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Ten mínus na účte ma tiež pekne serie ale nemyslím si že budem mať kapacitu to doriešiť tento rok, ono sa to kráti ale trvá to.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Vyšiel som sa najesť do mesta ale asi pôjdem naspäť zaparkovať domov spať. Vůbec ale že vůbec sa mi nechce variť ani nakupovať.
in reply to Lucinek

mne sa ani stejk nechce hodiť na panvicu a ani naň nemám chuť.. diéta :kekw:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Denme una red social para las cosas que realmente no se pueden decir.


12.8. som prvý krát nabil Huawei hodinky, dnes je 21.8. a stále majú ešte 35% z batérie (Samsung asi tak maximálne dva a pol dňa).

Meranie spánku majú podľa mňa presnejšie Huawei ako Samsung a aj lepšiu štatistiku. Zdriemnutia, začiatok a koniec spánku vyzerá byť presnejšie zachytený.

Plynulosť systému, grafika a ovládanie je tiež lepšia. Zatiaľ velká spokojnosť... že sú krajšie ani nehovorím.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Im ICE Dortmund-Wien: "Wir haben eben Passau mit einer für deutsche Verhältnisse Mikro-Verspätung von 10 Minuten verlassen!" (Jyrgen Schwarz) #BahnAnsagen

Aby náhodou nedošlo k nedorozumění, která Černá luna je ta správná, otec Dominik vám jasně napoví.

Spal som hodinu na gauči a teraz ma bolí rameno. 😒

Vždy som mal rád tzv doomovky. Ale odkedy beriem psycholieky, tak je mi z týchto hier na vracanie. Po chvíľke hrania mi začne byť nevoľno. Točí sa mi hlava a oblieva ma studený pot.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck raz som mal podobný stav po užití cannabisu s alkoholom, točil sa svet a bolo mi príšerne zle

#köln aufgehorcht: #eivør #konzertkarten zu verkaufen
Möchte jemand von Euch am 5.10. in der Live Music Hall in Köln Eivør sehen? Wir nämlich nicht und deswegen haben wir zwei Karten über. Wir haben 44,- bezahlt und gäben sie für 30,- ab.
First come, first served und wenn Ihr einmal boostet, dann freu ich mich :)

Někdo to pije, protože to má rád, a někdo, protože musí. 🤷‍♂️

From Costco email, items still in your cart. We can't guarantee this order is yours until you check out.
Really, Captain Obvious? I thought I could get them for free if I wait long enough?

Just over 3 weeks to go, and we're pleased to say we have an exciting roster of guest hosts that will help us make sure the event is a success #id24 #accessibility #inclusiveDesign…

Sick of Google? Try one of these 5 search engines instead…

Take control of your privacy. Librem 5: The smartphone with physical kill switches. #PrivacyMatters #Purism

United Airlines Inflight entertainment with a screen reader…

📅 Finding the perfect calendar alternative to Google doesn’t need to be a challenge: when it comes to best privacy and security the Tuta Calendar wins by far! 📅

More on the best Google Calendar alternative here 👉…

#DitchGoogle #GoogleCalendar #Tuta #TutaCalendar #CalendarAlternatives

NPR has a list of the songs they played at the DNC's roll call last night!…

Problems can be classified by difficulty into either be p, np, or npm.

Eu acho que o Bruno VItorino devia "cingir-se" a falar de pilas


I am so damn tickled to find that the way I've been saying "work" all my life (做工 zuò gōng) refers strictly to physical labour in mainland China, never white-collar jobs.

Singaporeans truly are the descendants of coolies and farmers. 😁…


Iba ťažko sa dá sledovať zaujatý portál, ktorý mieša politiku a šport!
in reply to Pomaranč

No jenže sport je i o politice, bohužel. Každý měl možnost si vybrat.

The older I get, the more I realize how much of a failure of imagination all billionaires are.

Like, NOBODY needs a billion dollars. Nobody. There is no life circumstance where amassing that kind of wealth is necessary. So that means if someone has that kind of wealth, they are making an active, deliberate choice not to use their excess to create opportunities for others.

Of course, big part of the problem is that those idiots think they DESERVE their wealth. Like they didn't just get lucky.

in reply to Legit_Spaghetti

Like, literally ANY billionaire out there could single-handedly fund the Arecibo telescope cleanup, set the stage for replacing the instrument with modern equipment, instantly become a hero to astronomers everywhere, and STILL have about a billion dollars left over.

Instead, some of them seem to be more interested in poisoning our night sky view of the stars with their stupid megaconstellations (which are also destroying Earth's ozone layer).

Tax the bastards.

You know someone is setting up for some serious physics when the 50mm thick lead wall comes out to play.

Petit graphique sur les versions de @drupal utilisées par les sites gouvernementaux français.

Source: @adullact

Extraites par

La question est: pourquoi les utilisateurs D9 ont-ils presque tous migré alors que tant de D8 restent sur cette version, malgré la simplicité des migrations D8->D9->D10->D11 ?

in reply to FGM

scripts can be made available for those who are curious.

There are times in our relationship when I feel an interpreter wouldn't come amiss.

— Mel, to the Doctor, in “The Ultimate Foe”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Did you know it used to be illegal for a company to buy back its own stock? It was understood to be stock price manipulation. (Because it is.)

Reagan's "deregulation" changed the rules in 1982.

Like everything else, companies now pay politicians to keep it the way it is.

#deregulation #reagan #corruption

Received a #phishing email directed at @Tutanota customers. The email redirects to a login portal. Already reported via the app.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Adam Chovanec

Hi there! Thank you for sharing this with us. We will also pass this on to our team.

