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forum post: "you can definitely do <thing>, check the docs here! <link>"

*clicks through*

the docs: "No docs for this topic yet"

Developing Anti-SLAPP Policies for A11y Slack with Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic

Für FutureZwei der @tazgetroete habe ich über die Rolle von Plattformen beim Erstarken des globalen Rechtspopulismus geschrieben.

Und analysiert, was dagegen getan werden müsste:…


Free iPhone and Android Apps for Blind and Visually Impaired Users: Speech Central’s Bold Move…

From Brian Vogel: Accessing the Version History for a File That's Been AutoSaved Over Time . . .…

From Brian Vogel: A Thought Exercise on Saving Files in the Age of AutoSave…

Hopefully, today is the day i get Jaws. I still have to get use to having it, but I'll learn.
in reply to Nick's world

You'll find that there are a lot of JAWS users on this platform who'll be happy to assist.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield I know how to do the beginner stuff, its more the advanced stuff I don't really know.

From the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library: New 8-Week Workshops Kick Off October 2 - Exploring JAWS and Voiceover Pro Tips…

when @Njord's aunt was moving she said she had an old thinkpad from around the year 2000 that she would give to me but then she never found it in her stuff and to be honest i've never really recovered from that loss

​Microsoft warns that some Windows 11 systems enter reboot loops or might freeze with blue screens after installing the September 2024 KB5043145 preview update.…

Kennt hier wer Links zu online Ressourcen oder zines, zum Thema "Bildet Banden" oder auch Aufbau/Pflege von Community oder Freundschafts* Strukturen? :BoostOK: :ReplyOK:
in reply to Scammo

„Frei, fair und lebendig - Die Macht der Commons“ von Silke Helfrich und David Bollier…

Kdy jindy si objednat nové kafe, než při pití kafe 😁
in reply to Zechy

A dobře děláš, kávy není nikdy dost 😀👍👍

Do you hope for better translation coverage in your projects?

Register your project for our #Translathon on October 12 + 13 and translate together with our community.

Find all the details here:…

Find the event:…

#Weblate #translation #localization #i18n

1/3 "Časť roka som strávil písaním knihy a rozprával som sa pritom s mnohými múdrymi ľuďmi. Jeden z nich povedal, že dobrá krajina nie je tá, v ktorej sa konkrétny politik postará konkrétne o vás, ale taká, v ktorej sa systém čo najlepšie postará o čo najviac ľudí."

~ #SamoMarec…

in reply to Peter Hanecak

2/3 " Dane platíme, aby sme sa poskladali na fungovanie spoločných vecí. Množstvo z nich si ako spoločnosť dokážeme zabezpečiť lepšie, ako keby sme sa o ne mali starať ako jednotlivci."

Mám nastarosti praxantku Nelu... prvý ročník žiadne haló snažím sa len odovzdať skúsenosti.

Interesante el tema de los reajustes del PIB. Es increíble el nivel de variación que puede haber, y me hace plantearme preguntas sobre temas econométricos en general. Realmente las magnitudes con las que se trabaja se corresponden con una realidad material, o son construcciones tan discutibles que no se trata tanto de medir la realidad como de crearla?

1/4 "V lete prešla našimi médiami takmer bez povšimnutia správa, na ktorej ma prekvapili dve veci. Prvou bol samotný obsah správy, druhou bol jej minimálny ohlas vo verejnej debate, nehovoriac o debate politickej.

Tou správou bolo, že podľa oficiálnych údajov Eurostatu sú na Slovensku najnižšie čisté platy v celej Európskej únii…"

~ #IvanMikloš…

Na @linuxdays už máme 587 potvrzených registrací a bohužel také 44777 pokusů o zneužití registračního formuláře k šíření spamu - přibývají zhruba tempem 4 za minutu.

Uvádět v potvrzovacím e-mailu uživatelem poskytnuté jméno byla chyba, spousta účastníků se teď snaží pojmenovat stylem: "Čeká na vás mnoho BTC. Vyberte je kliknutím…" a podobně.

Human composting should be a third option after burial and cremation.

My wife, Tui Davidson, spent her volunteer energy to provide a not-for-profit funeral service for Canberra. Five years later, they are a successful operation.

On Thursday, I was honoured and proud to attend her graduation from a social entrepreneur course called GRIST from Mill House Ventures. Earthly Remains is her human composting initiative and, as well as working with partners to develop the technology, she is lobbying the ACT government to create legislation to allow it, as 13 US states have done.

The GRIST program supported the creation of a short video which explains it better than I can.

She is also looking to collect data about community attitudes and would appreciate your input on a survey found at the website below.

#HumanComposting #environment #climate #cremation #burial #NaturalOrganicReduction #death #canberra

Sorry, stupid question.

How do you paste file in directory with Gnome Files (v46.2) when directory list takes all window space?

Older version had paste in that locationbar menu.

#ubuntu #ubuntu2404 #gnome

in reply to Pasi Kuikka

the "paste" menu item was there in the past because you could not click on the empty space on the side, top, and below the items; these days, you can.

There's also the key shortcut, of course.

Thanks to Clive Sinclair, nearly everyone in the UK in the 80s was on the Spectrum.

Badum bum tssh.

