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The 2024 AppleVis Community Survey: A Summary of the Results and Looking Ahead…

For the users of the OneBlocker extension on iOS. How do I know the thing is actually working? I turned on every possible switch I could find, even turned on VPN support and all that, but I still see ads in Safari and other web views. What gives?
in reply to victor tsaran

@svenja You can test it on this page. But to be honest, for me only AdGuard works on Safari conveniently. All the other blockers to even reach 30% in the test. Adguard goes straight to 99% if you use one more list beyond the default…

I just looked in my “spam” folder in Gmail and must admit that found there quite a lot of interesting stuff. Also, a lot of emails that are far overdue for a response. I would even call them “obsolete”. :)
This entry was edited (4 hours ago)

Prokletí při rekonstrukci. Voda. Ano, voda. Ale ono je to asi fuk, jestli jde o komín, elektřinu nebo třeba plyn. U nás je to voda.

Začalo to sprchovým koutem. Řemeslník se na sprcháč těšil, ukazoval nám fotky snad všech koupelen, co kdy dělal. Nechali jsme mu klíče od domu i od kůlny, kde byla krabice se sprchovým koutem, ať si ho, až bude potřebovat, vyndá.

Je to sprchový kout bez vaničky – přímo na podlaze. První, co nás mělo varovat, byl sklon podlahy. Na těch 80 cm činí sklon 6 cm. Inu co, nevyznáme se, asi to tak má být.

Když už byla koupelna hotová, telefon. Mám problém, povídá. Vzal totiž za bernou minci, že jsme řekli, že sprchový kout je 80 x 80 cm a blbec si to nezměřil podle reality, byť klíče i sprcháč měl. Podlahu tedy připravil na 80 x 80, ale sprcháč má reálně 77 x 77. Dveře nešly dovřít, mezi nimi fuka asi 7 cm.

Odepsali jsme sprcháč, snad se nám podaří ho někdy někomu prodat. Je prakticky nový, sice byl namontovaný, ale nepoužitý. Rozebral ho a vrátil do bedny.

Instalatéři pak o týdny později zjistili, že jim tenhle šikula při přidělávání toho sprcháče provrtal měděné trubky ve zdi s vodou k topení. Ty trubky, které pár dní před tím sám zaházel a obložil. No super. Takže rozebrat kus koupelny a opravit to.

Jedeme dál. Firma zapomněla objednat sprchovou baterii. Po urgenci jsme ještě týden čekali, aby přišla... vanová baterie. Na to už fakt sere pes, čekat znova, potřebujeme se aspoň trochu vykoupat. Tak máme vanovou baterii.

Došlo na první koupání. Ten sklopenej prostor pro sprcháč na podlaze se rychle zaplnil vodou, která se roztekla po celé koupelně. Ano, tušíte správně, odpad neodtékal.

Volal jsem tedy instalatéry a reklamoval práci. Přijeli druhý den a z trubek vytáhli ucpávku z malty a silikonu, která se do potrubí kdo ví jak dostala. No, tvl, to už snad stačí, ne?



in reply to Unterwasser

Zážitky s vodou pokračují v kuchyni. Dřez. dodali ho se sifonem, nicméně my máme dřezovou skříňku z IKEA, která má šuplíky, a tudíž potřebuje speciální mělký sifon. Ale dřez dodali se standardním sifonem. Objednal jsem ten správný a čekání jsme si zkrátili montáží dřezové baterie.

Sakra, ty hadičky nejdou přišroubovat! V balení byl jiný průměr závitů v baterii a jiný na hadičkách. Reklamace. Hadičky vyměnili.

Když jsem konečně přidělal hadičky, zjistil jsem, že jsou krátké. Takže opět do obchodu a koupit prodlužovací hadičky.

Když jsem konečně přidělal hadičky na roháčky, omylem jsem otevřel kohout pro myčku a trochu si opláchl zeď, skříňku a ksicht. Pustím tedy tu správnou vodu a... teplá teče, ale studená čůrá jak starej prostatik. Sakra.

Tak rozebírám. Profouknu hadičky – čisté. Vyzkouším s kýblem, zda teče voda z roháčků – teče. Ano, opět reklamace baterie.

