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When I say "the Uber grift" I should be specific:

"Dumping" - the practice of importing state-subsidized manufactured goods far below cost to deliberately crush the local competition - is illegal in the US and has been since the 1930s.

When the US (foolishly) moved to a service economy, part of the argument - beyond fucking over unions and the working class - was that Americans would now _benefit_ from those subsidies. Services were not vulnerable to that risk.

Software plus VC changed that.

in reply to mhoye

And honestly: a few billion here, a few billion there, to buy economic sectors out from under a global superpower without their so much as noticing or even _understanding it's happening_?

That's so much cheaper and easier than war it's hard to fathom. For an oil-rich plutocracy that's nothing. It's shake-out-the-couch money.

And if it works, long-run you might break even?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to mhoye

It will not surprise you, I think, to learn that there are a lot of ways that an economy can explicitly defend itself from this kind of attack, but most of them look like things we currently describe as "socialism". A guaranteed living wage. Robust public health care systems. High labor protection and payment standards, a strong human rights position.

These aren't lefty socialist handouts. In the context of economic warfare these are national defense issues and we should act like it.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

You can tell when someone is using an email template for their communications. Especially when all of the images have the label of "alt text". Makes me giggle. I guess it's better than when a particular newsletter had images crediting PornHub as its source. That one was entertaining.

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in reply to Just Martin

I had an email a few days ago and underneath the name it said <company name>
Gave me a chuckle..
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I often get an email from this particular organization in which I'm always referred to as "[user13594249]." I think mail merge has failed this company.

If floppy disks were made today the protection slider would be something like Yes And maybe later

Sometimes we're in a hurry, or we didn't think (or even know) about #AltText , for images and videos, to assist visually impaired and describing text for other languages.

Guide on writing Alt Text: identifying who, the expression, the description, color, and interesting features.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

A předávat potomkům.

Karel Kryl - Tak Vás tu Máme…

Wellness as tyranny: The cult of toxic happiness… #Auspol

Forgetting the fact that they would be the lesser of two evils, would you comfortably class the Democrats as evil?

  • No, they are *good* (10%, 4 votes)
  • No, it's complicated (28%, 11 votes)
  • Yes, definitely still evil (47%, 18 votes)
  • Not sure / Want to see results (13%, 5 votes)
38 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Na 68 mě nejvíc sere, že dalších 21 let nikdo proti okupačním vojskům neudělal naprosto nic.
in reply to Miroslav Hylš 🇺🇦 🇹🇼

a co by s tím měl člověk dělat? O sobě vím, že jsem srab a asi bych se do velkých akcí taky nepouštěl dokud bych necítil že se ke mně připojí víc lidí...

A concept in economics that doesn't get nearly enough airtime is: the diminishing marginal utility of money. Succinctly: the more units of money you've got, the less adding another such unit does—the added value of any one unit drops very steeply.

Over about $200M (personal orbital tourism? Megayacht? Your own tropical island?) there are no more experiences/luxuries that money can buy you. (And over $50M there are very few—bizjet, luxury mansion.)…

in reply to Charlie Stross

Pretty good point. If we look at money as labour commanded, I guess the experience it can give you is having control over more people's lives, but there's only so much society should twist itself to allow the kink of dominating tends of thousands of people.

Between 1945 and 2000, the US intervened in 81 consequential elections worldwide, including eight times in Italy, five in Japan, and many more in Latin America. Between 1958 and 1975, military coups, many of them American-sponsored, changed governments in three dozen nations—a quarter of the world’s sovereign states—fostering a distinct “reverse wave” in the global trend toward democracy.

- Alfred W. McCoy, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change

#quote #quotes #usa #america #history #classwar #politics #fascism #oppression #repression #nazis #neonazis #neofascism #society #humans #earth #community #imperialism #capitalism

Writing up notes for a a looking back reflection podcast on three and a half decades at Vision Australia being an Assistive Technology Consultant, screen reader app/web tester for desktop/mobile screen readers, hardware tester, podcaster, presenter, ttech news gatherer etc.…

This Economist article very politely points out that Gartner Research are consistently full of shit. But you gotta hand it to them; they carved out a comfortable economic niche that allows them to get paid for just always being wrong--quite an accomplishment!

