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Items tagged with: Spain

Devastating scenes of piled-up cars in #Valencia, #Spain today after yesterday’s historic flooding. A year’s worth of rain fell in a few hours with a peak of 500mm.

#weather #wx #ClimateChange

#ECJ: Wolves cannot be designated as a huntable species at regional level when their conservation status at national level is unfavourable #Spain #environment 👉…

Poslední checkpoint závodu #thesuntrip2024 - osamělý strom u města Molina de Aragón. Dorazil jsem k němu se zcela vybitým kolem krátce po bouřce s krupobitím, před kterou jsem se schoval v nedalekém borovicovém lese.

Checkpointů jsem projel 9 z 11 - nebo ze 13, když počítám i cíl v Chámbery. Vynechali jsme z @cobic ty saharské, protože jsme vyrazili s panely neotestovanými na prudkém slunci ve vedru a navíc je cestou asi trochu poničili.

Pocity: smutek, že jsem zase nejpomalejší. Závrať z toho, co všechno jsem po cestě viděl a jakou vzdálenost jsem urazil (přes 7000 km z Prahy). Určitá úleva, že přeci jen postupuju ke konci cesty...

#thesuntrip #solarbike #spain

Zasekl jsem se díky špatně dobíjejícímu se solárnímu kolu na 36h v překvapivě krásném národním parku a čekám tu na večerní bouřku...

#spain #pines #mountains #nature #landscape #thesuntrip2024

Spain set to slash work week to 37.5 hours

Spanish Labour Minister Yolanda Díaz has said her ministry will soon reduce the working week by two and a half hours, a decision which will improve the work-life balance of 12 million employees across the country.…

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Spain

In the last days of 2023, I embarked on a hiking journey to the Canary Islands.
Renowned as a destination for tourists and beachgoers, these islands are also a heaven for hikers, and boast an array of diverse ecosystems, from coastal dunes to pine forests to volcanic terrains.
My journey took me along the #GR131 route traversing #Tenerife and #GranCanaria.

#TravelPhotography #Backpacking #Spain #Photography #Hiking #Walking #Nature #Outdoors #Mountains #Landscape #LandscapePhotography

#ECJ: A change in the holder of a notarial practice may constitute a transfer of an undertaking #Spain 👉…

Demonstration in Madrid, #Spain Supporting #Sahrawi Cause, Condemning Madrid Accords (it’s the 3rd anniversary of the resumption of Sahrawi armed struggle) @westernsahara…


The northern Spanish city of Zaragoza was inundated by a heavy downpour in less than 20 minutes. The fire brigade had to rescue desperate people from their cars.
#climate #climatechange #weather #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #climatecrisis #Spain

Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:

* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at… and still open for additional signatures.

* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.

This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (…).

Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.

#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee

With a delay, we arrive at the last window of the accessibility for the blind advent calendar.
This one might be known to some of you as the news has reached quite some peak in media outlets worldwide. Accessible Christmas was an app developed to let blind people enjoy the Christmas lights of Madrit through a geolocation-based audiodescription experience. The great thing about it was, you could also access these descriptions wherever you were. Many blind people do not have the privilege of worldwide mobility so bringing bits of the world closer to them is what I call an extension of accessible tourism. Describing the world you experience through textual blogs, social media postings, audio recordings and sharing interesting highlights of life in different countries is what you can do next year to make others travel even if they physically can't. If you're the one unable to travel, here are a couple of things that help me personally when I wish I could be elsewhere but can't:
1. Play a random radio station in a language you understand nothing of or find the music that you like coming from somewhere obscure or far away. I enjoy checking out local charts in other countries just to see how different languages fit into the music trends of today.
2. Try to find recordings of places on sites like Freesound or Soundcloud; close your eyes and imagine.
3. Read travel blogs, watch or listen to content on the Internet of others travelling where descriptions are abundant; research how topics that interest you are managed elsewhere.
4. Try to find penpals, somebody to exchange occasional packages with and simply make friends; if that's possible, try to find a local language conversation group, groups for people who have moved to your city etc. meet, ask questions but most of all, listen!
5. Maybe one day make your own advent calendar.…
#Accessibility #Blind AdventCalendar #Spain #Travel #Tourism

Today let's go to Spain where a system allowing the blind to control elevators using a smartphone app has been developed.
The way it works is by detecting a Bluetooth beacon near a supported elevator using the dedicated app and calling the elevator almost as if we pressed the physical button. We can then choose the floor where we want to go and, once we board the elevator, notify the app about it and wait until we reach the destination. We will be notified about the arrival through a notification in the app. The developers have even thought of Siri support so you can set shortcuts for favourite elevator +floor combinations. The solution is presented within the following session of the Zeroconf conference in Vienna:…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #BuildEnvironment #Spain