Odnoszę wrażenie, że to całe gadanie o dostępności to jest często taki PR - mówimy o tym jak nam pasuje, ale realnych problemów nie rozwiązujemy.

Jak to jest, że ktoś kto troszkę wypada poza standardową metryczkę klienta banku nie może założyć konta? W Polsce są pewnie dziesiątki tysięcy takich osób.

Jeśli bank nie respektuje pełnomocnika notarialnego, to powinien płacić nie wiem jak grube grzywny.



"If you walk by my office, you'll often hear me cursing at a computer. It is always the same curse: "FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOP HELPING ME!" You're not good at it, you don't know what I want, just get out of my way. Every time I get a new computer, I spend about an hour turning off all automated assistance so I can get some actual work done. Predictive text is always wrong. Auto type and auto format are always wrong. And now here comes Gemini."


This October we are kicking off Open Hardware Month with a 24hr Membership Drive Livestream! Starting October 2nd at 8am EST (UTC-4) and running until 8am October 3rd we will be featuring open source creators from around the globe.

We have over 65 incredible makers, hackers, creators and all around open source enthusiasts lined up to tell you all about their work and why they chose open source. Save the link: youtube.com/watch?v=L6jIMzSJio…

Štve mě to politikum, které maximálně ovládlo diskusi a vývoj ohledně digitalizace státu.

Společně s kolegy z oboru jsme dali dohromady náš odborný postoj k budoucímu směřování digitalizace služeb veřejné správy.

Míň nás zajímá, kdo za co může, ale víc to, na co je teď potřeba se soustředit, abychom pokračovali v započatém trendu a zachování stabilní a kontinuální priority digitalizace na nejvyšší politické úrovni.

Podepište nebo sdílejte, prosím.


#digitalizace #dsr

I have had a lot of people ask about the test to becoming a ham radio operator, one resource is hamstudy.org/

The test is a multiple choice test, with the answers already published, plus a few simple math formulas. I have heard of people studying for a week or two and cramming the question/learning the formulas and getting their license immediately. I personally recommend getting the license FIRST before worrying about operating the radio/etc., as it's a lot easier to have a license and have someone guide you through the actual operation after you can transmit on the air.

Die @openhomefoundation freut sich übrigens über Sprachschnipsel eurer Stimme. Es soll nur "OK NABU" eingesprochen werden, also viel einfacher als etwa bei #commonvoice
Gerne so viele unterschiedliche Sprecher wie möglich, damit später dies wakeword zuverlässig erkannt wird :clippy:

#stt #stimme #voice #nabu #crowdsourcing #commons #nlp #ml #homeassistant #hass #iot #smarthome

I read about the Zig programming language website moving from AWS to a dedicated server at Hetzner. ziglang.org/news/migrate-to-se… I like the spirit of frugality and (relative) independence behind this. I wonder if more of that can be brought to Rust. As for using Zig itself, I don't think I can get on board with using a systems language without at least Rust-level safety guarantees for new projects.
in reply to Matt Campbell

That's fine while you're small, but I don't know how rust CI would go paying market rates for hardware, you'd probably have to give up on bors. And then there's crater... (fwiw that is a "don't know" in the literal sense, I'm not sure how much CPU time is needed to keep CI responsive enough, but I suspect it's reasonably significant. maybe oxide can donate a rack!)
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

"Da erklärte die AfD die Grünen zum angeblichen Hauptfeind unserer Gesellschaft und alle machten mit. Man kann mich gerne korrigieren, aber noch nie in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik haben die Grünen den Bundeskanzler gestellt. Aber es wird immer so getan, als wenn sie seit 30 Jahren an der Macht wären und niemand sonst. Der Tonfall etwa aus CDU und CSU gegenüber den Grünen unterscheidet sich nicht von dem der AfD. Das unterhöhlt die Demokratie, das ist zersetzend, weil sich die Parteien so koalitionsunfähig machen."

Sehr treffen formuliert von Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk.
Dieser Feldzug gegen andere Parteiein, die fest auf dem Boden der Demokratie stehen, ist ein Irsinn, der die Union kein Stück voran bringen wird!


#cdu #csu #union #söder #merz #grüne #afd #bsw

I’ve published my article on the Impact Hero SDK (as used by at least 16 browser extensions) and the refoorest extension. The company behind these is the France-based Colibri Hero, also known as allcolibri: palant.info/2024/10/01/lies-da…

Trust me, the article title is justified. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how everything they claim turns out to be a lie. Their line of business is commonly called “affiliate fraud,” so they carefully avoid this topic and instead make the impression of being supported by altruistic companies that genuinely care for our planet.

They promise to plant trees if people use their extensions but their numbers are all fake. The numbers displayed by the extension don’t add up to the numbers shown on their web page. Maybe they should have implemented access control if they didn’t want anybody to figure that out. And the numbers on the web page – well, these have been increasing at a constant rate of 20 trees per hour for the past four years, completely ignoring what their extension users did or didn’t.

Do they actually donate any money? Probably, I don’t know. They don’t disclose their finances, and if they did these would probably turn out fake as well. Should anyone trust them? No, not from what I saw. Should these extensions be nuked from orbit (or at least from the add-on stores)? Yes, absolutely.

There is more “fun” stuff going on here, so feel free to read the article.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)