Notice how the cryptotechbro edgelord response to problems is to colonise space and go to Mars.
So... migration.
Their immediate, knee jerk intuitive reaction to big problems in their environment is to migrate.
Yet hate migrants.
Hmm, interesting.
»Zu den folgenschwersten Irrtümern gehörte bisher, daß man der Jugend alles sie anscheinend Gefährdende fernhalten wollte. Nein, nahebringen muß man es ihr, damit sie richtig sehen und richtig denken lernt. […] Mit der Muttermilch sollen sie es elnsaugen: Fortschritt muß sich zu allererst auf dem Gebiet der *Liebe* bemerkbar machen, auf dem Felde der verkrüppelten Menschenliebe.«
(Franziska Mann in "Den Erwachenden", 1921)
Ein #eBook, dass mit der nächsten Batch in meine Biblliothek kommt.
@SamantazFox I try my best, but unfortunately forget it far too often, apologies! Working on it – but as usual, I cannot promise what I'm not sure being able to fulfill ("will do so every time now")…
That said: thanks for your nudging me. It helps me to improve knowing there are people I'd help with that. And not "a vague group", but *specific* people. So yeah, keep nudging 😉
Dear iPhone, Please Stop Saying My Friends Are 'Dead'
Apple Intelligence takes things a little bit too far sometimes.Nelson Aguilar (CNET)
Sean Randall reshared this.
Teaching how to create sketchnotes is one of my big passions, but nothing compares the joy when seeing others thrive with it! @acbdev created a sketchnote for my talk from this week, and I couldn’t be any prouder. I mean look at it!!! Thank you so much Anna ❤️ I love it!
Printed ✅
Hung on my wall ✅
#sketchnote #PragmaConf24
It is finished.
I am going to start it again one more time and I hope the ending is satisfying.…
Harry Potter and the GUI - Chapter 1 - samhaine - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative
Chatroom - The Global Voice
The Global Voice's Chat Room Welcome to The Global Voice's text-based chat room, where you can communicate with DJs and other listeners live! Rules We ask that you please keep the following rules in mind: Keep the discussion family friendly.The Global Voice
"Dear Colton Scott,
This email is to confirm that your [...] password has been reset."
Ok Colton, are you good now? Maybe using my email address for that service was not the best idea.
I got the domain I'm using for my mails "used" a couple of years ago, so it was previously registered by another person.
There was a Paypal account tied to it and I constantly got the password reset mails until I disabled the address tied to the account.
This was annoying, especially since I had no idea how to get in touch with the owner.
Everyone should read the brilliant @emptywheel 's new piece on Musk and X/Twitter. We know what he has done over there is bad, but the depths of the criminal depravity can only be described as horrific. Empywheel has been on the case for over a decade, and has done a great job of laying it out here:…
Elon Musk's Machine for Fascism: A One-Stop Shop for Disinformation and Violence - emptywheel
Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, one of Trump's most gleeful supporters, has set up a one-stop shop: Joining false claims about the election with networks of fascists who'll take to the streets.emptywheel
"Jezz Bezos and Elon Musk emit more carbon pollution in 90 minutes than the average human does in their entire life."
“Half of the world’s emissions come from the richest 10% of people. The wealthiest 1% by income account for 16% of emissions, which is more than the poorest two-thirds of people in the world,”…
#inequality #CarbonFootprint
Billionaires Are the One Case Where Personal Choices Can Affect Climate Change
A new study found that half of the world’s carbon emissions come from the richest 10% of people.Matthew Gault (Gizmodo)
reshared this
reshared this
Miniflux - Minimalist and Opinionated Feed Reader
Miniflux is a minimalist and opinionated feed
Miniflux is fantastic. I have been running a private instance for years without issues, except when reddit blocks it.
On the Mac, you can use NetNewsWire, which uses the Googld Reader API integration, it works quite well.
