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what do you do when you can't sleep? why it is simple! you eat cookies and cream soft icecream while reading a harry potter fan fic! smile.
in reply to JamminJerry

That's what I had this evening as well. One of my favourite ice cream flavours.
in reply to Kelly Sapergia

the brand of this one is blue bunny. it is a soft icecream. I really like it. they also make a chocolate icecream that is really good. they even have a peanut butter cup icecream that is really good too.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

prisámbohu zajtra tak skoro nevstanem, ja by som tak spal ty vole.. #dobréRáno
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ak si tých zostávajúcich 5 hodín prešukal, všetka česť . Inak , by si sa mal nad sebou zamyslieť.
in reply to Tytkoslovakia

@tytko_Slovakia v práci som skončil okolo pol jednej, chvíľu posedel a potom šiel domov spať.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@tytko_Slovakia Ja by som kurva ani nesedel a išiel rovno dom ale tá bezútešná samota a ponurá izba v ešte ponurejšom byte... eh
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Kúp si PC a hraj hry. Iná realita, iný svet, veľa fantázie a vždy to môžeš vypnúť.
in reply to Tytkoslovakia

@tytko_Slovakia nejakú dobu ma hry už nebavia a ani neviem prečo, kedysi som dokázal hrať hodiny aj dni v kuse..
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Hmmmm , koľko si myslíš že to takto vydržíš. ? Ale chápem , robil som to podobne. Už nerobím .

Krásné nedělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse. Včera pršelo a dnes to na lepší počasí nevypadá. Snad to bude odpoledne lepší.
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

My si ten chládek a mraky vezeme s sebou. Aby bylo Máťovi dobře. Odpoledne už budete mít určitě zase hezky. 😊👍

Another example of Communuty Notes on X being useless:

"This is an AI generated video of Vice President Kamala Harris using audio of clips that were never actually stated by the VP,” read one suggested Community Note. “Videos like this are dangerous to those who can not decipher AI generated content from reality.”

X is now basically Gab. Another reason to organize here.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

AppleVis couldn't be closing its doors at a worse time for me. I'll be getting a Mac in September so I can finally, finally move forward in my journey in music composition, as well as an Apple Watch to help keep better track of my physical activity and enjoy the little conveniences that come with it...
in reply to 🌟Kira Aeva🌟

No worries, we all are around, you will have help from other users. Sadly, the blogs I'm writing aren't in English, but I can get stuff off there for you to use with Mac and Apple watch, and if you have an iPhone, getting used to these is even easier. :)

What do you want? You don't want to take over the universe, do you? No... you wouldn't know what to do with it, beyond shout at it.

— The Doctor, in “The Pirate Planet”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

South Indian food (veg)

Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

South Indian food (veg)

Sensitive content

Dad and I went and saw Deadpool and Wolverine tonight. I think this is the first MCU movie I've seen on opening weekend since Shang Chi.

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I thought that was something you did when you turned 18 and didn't have a care in the world?

I'm 41 now and I hate driving after midnight. Too many idiots on the road making it unsafe.

Serious question to people born on 1970-01-01: Did you ever encounter weird IT related issues due to your dob?

Sharing encouraged, because I'm genuinely curious

The Good and Bad of Accessibility in Two Minutes with the Olympics…

🇺🇦 🇨🇳 We received a clear signal that China is working to end Russia's war against Ukraine, - Kuleba.

After a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guangzhou, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said: he received clear signals that China is not looking for "temporary solutions" but is working on a sustainable and strategic end to Russia's war against Ukraine.

In particular, the head of the Foreign Ministry noted that China's support for Ukraine's territorial integrity was the first and most important point in the negotiations. According to him, Wang Yi "very clearly and repeatedly" stated that China's position in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is unshakable.

in reply to TheOldGuy

@drew Yeah, somehow I don’t believe that. But I am sure they had a good chat.

Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

What did corporations do with the money saved?

They didn’t invest it or raise wages.

They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.

Nothing trickled down to workers.

top image: very happy baby on a wooden rocker. the rocker is shaped like a U.S.S. Enterprise starship from Star Trek, leaning forwards.

Bottom image: scene of the Enterprise bridge during turbulence, tilted at a sharp angle. Everybody is stumbling and falling.