Do toho konečně dorazil sifon, ale průměr odpadu neseděl na průměr odpadové trubky sifonu – opět do krámu a koupit redukci.

No, nebojte, už to končí. Voda konečně teče, odpad odpaduje, jen ten sprcháč jsme zatím stále nekoupili a sprchujeme se jen tak na dlažbě a stěrkou na okna pak vždycky stáhneme nacákanou vodu.

Doufám, že až se dnes vrátím domů, nebudeme vytopení díky nějaké píčovině, která se s vodou zase stala.


This entry was edited (5 hours ago)
in reply to Unterwasser

No docela síla u vás ta voda. Tak snad už budete mít klid.

Guten Morgen :coffeepot:
mit einem alten Foto einer der Katzentantenkatzen

Want to learn about how to use and run accessibility testing with NVDA?

Our friends at @intopia have an upcoming Public Training Course which kicks off on Tuesday 12th November.

The course involves 3 x 2 hour sessions over 3 weeks.

The course is very hands-on with activities throughout each session. Learn how to quickly setup & use NVDA for #A11y Testing, navigation, exploring graphics, elements, forms & more!

Full info & registration:

#Training #Accessibility

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in reply to 183231bcb

re: USPol
dear god the evil cynical part of me wants to hear what they have to say about us asexuals
in reply to Atapi.EXE


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CMake must be so amazing that you have to wrap it into a reinvented wheel, namely "just".

Spotted while visiting numerous hardware stores in small city Aotearoa New Zealand:

A large man (60s?) in a 90s Ford Laser with an I Love Samoa bumper sticker, belting out the words to The Bangles song Eternal Flame. Expression euphoric. Chill incarnate.

A man (30s?) ambling with a young human (9?).
Young human: I thought Mum said you were supposed to go to the paint aisle not look at tools!
Dad replies wryly: I thought you were too sick for school.
Young human is sheepish: I am!
Dad: Well, the tool aisle's on the way to the paint aisle.

A very pregnant woman asks a nearby browsing woman (70s?) if she knows of any low maintenance houseplants. The other woman laughs. Says: Remembering what it was like after my kids came, I'd say fake ones! But if you want alive ones, let's see what there is.

A golden retriever trying to mind control the operators of a sausage stand in front of a hardware store. Meanwhile its human is happily chatting, impervious to all sausage related emergencies. The patient doggy martyrdom is everything.

A man stopping in his tracks in the garden section: 18 bucks for a tomato plant!
His wife keeps walking, says: Could you say it any louder?
He looks incredulous: Yeah. 18 BUCKS FOR A TOMATO PLANT!
She looks at him exasperated and then bursts into laughter at his sucked lemon expression.

Any typos spotted in this post are questing for an odd sized screw to fix a broken garden tool. This is tiring work, so if you spot them please offer them a hotdog.

What I think is that Trudeau needs to shuffle his cabinet and get rid of the traitors. I still think people are sadly mistaken about Trudeau. Much of the criticism is propaganda and the R-wing premiers are part of the problem. These need to be voted out!

the New York Times Tech Guild is on strike and asking you not to play NYT games or access the NYT cooking section in the meantime

however they have made a Frogger clone about getting strikers across 8th Ave to the picket line that you can play instead…

Wellp, now got rid of #telegram as well. It also claims to be more secure than it actually is at this point. And just another pointless/half inaccessible messenger with no good clients left.
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Yeah but it doesn't has files or voice messages anymore. Generally tc is kinda buggy and I'm looking forward to the rewrite.

uspoli, tech industry

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in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

uspoli, tech industry

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AOL’s ‘You’ve Got Mail’ voice, Elwood Edwards, dies at age 74…

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One of my favorite facts about English linguistics is that there are two mechanisms of bringing foreign words into English, and the resulting words are called "loanwords" and "calques."

In a calque, the components of a foreign word or phrase are translated to make a compound word; a loanword is just used as is, as an English word.

The thing that makes this great is that "calque" is a loanword, and "loanword" is a calque.

NVDA has overtaken AAPL as the world's most valuable company by market cap:

NVDA: 3.42T
AAPL: 3.37T

Spread: 50B

#nvda #aapl

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to David Meyer

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

When RFK, Jr gets there... that will surely end.

