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#ECJ: Wolves cannot be designated as a huntable species at regional level when their conservation status at national level is unfavourable #Spain #environment 👉…

After the dinner, at 6:00 PM (KST) (09:00 UTC) don't forget to attend the performance Poetry Attack 01 and to participate at the traditional Cheese and Wine party in CEO… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

New Certified Open Source Hardware!
Metabraille from @oskar_mbr has the UID AT000009.

Metabraille is:
Metabraille is a mobile hardware keyboard that enables the input of Braille. Metabraille can be used like a smartphone without a fixed base while standing or walking.

Find it in the directory!…

Ya en la máquina del café gritando a quien se acerque que, como dice Borić, es difícil de creer que un pueblo que requiere de la intervención del Estado para sobrevivir no vote a un diplomático al que no conocían ni en su casa hace un año y a una oposición incapaz de encontrar un candidato conocido al que no odien en su partido o que no esté condenado por corrupción para que regalen el país por partes al vecino del norte. Difícil de creer. #Venezuela
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jesus Margar

Menos mal que tenemos a los medios occidentales contándonos que la elección ha sido robada aunque no aporten ninguna prueba por falta de espacio. Y menos mal que la moderada Maria Corina es valiente para anunciar sin mínimo de exageración que han ganado en todos los territorios. Supongo que ahora tendremos cinco años más de presidente "encargado" haciendo el ridículo por el mundo mientras espera a ver si los gringos invaden.


Last slot before the Dinner, at 4:30 PM (KST) (07:30 UTC): Gnuk 2.2 and Gnuk Next, in Bada, l10n and i18n Bof in Pado and Go team BoF (not streamed)… . #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Será el lunes, el calor, o el azar, pero hoy cero ganas.

Did you catch the #Blog last week? We had an article on the new (to NVDA 2024.2) command to jump between text paragraphs. We had some great feedback and gave the article a good update, so do check it out if you haven't already, be sure to try the feature, and let us know how you find it!

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #Features #Efficiency #Feedback

in reply to NV Access

After encouraging you to catch up on last week's blog post... I completely forgot to attach the link (which I had copied to include)! Here it is:…

(#NVDA has commands for jumping between text paragraph, but it doesn't have a command to prompt me to include the link I copied before I post - something for a future update!)

#Monday #Oops

Some years ago Fracture Sounds made a library called 'Box Factory' in which they abused a great deal of boxes of all shapes and sizes, and it's very fun. I made a silly track using said library called 'A Bunch Of boxes' and this is what it does.

Welcome back to DebConf24, talks start at 2:30 PM (KST) (05:30 UTC) with 'Leveraging Deterministic Updates to Improve the Customer Experience on Debian' in Venue Bada, 'Beyond Yocto: Exploring Debian for Embedded Linux Development' in Venue Somin, 'Python BoF' in Venue Pado. 2 non-streamed sessions are also planned, 'Translating in Debian' in Venue CEO, and 'FAIme web service DIY workshop' in Venue Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Stellt euch vor, es sind einige Jahre vergangen und es hat Veränderungen zum Besseren gegeben, ohne Supertechnik oder Superhelden, sondern weil genug Leute es machen wollten und konnten.

Ich schreibe kurze Szenen aus dieser imaginären Zukunft und teile Posts und Artikel, über Ereignisse, die uns heute tatsächlich ein Stückchen in diese Richtung voran bringen.

Dieser Account ist #NeuHier

I’m too busy nursing a punched gut to formulate many pretty words about AppleVis. All I can say is if you and your team created and filled that large of a space for knowledge and knowledge-sharing in the blind community, without pay and at little to no cost, all of you deserve nothing but recognition and deep gratitude.
How many learners found their skills because of you?
How many educators gained and shared resources because of you?
How many new to blindness and access technology found confidence because of you?
How many seasoned techies, testers, nerds, geeks, makers, and access-MacGyvers found community because of you?
How many developers found, broadened, and used accessibility awareness because of you?
How many people did your 14 years of work impact for the better? I don’t know. I can’t know, but I can imagine that the impact is bigger than we think, and I can say thanks.
Thanks, Thomas Domville. Thanks, Michael Hansen. Thanks, Scott Davert. Thanks, David Nason. Thanks, Alex Hall. Thanks, Tyler Stephen. Thanks, Mehgcap. Thanks, Paul Martz. Thanks, Morgan Watkins. Thanks, David Goodwin. Thanks to all the contributors I don’t know. You deserve awards, and your names deserve to be known.
#Blind #Accessibility #AppleVis

Is there any way to silence the endless "saving draft..." and "draft saved" messages being sent to VoiceOver when using #GoogleForms? It's a massive productivity killer. Any help would be appreciated. #Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind


Marc Benioff (Salesforce) and David Benioff (Game of Thrones TV series) are siblings.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

I always wondered about that but not enough to actually look it up…

RDJ as Doom feels like a very uninspired casting to me. I can't even begin to imagine RDJ sounding anytime like what Doom sounds like.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:


It feels like they're either going to have more than one Doctor Doom (multiverse silliness) or there's a big spoiler that was just unnecessarily revealed... perhaps even a long lost twin or some clone plot?