If you give money to KDE, are you making a plasma donation?

This is simply theft. I ordered a book internationalky. Books are tariff free and tax free in the Czech republic. The Czech post office charged me 14€ which is MORE THAN THE VALUE OF THE BOOK! To 'process' the nonexistent tariff. #ceskaposta .

Since #openssl does not seem to fix any of the remaining #QUIC API problems in their upcoming 3.4 release, it will keep lagging behind.…

Another small, recent change is on, where #sundials are now shown with a different icon. I'm not very happy with the icon yet, so if there is a better design available somewhere, let me know.

Pietervdvn reshared this.

Since a few weeks, MapComplete has a new thematic map:…

This map is for all things free and reuse, such as second hand shops, bicycle repair workshops, repair cafés, public bookcases, ...

The end goal is to have support for all features mentioned on…, but that is still a lot of work - for which all help is appreciated! If you know a bit about #OpenStreetMap tagging, create a layer on and create a layer!

Pietervdvn reshared this.

Wowowow when did Chat GPT web get so accessible as to live-region read responses? Amazing
in reply to Tamas G

This is great! I'll have to go on the website and check it out.

OpenSSH má vlastní obranu proti hádání hesel. Jak přesně funguje?…

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„To, co sledujeme na Slovensku, je rozklad právního státu,“ říká novinář deníku SME a autor podcastu Piatoček. „Směřujeme teď spíš k autokracii. Ale musíme se umět zasmát, musíme si hledat pestřejší vjemy než ty, které nám předkládá vládní moc.“…

Exchanged a full curl #whisky for a #curl t-shirt, and I think I made a pretty sweet deal. Wdyt?

Thanks @bagder!

Umlčená Praha. Unikátní a dosud málo známé snímky okupace ze srpna 1968…

I come from a family with no academic background. Mostly not even with white collar job traditions. And for better or worse I did kinda shape a "career" for lack of a better word for this.
But it's really been getting more and more apparent to me when meeting other people how much family traditions and the networks that come with those change things. Like just the level of mentoring people have had access through throughout their lives is incredible.
Things are not this hard for everyone. And I am happy for them, it just makes me very very tired.

🔓 Odemykám → Nejutajenější zrádce z roku 1968 pustil Rusy do rozhlasu. Šlo o připravenou akci KGB? #hospodarky…

Prosím vás, tenhle účet už nebudu používat, nově mě najdete na


Pokusil jsem se tam vše přenést, ale sledující mi to z nějakého důvodu zatím nepřevedlo, takže pokud mě chcete dál sledovat, musíte mě zasledit tam.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Archos

@archos Mě přijde ze tam vidím nějakou cyklickou referenci viz následující 2 screenshoty. Obě instance referuji že ten druhy je ten správný, nebo jsem proste jen unavený a nechápu psaný text. Je tohle issue klienta?

QT: misogyny, tech bro / dude bro culture

Sensitive content

“Are you telling me you don't know what year it is?”

“If I knew, I wouldn't ask. Don't be obtuse, man!”

— Laurence Scarman and the Doctor, in “The Pyramids of Mars”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Is that all you can say? She was a living being, and now what is she? A component!

— Romana, in “The Armageddon Factor”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“You know, I had a feeling that Niever was actually expecting to hear an answer to his prayer.”

“There wouldn't be much point in praying if you didn't.”

“I could quote you a few theologians who'd give you an argument on that.”

— The Doctor and Leela, in “The Face of Evil”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

There is nothing purer and more unsullied, Madam, than the desire for revenge, but, if you follow the metaphor, I've thrown a pebble into the water, perhaps killing two birds with one stone and causing ripples that will rock the High Council to its foundations.

— The Master, in “The Ultimate Foe”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

The generators were built by the old Eternity Perpetual company. They were designed to last forever; that's why the company went bankrupt.

— Vorg, in “Carnival of Monsters”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

You are concerned about the fate of the blue whale and the natterjack toad, yet the obvious, most defenceless part of creation, the kingdom of plant life, receives no protection at all.

— Harrison Chase, in “The Seeds of Doom”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

It was only a small explosion. They couldn't understand how blowing up the art room was a creative act.

— Ace, in “Dragonfire”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation