry to rural areas into one of the biggest corporate tax giveaways in the state."…

It's amazing how fast we adopt shit technology that doesn't work, wrecks the environment and fucks over people (e.g. generative AI) but how much resistance on all levels of society there is to adopt well-working technology that saves lives and protects people (e.g. proper indoor ventilation to prevent spread of disease).
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

If case you couldn't tell, I'm extremely fucking tired of hearing tech evangelism from strangers.
in reply to Soatok Dreamseeker

Then the Matrix fans flooded my mentions. One tried to talk over me and recommend Matrix instead of Signal (and even went as far as to shout "DON'T USE SIGNAL" in all caps) on

So I wrote a gist about why I don't expect the Matrix devs to develop a secure protocol.…

This was intended to be off my usual publishing path, so as to not bog down my blog's regular readers with needless debates. Instead, I just wanted something I could copy/paste into the replies of the Matrix evangelists.

in reply to Soatok Dreamseeker

And then one of the Matrix devs tried to "correct" my opinion in a Gist comment. This prompted me to actually look at the Matrix codebase and find some cryptographic bugs. Blog post going live on the 14th about that.

Several more people also replied (which I have since deleted) to evangelize XMPP + OMEMO.

They bought and paid for… with their misconduct.

inspired by @darius's talk at #fossy24 about the study he and @kissane did about fediverse moderation, i figured i would outline how treehouse moderation works.

so if that does not interest you, feel free to mute this thread.

in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

it is also important to realize that moderation is effectively a form of "community policing".

this means that it will only work if the folks doing the moderation are respected members of the community.

this means that you shouldn't bring in outsiders to do your moderation -- they need social capital inside the community in order to be effective.

in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

moderation is not necessarily about whacking things with a big stick either.

most of the time, simply taking a user aside and saying "can we not?" is enough to get the behavior to stop.

freenode (RIP) referred to this approach as catalysing. has an entire playbook on it:

the goal of moderation is to keep productive conversation flowing and the temperature low.

#DnD #DungeonsAndDragons picks of the day:

➡️ @DnDFanatics - Unofficial news & review site all about D&D

➡️ @deidungeon - Online shop selling vintage D&D items

➡️ @FRWiki - Wiki about Forgotten Realms

➡️ @eberronwiki - Wiki about Eberron

➡️ @MerricB - Blogging about D&D

➡️ @randomwizard - Posting about classic TTRPGs incl. D&D

➡️ @MasteringDnD - Podcast about D&D & RPGs

➡️ @dnddeutsch - German-language site about D&D TTRPG

➡️ @Nat1Advice - Humorous advice about how to play D&D

🧵 1/2

Myslím, že takhle nějak asi chutná zimní směs do ostřikovačů. Třeba to někdo potřebuje vědět. #alkohol
in reply to brabitom

@brabitom Hostitel @andrej to přinesl když už tam bylo po dně. Naštěstí. A stejně ještě zbylo. Asi :-D Prý jako nový nebyl tak zlý.

Andrej měl ještě druhý vzorek, to už byla o něco lepší směs do ostřikovačů. Ale výrobce raději nenapsal složení... ;-)

меня успешно забанили в гугле
in reply to mnnwvn

Как ты этого добилась? Поздравляю!

Gentle reminder: You are complete, whole, and worth loving, regardless of how much your mind might be struggling right now. You are important and priceless even when your mind is telling you otherwise.✨✨✨✨

@Friendica Support
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, wie ich eine ganze Instanz aufrufen kann?
Wenn ich z.B. in die Suche eingebe, dann erscheinen Beiträge von unterschiedlichen Instanzen.
in reply to Thomas

@Thomas meinst du das vielleicht:

server - Verwende "server:hostname" um Beiträge von einem bestimmten Server zu suchen. Im Falle eine Gruppen-Postings enthält der Suchtext beides, den Hostname des Gruppen-Servers und den Hostname des Autors.

unter /help/Channels

Вот я умею ставить арч без установщика. Я могу собрать Gentoo. Могу настроить сервер. Написать всякий разный код

Но не умею устанавливать винду.