The baby is rocking the ship lol.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Federico Mena Quintero reshared this.

in reply to Dr. Oblivious

unsolicited image description, feel free to edit it in

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Actual use case for AI in mobile phones: detect when it is in a public place and refuse to use the speakerphone
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Just figured out why I'm overweight! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says. "For extra volume and body". I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "Dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove -

Chipotle raised prices six times since 2021 and kept them high — even as costs have flattened.

The result?

Profits jumped 110%. It authorized $400M in stock buybacks. Its CEO was paid $22.4M in 2023...1,354 times the median Chipotle employee.

What's really driving inflation?

"Start your day with an Oreo frappe" is one of the more American things I have seen.

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I was shocked to see that in Canada, USA and mainland Europe, that's the norm. I learnt to drive in the UK and was taught to keep a big enough gap in front of the car even when stopped.
in reply to Zeeshan Ali Khan :rust: 🇺🇦

@zeenix It's not supposed to be the norm. You're supposed to keep a 5 second stopping distance between cars. Unfortunately some people are impatient jerks.

I honestly wish the audio games forum was shutting down instead of @AppleVis but on a more serious note, I'd love the site to be given to the community or archived in some way because this is blindness history and there is no other comparable repository of accessible apps for iOS. Can someone, anyone, talk to David and the team and preserve the apps databases, at least? Give the website to the community, don't just shut it down completely because there's a lot of community value. Shut down the forums, but at least keep the repositories and blog posts alive for as long as the domain and host will last.… #Apple #Blind #Accessibility
in reply to Robert Kingett, blind

Someone still has to pay for the hosting and bandwidth and maintain the system; security updates, etc. And even if someone else offered to do it, the AppleVis folks have to trust that they'll do a good job and not misrepresent anything or tarnish its historical reputation. Situations like this are super tricky. The reality of the situation is that because this was all voluntary, they owe the community nothing, nor should they.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Ideally, there might have been a succession plan from the beginning, both technical and management, but there wasn't. And again, since it was all voluntary, no one can expect that. It is what it is. Very sad though.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I totally see and understand what you're saying, but if they knew about this several months in advance, why didn't they start a search for someone who could potentially take it on? I'm sure there are many in this community who are trustworthy and want to see the site succeed, and have the necessary skills to make that happen. It doesn't make sense, and both the blog post and final decision seem rushed without much consideration.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Seconding Jamie. Situations like the AppleVis one are incredibly tricky, from just about every standpoint, but especially the community aspect.
in reply to Amanda Carson

@acarson @jcsteh Rather than second-guess the decision, I'd rather focus on what we can do. I've stated earlier that I'm willing to take over the main responsibility with the community's help. I'm certain that there will be many issues to consider. I'm Going to give this a bit of thought and organize something in a day or so.
in reply to Pratik Patel

@ppatel @acarson @jcsteh Agree… I did write to David asking him for the list of things that anyone wanting to take this on would have to consider. I somehow think website / Drupal administration is not going to be the hardest of them. :) Yes, there is web hosting and such, but in David’s blog entry it seemed like the concerns were beyond technical.
in reply to victor tsaran

@acarson @vick21 @ppatel The handover itself is a lot of work. Maybe he just doesn't want to deal with that. Sometimes with community projects, you feel like you can never leave, because even if you pass it to someone else, you still end up answering questions, resolving issues, providing guidance, etc. I'm not saying this is necessarily the way I would choose to do things - as I said, ideally there would have been succession planning - but also understand how exhausting this kind of thing can be. It's entirely reasonable that someone would just be over it and want a clean out.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @acarson @ppatel Absolutely! There is no obligation on David’s part to begin with… :) I think I am amazed that Applevis has been able to exist for so long. An amazing community effort without a doubt.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @jcsteh @acarson Absolutely. I don't disagree with any of this. My intention so far is to get as much information from David and the team as possible and deal with issues as they arise. If they're not willing to transition the site, then we should plan for something else without placing the burden on them.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @jscholes No idea how it works, but couldn’t the website be saved to the Internet Archive?
in reply to Cristobal

@Cristobalm @jcsteh @jscholes I've moderated several discussion groups over the years and none of them were as big and numerous as the ones on AppleVis. Even moderating those small groups, one or two in particular, were quite a chore as I had to deal with a small subset of users who couldn't seem to follow simple guidelines. It was taking a toll on my mental health and I gave them up and never once looked back. In my case, I put the word out that I was looking for someone to take over and I had people who were willing to step up. With AppleVis, just moderating those forums would be quite a huge job and you'd need several moderators, possibly one or two for each forum.