With Jieshuo, keeping one finger on the Delete button to remove several letters doesn’t work with newer releases of Gboard…

Buenos días. Hoy sigo enfermo así que me quedo en casa.

Tuve un sueño muy desagradable de que llegaba una diligencia de ordenación en un asunto acumulado criticando el cómputo de plazos en la Administración, se filttraba a la prensa, y me echaban a mi la culpa de todo. A ver, mente, faltan problemas como para que te tengas que inventar esto?

Currently adding these sections to about windows of some popular apps whose developers I know have multiple well-known projects. My hope is that these people get inspired to replicate the change to the listed apps as well 🙂


slipped past the blog post, but #postmarketOS GNOME now ships with green accent colors by default. #GNOME 47 looks amazing :D

Thanks for this @fossdd…

We have not received any valid #curl security reports for the last 40 days. Just saying. 😁
in reply to daniel:// stenberg:// My project has gone much longer than that despite being far more complex. (this is of course a sign of how little people are looking at my project and says nothing about security)

This fun little test scene is using #SVG textPath elements to make an arching caterpillar, some bees, and a trail of ants coming out of an anthill. Except all the bugs are made out of #braille that spells out the type of bug it's making up. Using the Braille36 Tiger font and using Unicode Braille Pattern characters for the braille itself to be visifle and embossable. It's really fun reading the braille in a non-standard way around the paper! #Blind #TactileGraphics #BlindSVG

I wish we could get an update for the glasses that would allow us to only record audio. Given that these things have 32 gigs of onboard audio you would have a wearable digital recorder right there with you. The stereo recordings overall with these things are pretty awesome.
in reply to Darren Duff

@JonathanMosen Yep, I sent this request through the Meta View app feedback and recommended this feature in other places, including Meta research team.

Private browser windows in Firefox have the text "Private Browsing" in the title bar. The word "Private" in that phrase gets treated as a title by Eloquence because of the capitalization, so I find myself imagining a private in some military named Browsing every time I hear it.
in reply to Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

I thought that was just me, good to know.
Also, when I got given my first Windows 9x machine, the person demoing it to me used Microsoft Mary. the drive letter and closing right parenthesis in the properties of a drive in Windows explorer used to be pronounced "c smiley". Originally I believed it to be a smiley because I had lots of free space and, if I filled up the hard drive, it'd turn into a frown.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I missed out on all that by virtue of using a hardware synth on Windows 95 from day one. MSTTS didn't exist in early 1997. Now I'm sad.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox this guy was so impressed with his software voice, I didn't have the heart to explain my dolphin thing would work just as well as it always had for me.
He also introduced me to a DAISY book which utterly underwhelmed me, given I'd been putting MP3's onto disks for ages.
Funny, the things people think you should think are brilliant, isn't it?
Our lecturer in media studies at college sat us down to learn about the hip, new thing in 2007? Called podcasts.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox @cachondo I used to sometimes get the same "C smiley" effect by using an emoticon dictionary (maybe Doug Lee's?) with JAWS. I think it was designed for Skype but sometimes application settings didn't get switched properly straight away
in reply to Graham Pearce

@graham @BorrisInABox I don't think JAWS switches config until you release the alt key when alt+tabbing, so iirc, the titlebar of any other window you're about to access is covered by the dictionary of the originally focused app.
So that would make a lot of sense.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Haha. Eloquence also has dictionary entries for some emoticons, including the smiley face. Fortunately it's smart enough not to match on (C:).

v noci som si musel dať tepláky a mikinu a úplne zavrieť okno... #dobréRáno


PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting Nov & they're banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings >Data & Privacy > Manage shared info >Personalized shopping, & toggle that shit off

reshared this

A přitom stačí trochu upravit jídelníček a pravidelný pohyb. Stokrát lepší, než drahé injekce 🤦…
in reply to Archos

Od auta jsem odvykl před pár lety tím, že jsem se ho zbavil. V nutnosti si auto pujčuji.

6. patro je idealní na bydlení, občas si dělám z návštěv srandu, že výtah nefunguje a poctivě šlapou semnou

Čas na sport se najde vždycky. Stačí ho prioritizovat víc, než internetovou prokrastinaci.

in reply to Michal 🇨🇿

Přesně, já vstávám v pět a domu z práce přijedu po šesté večer. Po práci jdu běhat a víkendy kolo. Taky se mi nechce, ale pak je člověk rád, že šel.

Mehr als 5.000 Menschen protestieren gegen Pläne, die Autobahn in Frankfurt am Main auf zehn Spuren zu verbreitern. Auf die Strecke dürfen sie nicht.!6036747

Krásné pondělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse 👋
Jako nechce se, ale máme ve čtvrtek státní svátek, tak ty tři dny už nějak vydržím 🤗

Pondělí, tma a tři stupně. No nic moc teda. A tak myslím na nedělu. Zatopil jsem si v dílně a bylo mi fajn🤗 #dobréRáno
in reply to Wolf70 🐺🐺🐈🐈

To věřím, my v nich na chatě měli podkovu a na samotíž kompletní topení. Pár briket a teplo po celé chatě. 😄👍
in reply to Archos

@archos já v to spálím všechny ořezy v dílně a co se do Peter nevejde, dá se ještě použít 😁