CDC expands bird flu testing recommendation of dairy farm workers: #USA #DUMBFUCKISTAN

in reply to somecanuckchick

maybe someone here will have the courage do lock down the border when it goes bananas

in reply to mistress ashten

intense biting is best done with first aid supplies within reach (preferably with antibiotics that the bitee/blood-donor is not allergic to).

do not take first aid advice from social media at face value, especially when bad advice could kill.


in reply to Seirdy

if what your doctor says sounds way too simple compared to blogs from people with questionable credentials maybe ask yourself if there’s a reason why people with less skin in the game are less reserved (less careful) about what they choose to keep quiet about.

(yes i have gone on a tangent oops)

in reply to Seirdy

TLDR: if you give advice, people are going to run with it. blindly.

this is not a big deal if your advice is “how to pet a kitty”.

this is a big deal if your advice is “how to administer lifesaving first aid”. that advice needs to be extremely simple and limited, and should still not be taken at face value.

potentially expensive in-person training is the only safe way to fully learn some things.

🕛Z #NowPlaying at the top of the hour, 2 hours of relaxing #NewAge, #ambient, and #meditationmusic on Northern Lights: The New Age Show, #live with Kelly Sapergia. More information is at Tune in either by visiting and clicking on the Listen Live link, or go directly to… #TGVRadio #audio #radio 📺🗣️📻🎶🎙️🌌🌈🫣🫰🩵🪬🫶

From a friend:

"Hey instead of slapping a blue friendship bracelet on to signal you're safe for marginalized folks, maybe try wearing a face mask? Instead of 'signaling' that you're safe, perhaps try taking an action that actually demonstrates it. I know it isn't fashionable anymore, but it's literally like the easiest, most effective way to communicate that you give a shit about other people."

Is there anyone else getting these emails from some researcher asking me to do work for them?

"We are conducting a research study on memory leaks in real-world applications and would like to recreate the memory leak issue you addressed in your pull request." ... "We would be grateful if you could share any test cases, additional context, and insights to help us accurately reproduce the memory leak you addressed in your PR." ...

I have received three of them so far.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I’ve been receiving some similar ones on the subject of cloud security. I send them straight to the bin.

I need a #printer. One that just prints and actually works and doesn't want me to buy a subscription for whatever.. Why? Because.. I live with a person that needs to print,, from time to time. And we need a damn printer that doesn't bring bloatware and works! Extra points for wifi access and a scanner.
in reply to Rui Batista

Estou bastante satisfeito com esta que comprei em 2020 por 130 €. Brother HL-L2350DW…. Parece que já foi descontinuada, portanto compraria o modelo seguinte. Muito importante ser a Laser. Imprimo pouco e os tinteiros estavam sempre a secar. Tem Wi-Fi. Creio que têm modelos com scanner. Até no Linux funciona. 😅

Monday Tech Tip: ViewPlus Braille Embossers…

Thinking about ways the right-wing lie-o-sphere has sucked in people who were historically allies of the left.

- Feminists pulled into anti-trans bigotry and reactionary politics by making up "cross-dressing predators in women's bathroom" stories.
- Hippie types sucked in by "natural medicine" and anti-GMO stuff and funneled through the antivax conspiracy pipeline.
- Young lonely video game nerds sucked into "Alpha Male" bullshit like Andrew Tate.
- Stoners and Joe Rogan.

What'd I miss?

in reply to Joe Cooper 💾

How about the rightward turn of David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH), of Rails/37signals fame? He has defended both Tate and Rogan, and come out against DEI. Or was he never really an ally to begin with, despite claiming (a few years ago) that his natural political stance was left-leaning? Maybe he falls into the video game nerds category?
in reply to Matt Campbell

I mean, I wonder what caused him to turn to the right, if he wasn't already there to begin with

The Blender Studio team is proud to release Project Gold, a technical showcase focused on stylized rendering, along with an add-on designed to achieve a painterly look.