I am interested in working with others to keep #applevis up and running. Would someone from the #applevis team reach out to me to discuss what would be required to do this?

in reply to Debian

From Europe many talks are in the middle of the night! Will recordings be available?
Thank you and have a good conf!

A Christian family member just posted an apology to God that the opening Olympics ceremony used an image of da Vinci's Last Supper. I've never once seen her apologize for most American Christians supporting a lying, unethical, dangerous, narcissistic, adulterer who violates every tenet of her faith.

I do not understand faith that is obsessed with the meaningless and not the vital. Stop obsessing over symbols and start raising your voice about what matters in our spiritual and physical world.

The 25th Debian Developers Conference starts tomorrow in Busan, South Korea. Now is a great time to have a look at the schedule, regardless of whether you are here or attending from your computer!… #debian #debconf #debconf24… #debian

Is there a way to search the audible library with n v d a? I'm lookking for a particular book and it's being a pain.

Following the news this weekend regarding the closure of #AppleVis, #DoubleTap will air a special episode Monday focused solely on the news, with a panel discussing the history and value of the site, as well as what this means for the #blind Apple user community going forward. If you have a comment you’d like to be included drop us a message here or email or call our listener line on 1-877-803-4567.

WordPress Page Builder Accessibility Comparison - Equalize Digital…

Khronos reshared this.

Really sad to hear about AppleVis. It was one of the first resources I came across when I was just getting into using iOS over 10 years ago now. I understand David has been going through a lot of tough times recently, especially with his health and personal life. With that being said, I am honestly a little shocked that more effort wasn't put into finding someone suitable to take over.

The website is relatively simple, I can't imagine it would be much of a challenge to find another webmaster in this community willing to take it on. I really hope this can happen, luckily we have about a month before the site goes off-line for good, so I'm sure within that time a solution can be found, but to simply close such a valuable resource like this that has been indispensable to many in this community without any kind of solution in place seems like a step too far.

Again, I wish David and the rest of the team all the best, and hopefully together we can build a comparable alternative. Thanks for everything.

in reply to Zachary Bennoui

It is sad to say this, but this is one of those things when one person is in the sole control of such an important resource and how once they are unable to manage it we all lose.
in reply to Khronos

Exactly. It boggles my mind that he didn't think about getting more site administrators on board earlier, I don't understand. This is literally one of the most popular sites devoted to Apple accessibility that I can think of, why is it just being shut down as if it's nothing?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

This wouldn't be the first time something like this occured. Think back to the middle ages and how much knowledge was lost just because we didn't think it was important to preserve.
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Exactly and that's a great point as well. We've lost so much of our history already, let's not make the same mistake again.
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

It looks like the domain is active until 07/22/2025. There probably is an easy way to host it in read only mode for a while until someone figures out how to move forward with it from a feature prospective.
Unknown parent

@weirdwriter There may be lots of issues going on here as to why #applevis is shutting down. Most of them have probably been made public, but there were more than likely some internal struggles that were going on that we may never know about as well. One way or another we will move on even if the site goes away. There will be another to take its place some day.

Realization as a lifelong sports nerd and sports trivia nerd: I have no idea who or what a “Roland Garros” is.


in reply to Luis Villa

It is really how French people call the French Open (Tennis, grand slam). It is the name of the venue, named after a pilot.

Christian Schad.

Portrait of Dr. Haustein.

Neue Sachlichkeit.


Wo ist das fünfte Ei?

🎶 Wie eine Fata Morgana / So fern und doch so nah… 🎶

Aber wir geben nicht auf. "Never give up. Never surrender!"


DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!… DebConf24, the 25th edition of the Debian conference is taking place at Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea. Thanks to the hard work of its organizers and sponsors! #debian #debconf #debconf24… #debian

DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!…