When I say "the Uber grift" I should be specific:
"Dumping" - the practice of importing state-subsidized manufactured goods far below cost to deliberately crush the local competition - is illegal in the US and has been since the 1930s.
When the US (foolishly) moved to a service economy, part of the argument - beyond fucking over unions and the working class - was that Americans would now _benefit_ from those subsidies. Services were not vulnerable to that risk.
Software plus VC changed that.
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Gave me a chuckle..
Sometimes we're in a hurry, or we didn't think (or even know) about #AltText , for images and videos, to assist visually impaired and describing text for other languages.
Guide on writing Alt Text: identifying who, the expression, the description, color, and interesting features.
A předávat potomkům.
Karel Kryl - Tak Vás tu Máme youtube.com/watch?v=Y2WI9XsXu2…
Karel Kryl - Tak Vás tu Máme
Foto z Liberce 21. srpna 1968 Karel Kryl v Jednom Videu řekl že nesnáší Vykradače Hrobů ale víc jak Vykradače hrobů nesnáší vykradače námětů. ( Společnost OS...YouTube
Wellness as tyranny: The cult of toxic happiness
Be happy. Think of your wellness. Across organisations, private and public entities, government bodies and social clubs, the cult of contrived happiness abounds with ritualistic, clotting repetition, writes Binoy Kampmark.Green Left
- No, they are *good* (10%, 4 votes)
- No, it's complicated (28%, 11 votes)
- Yes, definitely still evil (47%, 18 votes)
- Not sure / Want to see results (13%, 5 votes)
A concept in economics that doesn't get nearly enough airtime is: the diminishing marginal utility of money. Succinctly: the more units of money you've got, the less adding another such unit does—the added value of any one unit drops very steeply.
Over about $200M (personal orbital tourism? Megayacht? Your own tropical island?) there are no more experiences/luxuries that money can buy you. (And over $50M there are very few—bizjet, luxury mansion.)
Legit_Spaghetti 🥥 (@Legit_Spaghetti@mastodo.neoliber.al)
The older I get, the more I realize how much of a failure of imagination all billionaires are. Like, NOBODY needs a billion dollars. Nobody. There is no life circumstance where amassing that kind of wealth is necessary.neoliberal
Between 1945 and 2000, the US intervened in 81 consequential elections worldwide, including eight times in Italy, five in Japan, and many more in Latin America. Between 1958 and 1975, military coups, many of them American-sponsored, changed governments in three dozen nations—a quarter of the world’s sovereign states—fostering a distinct “reverse wave” in the global trend toward democracy.
- Alfred W. McCoy, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change
#quote #quotes #usa #america #history #classwar #politics #fascism #oppression #repression #nazis #neonazis #neofascism #society #humans #earth #community #imperialism #capitalism
This Economist article very politely points out that Gartner Research are consistently full of shit. But you gotta hand it to them; they carved out a comfortable economic niche that allows them to get paid for just always being wrong--quite an accomplishment!
Artificial intelligence is losing hype
For some, that is proof the tech will in time succeed. Are they right?The Economist
Since #openssl does not seem to fix any of the remaining #QUIC API problems in their upcoming 3.4 release, it will keep lagging behind.
OpenSSL 3.4 Alpha release approaching
The freeze date for OpenSSL 3.4 Alpha is rapidly approaching. Alpha freeze approaching The freeze date for OpenSSL 3.4 Alpha is rapidly approaching. Planned features are viewable on our 3.4 Planning page.Library
Pietervdvn reshared this.
Since a few weeks, MapComplete has a new thematic map: mapcomplete.org/circular_econo…
This map is for all things free and reuse, such as second hand shops, bicycle repair workshops, repair cafés, public bookcases, ...
The end goal is to have support for all features mentioned on wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wi…, but that is still a lot of work - for which all help is appreciated! If you know a bit about #OpenStreetMap tagging, create a layer on mapcomplete.org/studio and create a layer!
Pietervdvn reshared this.
OpenSSH má vlastní obranu proti hádání hesel. Jak přesně funguje?
Nejnovější verze OpenSSH automaticky blokuje hádání hesel. Funkce je navíc automaticky zapnutá. V článku se podíváme na to, jak přesně blokování funguje, jak se dá jeho chování nastavit a zda automatická aktivace nové funkce může představovat problém…Ondřej Caletka (Internet Info, s.r.o.)
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Umlčená Praha. Unikátní a dosud málo známé snímky okupace ze srpna 1968
Karel Bucháček byl špičkový matematik a fotograf, Miroslav Hlaváček jeho kolega z Akademie věd. Jejich snímky ze srpna 1968 jsou výjimečné.Dan Poláček (Aktuálně.cz)
But it's really been getting more and more apparent to me when meeting other people how much family traditions and the networks that come with those change things. Like just the level of mentoring people have had access through throughout their lives is incredible.
Things are not this hard for everyone. And I am happy for them, it just makes me very very tired.
Nejutajenější zrádce z roku 1968 pustil Rusy do rozhlasu. Šlo o připravenou akci KGB?
Nepopsaných příběhů z doby sovětské invaze do Československa v roce 1968 je velmi málo. O to víc překvapí, že se prakticky nic neví o člověku, který by se dal považovat za zosobnění tehdejší zrady. O člověku, který v noci z 20. na 21.Petr Honzejk (Economia, a.s.)
Prosím vás, tenhle účet už nebudu používat, nově mě najdete na
Pokusil jsem se tam vše přenést, ale sledující mi to z nějakého důvodu zatím nepřevedlo, takže pokud mě chcete dál sledovat, musíte mě zasledit tam.
There is nothing purer and more unsullied, Madam, than the desire for revenge, but, if you follow the metaphor, I've thrown a pebble into the water, perhaps killing two birds with one stone and causing ripples that will rock the High Council to its foundations.
— The Master, in “The Ultimate Foe”
in reply to mhoye • • •This wasn't really Uber's insight, but you have to know some bright spark at the Saudi Venture Capital Company realized from the very beginning that to a services economy there's zero difference between "foreign subsidies artificially undercut the price of steel ingots" and "foreign subsidies artificially undercut the price of cab rides".
"Uber loses money on every ride" isn't "the gig economy" or "VC-subsidized innovation".
It's "dumping, but services."
in reply to mhoye • • •And honestly: a few billion here, a few billion there, to buy economic sectors out from under a global superpower without their so much as noticing or even _understanding it's happening_?
That's so much cheaper and easier than war it's hard to fathom. For an oil-rich plutocracy that's nothing. It's shake-out-the-couch money.
And if it works, long-run you might break even?
in reply to mhoye • • •It will not surprise you, I think, to learn that there are a lot of ways that an economy can explicitly defend itself from this kind of attack, but most of them look like things we currently describe as "socialism". A guaranteed living wage. Robust public health care systems. High labor protection and payment standards, a strong human rights position.
These aren't lefty socialist handouts. In the context of economic warfare these are national defense issues and we should act like it.