Learn more:…

Watch Project Gold:… #b3d



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in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub That's throwing a lot of employees under the bus. And if he weren't the CEO and a member of the billionaires club, he'd be one of them.

it should be obvious, the Democratic Party of Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and all their yuppies and buppies, is a necrotic parasite that needs to be cut off; if whatever is still left of the Left is to truly turn into an antifascist movement.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦


the billionaire, oligarchic class has so gamed and skewed valuations of wealth in this country, unless you have assets that can be liquidated in the MILLIONS, you are NOT the middle class anymore.

doesn't matter if you are making +100K. between student debt, credit cards, many of y’all are one health care crisis away from an eviction and homelessness.




in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

and i also have been saying this for years that BILLIONAIRES have decided for you and me to be middle class we need to have millions.

no invisible hand of the market decided that

no economic council decided that

no treasury department or internal revenue service decided that

billionaires decided that by greasing the palms of kleptocrats everywhere and buying single and multi-family homes by the millions.

because billionaires want the working classes to be indentured slaves…🧵

I am getting so sick of all the political crap. Election is over, things should be getting back to normal. Oh, and now supposedly people are being banned on both open and closed source sites for having an open mind and not instantly lashing out at the winner of said election. If this is happening on a closed platform like reddit, there's not much you can do. if it's happening on an open better alternative, drop that shitty instance and host your own, (there are plenty of us who will help with the technical stuff), or find an instance with competent moderation.

Ok, sorry, rant nearly over, but please, can we just get back to normal life? This plitical shit was annoying enough before election year, but even those insane levels were better than this.


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in reply to mistress ashten

re: USPol
trump got less votes than he did in 2020, let’s not forget that

Pixel Weather gets a fun new feature that simulates the weather with vibrations and sounds…

I think that the Walt Disney company should set up its own Fediverse instance and call it MouseToDon.
This entry was edited (14 hours ago)
in reply to David Goldfield

Hahahahahaha I bet Thomas would enjoy that as would our friend Jon Gassman
in reply to David Goldfield

@robini71 @JohnGassman As am I. If I can make people smile from time to time, I feel like I'm at least accomplishing something.
in reply to Bruce Toews

@Bruce_Toews @robini71 @JohnGassman In all seriousness, there's a lot of scary things going on that can really cause us to feel very stressed. They may be events going on in our country, the world in general or things going on in our lives. We all face a lot of challenges and if we are able to make someone smile or even laugh out loud then that's a good thing. I know I always appreciate someone who says something that really makes me laugh.
in reply to David Goldfield

@Bruce_Toews @JohnGassman I agree, that or just being kind even when you're calling for assistance or taking note of the name of the one helping you and humanizing them by addressing them by name. Maybe to some such things are inconsequential or trivial but to me it's just something I can do to try and add goodness to the world.

well good late morning! we started the day with poking and prodding for blood. then breakfast and some chatting. and i am going to tell you, sitting here singing my head off, is the best thing ever. yay for music! :) now it is time for watching more shows, and maybe a nap if my headache doesnt turn into a migraine. have a lovely and wonderful day! :)

Salut à toutes et tous ! 👋

On va essayer d'être un peu présent sur Mastodon pour y partager nos actus et des photos, dans un premier temps. On essaiera aussi de partager des infos (en mode revue de web) qui concerne de près ou de loin le Val de Loire et ses paysages, mais dans un deuxième temps (une fois le nouveau site internet mis en ligne, début 2025).

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Val de Loire Unesco

On est présent sur Facebook, Instagram (un peu...) et LinkedIn, mais c'est important pour nous d'investir des espaces numériques alternatifs, plus en phase avec les valeurs de l'Unesco que les grandes plateformes que l'on connaît...

On ignore si on aura beaucoup d'écho ici, mais on tente le coup ! 🙂

Il n'y a qu'une seule personne derrière tous les réseaux sociaux et le site web (cc @vianneybarbin), alors n'hésitez pas à réagir, à nous écrire, nous mentionner et à en parler autour de vous pour nous encourager et nous aider à nous améliorer !

À très vite sur Mastodon ! :mastodon:

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Seen today:

"My husband works for a small manufacturing company and here in southwestern #PA that means most employees are #Trump voters. When the president of the company sat them down today to tell them ... they now need to purchase at least a years worth of products prior to January 21 due to the proposed #tariffs, they did not understand. ... their president had to explain what a tariff is and how it will directly hurt their company. They all thought the foreign company paid the tariff."