Roger Hallam is one of the founders of Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion, and a leader in the fight against global climate change. I would like you to read this statement he posted yesterday… 🧵1/4

I've just been sentenced to 5 years in prison.

The longest ever for nonviolent action.

The 'crime'?

Giving a talk on civil disobedience as an effective, evidence-based method for stopping the elite from putting enough carbon in the atmosphere to send us to extinction.

I have given hundreds of similar speeches encouraging nonviolent action and have never been arrested for it. This time I was an advisor to the M25 motorway disruption, recommending the action to go ahead to wake up the British public to societal collapse.

I was not part of the planning or action itself.

In the trial, I swore before God to tell the truth. The truth is the science. The science is clear. We're heading for billions of deaths and ecological collapse. To prove this, I presented the jury with a 250-page dossier of leading scientists' research as evidence in my defence. This was denied by the judge as an invalid - climate science is now illegal in the British courtroom.

I then began to speak about the apocalyptic conditions humanity faces - floods, wildfires, mass heat deaths - and was silenced by the judge. He sent out the jury and threatened to arrest me if I didn't stop. Instead, I stayed in the dock and argued that until I was given the right to complete my defence – I would not move. Even the prosecution tried to argue in my defence and the judge let me continue.

When the jury had shuffled in again, I spoke about the legal concept of “equality of arms” – that as the prosecution had had a right to lay facts over a whole week, I also wanted an equal opportunity. I spoke of various cases where juries had acquitted defendants when they had heard the facts, such as the Extinction Rebellion cracking of Shell's windows in 2018 as a reasonable action against criminal destruction. The Dutch Supreme Court has even said that all governments have a legal obligation to prevent the emission of greenhouse gases. Whilst the prosecution accepted that emissions pose an existential threat, for the first time in British history no less, they still tried to convict us for public nuisance rather than praise us for trying to stop those emissions. Given the objectivity of existential threat, there were overwhelming grounds to be involved in a plan to cause some disruption to the M25.

In the British law on public nuisance, there is a ‘reasonable excuse’ clause. Science says there is an overwhelming threat to my life, my children, you and your children. To argue there is not a reasonable excuse directly defies the wish of this legislation. Things are happening that cause harm – people are engaged in physical acts to stop that harm – it doesn’t matter whether it’s a protest or not.

As I began to offer up some case law, the judge kept intervening telling me I was “wasting my time” and ordering the jury to disregard me. To illustrate that I was not talking about my motivations but speaking about real necessity, I referred to a famous case over a decision to operate on conjoined twins with the likelihood that one would die. In this dilemma, I quoted the 19th Century principle that the action was necessary if the threat faced was inevitable and irrevocable, that no more should be done than essential, and that it must be proportionate. I argued that there was a “duress of circumstances” including the objective danger I’ve experienced as a farmer unable to grow food, and the global significance of “food insecurity” – a euphemism for famine and starvation.

There has never been a moment in history where ‘necessity’ has been more supported by objective facts – more than 10,000 scientific and peer-reviewed papers, indicating an outcome of mass starvation and death from man-made climate collapse.

In response, Judge Hehir called for an early lunch and dismissed the jury. He turned to me and warned that I wasn't a lawyer and that “this is not the Roger Hallam show”.

He then gave me just 15 more minutes to put forward my “beliefs” - a totally fucking incoherent statement. This isn’t belief - it’s the objective threat of destruction of property and livelihoods of billions of people and the secondary effects of famine i.e. war, rape, and torture.

That's Part 1 of 4. Read the next below...

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

FYI The patent for the strain gauge based pointing stick (AKA "TrackPoint" from the Thinkpad series) has now expired…


Prima den všem . Mám otázku ....nepotřebuje nějaký IT odborník SSD ? Formát NVMe . Jde o tenhle konkrétní model i kapacitu -… . Bohužel ho musím poslat do světa Nechám za cca poloviční cenu nověho , koupen asi před měsíce, k vyzvednutí v Praze .Reálné foto přiloženo , za retweet děkuji

So, looks like I can lay my iPad down and braille on it, which I'm sure you could always do, but now I can use it zif I'm using a display. Now, BSI might actually be useful on the iPad!
in reply to Mendi Evans

you should always have been able to do that. I find moving between phone and tablet a pain for a few minutes until I adjust. I was as fast on a perkins as I was on an iPad for a while when I learned, too.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Oh, you could always do the braille part, but now there's a command mode where, for example, if you press dot 1 or 4, the space bar is held down, and you can use braille commands to navigate the device.
in reply to Mendi Evans

:) yes I know, I have been using the beta for a while. It's great!
in reply to Mendi Evans

I did an #audiomo on it actually:
Sean Randall: Yesterday's #audioMo didn't post, so here it is again. or for the first time, maybe. A look at the changes to #BrailleScreenInput in #VoiceOver on the upcoming #iOS18.
audio: A demonstration of the changes to Braille Screen Input in iOS18.…

Horrible hacking cough now, Covid has clearly reenflamed the inflammation of my lungs. Gah.

At least I have spent more than an hour awake today, progress!
I might actually be at work tomorrow!

in reply to Sean Randall

Hurray! The swelling has gone down some and I can speak a bit more like myself. I am hoping to be able to actually taste my first coffee in nearly 10 days soon.
The daughter and I watched Orphan: First Kill yesterday. Not as nasty as either of us were expecting, pretty bland.
in reply to Sean Randall

Hi Sean. Hope you feel better soon. I would hate not to be able to taste Coffee. In fact, I would hate to lose my sense of taste.