Киньте в меня пожалуйста инструкции, как поставить десятку на физическое железо чтобы:
- она минимально раздражала пользователя своими онлайн функциями
- была по возможности ванильной, а не чьей-то левой сборкой
- чем щас актуально её активировать? (лицензионный ключ не предлагать)

in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

В десятке можно выключить интернет раздражители, просто не подключаясь к вай-фай. Ты не задаёшь тупые вопросы. Рад помочь тебе, поскольку устанавливал винду в разных красках и конфигурациях.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael во время установки, или..? Потом то интернет нужен будет все равно
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Да, во время установки. На втором шагу, когда оно спросит про страну и прочую поебень. Интернет, ты, конечно, можешь включить после установки.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Если интернет по проводу, выключи провод, поскольку сетевые карты обнаруживаются без но.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael ну это само собой. Просто вдруг она потом начнёт, дорвавшись до интернета и обновлений
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Когда она дорвётся д интернета, она может безопасно качать обновления и драйвера. Это не проблематично.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Кстати, раз то говорим об установке осей, то есть ли где-нибудь в природе нечто на подобии автоустановщика, либо Unattended процеса для Арча? Хочется сделать пререход с винды, но я поклонник в таких случаях автоматизации.
in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

Я себе тоже делаю автоустановочные скрипты для винды, а пусть будут на случай. Помогали, когда надо было чей-нибудь комп починить.

Breaking: Female Olympian criticized for being too good at her sport.

What software are #blind people using these days to OCR full books?

Matt Campbell reshared this.

in reply to Rui Batista

@matt K 1000 still exists so I thought it was worth mentioning. I actually have it and use it to san documents and convert them to PDF.

Thanks to @FluidEscence, I just learned you can customize touchpad gestures. Windows has presets like volume or switching desktops, but you can also bind any hotkey to a gesture. Right now, a 3 finger tap restarts NVDA, just as a test. I never knew this was possible.…

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I really liked that final MHA chapter. I think it perfectly rounds out the themes of the story.

Whenever I find a new MIDI synth, even one I know is bad, I find myself wanting to know everything about it. What are its note ranges? How does it work? What can it do? What can it not do?
in reply to Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

Oh yeah that thing. I used to think it was decent until I realised so many of its samples are really low quality
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach Yeah, they are, though Roland implemented more than I thought they did. By default, it only responds to GM2, but enabling GS in the settings allows access to several SC-88Pro patches, such as voice dahs, the new Asian drums and some of the basses. Perhaps the yoooo sample in VSC is based on the original? I noticed it's somewhat longer than the Sound Canvas version.


Sensitive content

Priznajte sa, kto to bol?…

What’s the status of threads in #Matrix chats? They’ve been available in Element for around 2 years now I think, but from what I observe no other clients support them. Not even Element X supports them.
in reply to Paul Richards

threads were added to the matrix spec in 1.4:…. EX will presumably support them eventually, but is still being built.

Was mir so gerade klar wird:
-Ich bin jetzt Single
-Ich behalte meinen Nachnamen, weil ich ihn mit Familie verbinde
-Auch wenn Entscheidungen richtig sind, man sollte die Lebensveränderden vielleicht etwas vorbereiten
in reply to Distravinyl 2.0👑

Dir bzw. euch sehr viel Kraft und Durchhaltevermögen. Egal auf welcher Seite man steht, sowas ist immer fordernd.
Unknown parent

Excited about this year's @wpa11yday keynote speaker! Don't miss it!… #WordPress #a11y

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This initiative calls to require publishers that sell or license videogames to consumers in the European Union (or related features and assets sold for videogames they operate) to leave said videogames in a functional (playable) state.

To be successful, a European citizens' initiative has to reach one million statements of support as well as minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries.

telegram link:

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Dnes jsem to měl akorát. Od Lokte začalo poprchávat, tak nebyl čas ani na #birellovka a aj jsem #cyklovýlet malinko zkrátil, ale dobrá zpráva , že ještě týden v práci a pak dva týdny dovolená
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

Já tento týden zjistil, že pás v posilce umí přehrávat televizní noviny, tak je pouźívám, jako nový časovač :D

Dixons' Commodore VIC-20 advertisement along with the Dragon 32 and TI-994A. #RetroComputing

"The Open-Source AMD GPU Linux Kernel Graphics Driver Nears 5.8 Million Lines"

Insane is a word that comes to my mind.

That's about 33 times the size of curl - for a set of drivers.…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Sensitive content

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

a fine illustration of the world most software engineers would be living in if we didn't have the facade of the x86 ISA hiding inter-generational microarchitecture differences from us.

