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Items tagged with: applevis

Delighted to be recording a podcast tomorrow with my @AppleVis colleague @Thomas_domville and Hans and Bryan from @bemyeyes to chat about our new relationship. Any questions pleas send them on to me or Thomas. #AppleVis #BeMyEyes #Accessibility #A11y

I am proud to announce that I am working on a successor to #AppleVis - a website for #disabled #Apple technology enthusiasts. I kindly invite everyone to test it and give feedback.
You can find the invite link here…

I'm so sad about the closure of Applevis. I find it extremely sad that some people's pure negativity and toxicity has been a part of the decision to close it. #AppleVis

I’m with you on this all the way. #Applevis is a wonderful, I might even say indispensable, resource that’s just going away. This goes back a very long way, but do you happen to remember when the founder of JFWLite passed away unexpectedly and left that site hanging? This feels a lot like that.

Within the #disabled community, most of the comments around #AppleVis have been along the lines of: "how can the site continue?" Outside of it, the comments have been more like: "I hope a new resource can spring up to take its place."

I think some (not all) non-disabled people underestimate the amount of effort required to set up a space that is designed, contributed to, and dedicated to people with #disabilities. Persistent examples do not come along very often, and are far more rare than, for example, websites about HTML of which there were probably 200 new ones started today.

I’m too busy nursing a punched gut to formulate many pretty words about AppleVis. All I can say is if you and your team created and filled that large of a space for knowledge and knowledge-sharing in the blind community, without pay and at little to no cost, all of you deserve nothing but recognition and deep gratitude.
How many learners found their skills because of you?
How many educators gained and shared resources because of you?
How many new to blindness and access technology found confidence because of you?
How many seasoned techies, testers, nerds, geeks, makers, and access-MacGyvers found community because of you?
How many developers found, broadened, and used accessibility awareness because of you?
How many people did your 14 years of work impact for the better? I don’t know. I can’t know, but I can imagine that the impact is bigger than we think, and I can say thanks.
Thanks, Thomas Domville. Thanks, Michael Hansen. Thanks, Scott Davert. Thanks, David Nason. Thanks, Alex Hall. Thanks, Tyler Stephen. Thanks, Mehgcap. Thanks, Paul Martz. Thanks, Morgan Watkins. Thanks, David Goodwin. Thanks to all the contributors I don’t know. You deserve awards, and your names deserve to be known.
#Blind #Accessibility #AppleVis

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@weirdwriter There may be lots of issues going on here as to why #applevis is shutting down. Most of them have probably been made public, but there were more than likely some internal struggles that were going on that we may never know about as well. One way or another we will move on even if the site goes away. There will be another to take its place some day.

I am interested in working with others to keep #applevis up and running. Would someone from the #applevis team reach out to me to discuss what would be required to do this?

Following the news this weekend regarding the closure of #AppleVis, #DoubleTap will air a special episode Monday focused solely on the news, with a panel discussing the history and value of the site, as well as what this means for the #blind Apple user community going forward. If you have a comment you’d like to be included drop us a message here or email or call our listener line on 1-877-803-4567.

This is such sad news. #AppleVis was more than a forum, it was a community. They provided some of the best summaries of Apple events such as WWDC and others, and the app directory was so useful to check whether apps were accessible or not before wasting time and money on them. Not to mention the impact the site has had on accessibility at Apple. Not many sites would have such active communication with the accessibility team at Apple of all companies. A huge thanks and congratulations to David and the team for building such a valuable resource and sticking with it through the years…

I'm very sad to hear that #applevis is closing down. It was a vital source of guidance for me as I learned to use my first iPhone. Having a central community to direct new blind users of Apple products was of tremendous value. I very much hope some way of preserving the community can be found. What a sad circumstance to have to put in the third edition of my book.

Breaking news: #AppleVis website that brings blind Apple users together to share tips and knowledge is to close after 14 years:… #accessibility #blind

I was shocked last month when @PleaseDontRain was nominated for a Golden Apple award by @AppleVis .

I wrote a blog post with some thoughts about the experience and bunch of tips that will hopefully help others make their app more accessible.…

#accessibility #a11y #SwiftUI #PleaseDontRain #AppleVis

Good morning! @accessibleandroid

I don't think y'all are among the #AppleVis community, but I just wanted to pass along the below link, since I mentioned y'all over there. I think it's my third time mentioning thy peeps of said project among said walls.

FYI: The thread I didn't create myself, but it's the first comment on page three of said thread:…

Just wanted to let everyone know that #AppleVis is now on #Mastodon! Please give a warm welcome and feel free to start following AppleVis (@AppleVis @Apple @Accessibility @Blind @A11y
