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Items tagged with: LinuxAudio

A long pending post from @sanchayan on how we implemented ALSA compress offload support in @pipewire

#PipeWire #LinuxAudio #Linux #audio #embedded #IOT

Well this is nice -- using my stock @fedora desktop, I start up Guitarix and Carla, and start noodling like a noob on my guitar without thinking too much about setting things up, because @pipewire is excellent.

There's ways to go for this to be a *good* user experience, but it's still miles ahead of having to manually poke and prod to get some basics started, and some of the Guitarix fx sure are fun :)

#linux #audio #linuxaudio #guitar

Ardour developers ask for help from users - it's really easy to do and we can all make Ardour a bit better :)

Read more here:

#Ardour #AudioProduction #MusicProduction #Audio #FOSS #OpenSource #Libre #LinuxAudio #FreeSoftware

LPC.lv2 is an unique open-source vocal resynthesis plug-in. It can produce very cool robot effects pitched to MIDI input!
#unfa #Audio #SoundDesign #FOSS #LinuxAudio #MusicProduction