The constant disappointment of devices like smartphones, for me, is that having a permanently-internet-connected computer full of sensors that I keep on me at all times should be a thing that I can treat as an assistive tool that is integrated into my sense of self, constantly taking in information, processing that in workflows I've created, and sharing that with me

in other words, it should be a programmable extension of the perception of the body

and the entire ecosystem around smart phones is very meant for Not That

“Apple Vis: A Message Of Thank you…
in reply to David Goldfield

I still say someone else should take over operations. Closing something as valuable as AppleVis is a shame.

Join us at 11:00 M (KST) (02:00 UTC) for Reproducible Builds: The First Eleven Years in Venue 4: Bada, perf in Action: Real-World Applications in Venue 5: Somin, Local Groups BoF in Venue 6: Pado. Stick around at 11:30 AM (KST) (02:30 UTC) for Debian on Chromebooks: What's New and What's Next? also held in Venue 5: Somin.#debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian…

I'm old enough to remember when this would be displayed on their platform because of a single browser support.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

just to clarify. FIrefox isn't a supported browser. And don't tell me "it's beta". Because you'll sound like a Googler, and I don't mean this as a compliment.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

there is probably some API Firefox is missing, and the tiny user share makes it impractical to support, been there myself. At some point you have to own the browser choices you make.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

I tried Firefox and Chrome on my Android phone and basically every browser on my Linux desktop. (Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Edge, and even GNOME Web.) Nothing is supported.

Apple is total clown shoes. They must be restricting by user agent string. There's no reason it shouldn't work on Linux, especially in GNOME Web / Epiphany.

Awesome news, I found the User guide for the Bop It blast online. Horrible news, it’s one of those PDFs that is all images.

The first talks for today begin streaming at 10:00 AM KST (01:00 UTC). What happens if I delete a live demo of upgrading to PEP-518 Python packaging in Venue 5: Somin, Debian Brasil BoF in Venue 6: Pado. There are 2 non-streamed sessions planned: Introduction to LibreOffice Korean Translations (Wiki & UI Translations) in Venu7: CEO, and DebConf bursary team BoF in Venue 8: Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Dear fediverse. Is there a pocket calculator that does, among other things, hex / octal / binary / dec conversion? I already hate using the phone for the calculator as the inteligence make the touch screen unusable, and it doesn't even do the conversions...
in reply to Hubert Figuière

HP-16c but they are unreasonably expensive. I’d just use the phone anyway.
in reply to peterb

@peterb yeah I didn't mean a collector item. As for using the phone, given how often it mistype numbers... that's part of the frustration non-withstanding that it doesn't do that. (or it's hidden and I haven't found it)

Reformist formally takes over as Iran's president after supreme leader offers endorsement…

#MastodonForHarris has reached $400,000 after an initial goal of just $1,000.

As pledged, I smashed that subscribe button for Senator Tammy Baldwin, perhaps the greatest representative Wisconsin will ever have.

Next Senator gets adopted at $500,000!

Join the effort and show your support for #Harris and Mastodon:…

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #election #election2024 #Mastodon4Harris

Interesting thought: If AI takes all our jobs and reduces overall purchasing power, who’s Going To Buy stuff? #AI #ML…
in reply to Chi Kim

AI? We will be just watching on the sidelines and eat sandwiches! :)

If anyone out there is really, really board, the BBC did a technology and visual impairment retrospective, talking about how tech has changed the lives of blind folk. I feature, talking about the law and AI, at about the 17 minute mark:

How podcasting is turning into an industry of megastars with huge deals and the biggest audiences; Edison: the top 25 podcasts reach ~50% of US weekly listeners (Anne Steele/Wall Street Journal)……

Welcome back to the 2nd day of the 24th Debian Developers Conference, held this year in Busan, Korea. Live streaming for most talks is available via your web browser. Our full schedule and links to viewing is updated each day:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Everything We Know About Amazon’s New Home Internet Service…

Hace un calor increíble para la hora que es. Aguanto bien las máximas altas, pero las mínimas altas acaban conmigo. Menos mal que por lo menos corre algo de aire.
in reply to modulux

el problema que tengo aquí ahora son los gatos, por su causa no puedo abrir las ventanas de par en par.
in reply to Juan CBS

Aquí tenemos 24 gradazos. Casi a media noche. Nos salva el viento.
in reply to Juan CBS

eso nos pasa a nosotros también, y por cierto, aquí la mínima es de 26. a ver si nos viene ya el señor a instalarnos las redes para gatos, que se las encargamos a finales de mayo.
in reply to 🏁david🏁

el tipo que nos hizo las ventanas no quiere hacérnoslas, no sé por qué. Dice que no sé que cosa de la comunidad, cuando no creo que una comunidad pueda prohibir una cosa de seguridad y sanidad publica.
in reply to Juan CBS

Si no también podéis pedir el permiso, por si acaso, no? Es cierto que hay aspectso de ventanales, y la estética exterior del edificio que son comunitarios, pero no creo que nadie os dijera que no.
in reply to modulux

Por cierto, que son más de las 12 y hay gente jugando a la pelota cerca de mi ventana. Lo puedo llegar a entender. Es verano, y a ver quien salía hoy a jugar a las 5 o las 6.

I think we need to encourage people to stop using phrases like "Rupert Murdoch is worth $8.3 billion" and replace them with the more accurate "Rupert Murdoch *controls* $8.3 billion." People aren't worth any more or less because of their wealth or lack of it. The phrase encourages a sloppy and immoral habit of thought.

Why is it always "she slept her way to the top" and never "he withheld career advancement and promotions in exchange for sexual exploitation"
This entry was edited (1 month ago)