“Oxfam identified 23 superyachts owned by 18 billionaires and estimates the average annual carbon footprint of each of these yachts to be 5,672 tonnes, which is more than three times the emissions of the #billionaires’ private jets... This is equivalent to 860 years of emissions for the average person in the world, and 5,600 times the average of someone in the global poorest 50%.”…
Billionaires Are the One Case Where Personal Choices Can Affect Climate Change
A new study found that half of the world’s carbon emissions come from the richest 10% of people.Matthew Gault (Gizmodo)
RIPE Atlas - RIPE Network Coordination Centre
RIPE Atlas is the RIPE NCC's main Internet data measurement…
Daily Archives – RIPE 89
A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties from all over the world
Ahora mismo el Camino Nuevo de Picanya, carretera que une Valencia con los pueblos del sur es literalmente un río de gente cargada de víveres para los afectados.
La solidaridad también se desborda.
#estapasando #dana #valencia
Starting today: The Month of LibreOffice, November 2024! 🎉 - The Document Foundation Blog
Here’s your chance to learn new skills for a potential future career change, or expand your knowledge and have fun on the way: get involved in the Month of LibreOffice, November 2024! Over the next four weeks, hundreds of people around the world will…Mike Saunders (The Document Foundation)
LibreOffice reshared this.
By all means, email me about your piano.
Don't Accept Free PS5s from Grieving Parents
Ever seen the posts on Facebook from parents wanting to give away their PS5? Ever wanted to know who's really behind them? This video will show you.Young peo...YouTube
Got a very rancid scam text just now which I’ve pasted below. Warn your friends and family to look out for crap like this. It’s all fake.
The winter heating subsidy benefit plan provided by the government reminds you:
November is about to begin the severe cold period of this winter. The local council will decide to issue you a winter heating subsidy. If you can receive our information to prove that you meet the conditions for receiving it, there is no age limit for this subsidy plan. You can apply in the link Once you apply, we will review and issue it as soon as possible without affecting your receipt of other benefits.
<scammy url>
Thank you for your support to the UK Government.
I've never understood how these people can set up webforms to capture all sorts of data, make sites look as official as possible by scraping logos and designing cunningly similar subdomains to the real gov ones, even putting genuine contact links at the bottoms of emails and such.
And then writing things like 'provided by the government reminds you'. Which is just not phrasing that we use, you know?
“El president de la Generalitat dijo a las 13.00 horas en un vídeo que la Dana se debilitaba a las 18.00 y se iba a Cuenca, cuando los expertos y los meteorólogos de todas las televisiones insitían en lo contrario. Se congratuló públicamente de que no hubiera “alerta hidrológica” poco después de que su propio departamento de Emergències la hiciera pública.”
Que un grupo fascista tenga estatutos de sindicato para poder personarse judicialmente como parte en todo lo que se les ocurra, muy del espíritu de la Ley de Libertad Sindical no es.
¿Hasta cuándo abusarás de nuestra paciencia, "Manos Limpias"?
Algún sindicato debería denunciar el fraude de ley de constituir sindicatos para fines distintos del que tienen. Por ejemplo.
O un denunciado por ellos pedir amparo al constitucional por ser denunciado por un sindicato de dudoso estatus...
At #FOSDEM 2025, for the first time, we will be hosting the Android Open Source Devroom, bringing together developers working on the open source components of Android operating system and associated board support packages
We are looking for speakers:…
But, don't wait too long before submitting a proposal - the CfP ends 1st December!
Clemens Büttner
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in reply to Tuta • • •bitSheriff 🪲
in reply to Tuta • • •Henry Díaz
in reply to Tuta • • •Oreo
in reply to Tuta • • •Rahul
in reply to Tuta • • •Can you guide us or provide a video tutorial creating a tuta account on Tor browser 😂👻😂😂😂😂😂
in reply to Rahul • • •Rahul
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to Rahul • • •Rahul
in reply to Tuta • • •Azarilhⓥ
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