Máme už nejakú medailu? Ak keď nebudeme mať žiadnu, bude sa za to zodpovedať kpt. Danko?

edit: ah shit

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Blind Information Technology Specialists FUNDRAISING With Terri Lynn
Our group is working to help blind and low vision people to achieve all they wish through the use of technology. You can help by purchasing these delicious nuts, snacks, & chocolates. Every purchase brings us one step closer to realizing our goal.
A portion of every product sold on this fundraising website benefits Blind Information Technology Specialists!

Is there a way in Rust to do `fn my_function<T>(&self, value: T)` with T being a float type (currently f32 or f64, but why not f128 - trying f64 already trigger the OOM).

I tried `where T: num_traits::Float` but this cause a lot of other compilaton issues with plain arithmetics.

Non-withstanding `nalgebra` that doesn't have a trait-bound.

I feel like Rust is missing something. Or do I miss it?


in reply to Hubert Figuière

If your library doesn't use generics for variable types, you will have to end up converting everything to the type the library understands.

For your own code, num_traits should allow exactly what you want: you can use normal arithmetic, and a bunch of normaply type-specific functions using your type param instead.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

I don’t know your full problem, but would converting the value to a known help?

my_function<T>(&self, value: T) where T: Into<f64> {
let value: f64 = value.into();


Chess hasn’t been updated in almost 200 years and it’s obvious the devs have abandoned it. The greedy creators took your money and laughed all the way to the bank.

I remember back in 705 AD when chess was fun. Then they started adding stupid features no one wanted like “castling” and “en passant” instead of listening to player feedback and fixing game-breaking bugs. I’ve been complaining for years about the collision-detection glitch with the horsey. The ‘clipping-through-pieces’ bug has been abused to death and the lazy devs refuse to fix it.

Don’t support this awful behaviour and boycott this company.

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#curl's 264th command line option is --dump-ca-embed, coming in 8.10.0.

Starting in this version, the tool can get built with an embedded CA cert store.To allow it to work better completely stand-alone.

This new flag writes that built-in store to stdout.


Starting now, #curl shows extended help for a given command line option if you write it after --h. Like "curl -h --location" or "curl -h -O"

Shipping in the pending curl 8.10.0 in mid September.…


"childless woman" is such a 19th-century-ass insult. what else you got. do I render inferior tallow? do my cabbages grow pale and blemished? does the quality of my sock-darning bring shame upon my father's name?

Chinese tally marks are objectively better. They use the character 正 (zhèng), which has 5 distinct strokes in a specific order. Western tally marks have all those parallel lines which are much harder to subitise (count at a glance). Unfortunately, I'm used to them. But I'm glad a better way exists.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

So I've installed Steam, chose English and it still insists on using Chinese. How do I easily change that?
in reply to Martin in Toronto

Did you get steam sorted out? That installer is weird. If I remember correctly, you need to click on the language you want with the mouse cursor. It’s been a while I’ve done it though.
in reply to Jason Fayre

@jfayre I through in a -language English, into the command line and that fixed it. Now I just have to go to the web site and change my language back to Chinese. although graphical emails are entertaining.

If you’re a feed reader developer/contributor and want to help thousands of sites with misconfigured server caching reduce their hosting costs:

  • Support conditional-GET with Last-Modified headers.
  • Support conditional-GET with ETag headers.
  • Support the RSS ttl element in feed markup.
  • Support the syndication module in feed markup.
  • Request compressed formats (gzip and Brotli; Zstd is also becoming available now). libcurl should have support, if you’re using that.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

Feeds are some of the most-requested pages on a lot of sites, and full-text feeds are often rather large. The feed-paging module helps but not everyone aggressively pages since client support is limited.

I like the idea of having one feed containing everything I’ve written, even if it isn’t the default feed. A single-file archive of my site optimized for feed readers. But if my default feed becomes paginated (the Brotli-compressed version is approaching 300kb; I’ll paginate it once it crosses 500kb), I’ll want my alternate unpaginated full-text feed to have very conservative refreshing.

I imagine a hypothetical future in which I host my site on a single-board computer on a home internet connection, and I build my site for that use-case.

in reply to Seirdy

People have been hosting websites for decades and misconfigured server caching is still a thing. It won’t go away. Client developers can’t expect servers to all be well-behaved, and should make leeway for this reality when reasonable.