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Items tagged with: PiHole

  1. Degoogle your life (as much as possible), including Chrome (Use Firefox (now with caution - we watch you @mozilla ))
  2. Quit Meta completely, including WhatsApp (Use #signalapp ))
  3. Review the permissions you're granting to the apps
  4. Use Addblockers, use PrivacyBadger #eff

5. Use #pihole

  1. Keep your IT equipment updated
  2. Use strong and unique passwords - use #passwordmanager, use #2fa if available
  3. Backup your data
  4. Think what apps you need and use, no sideloading unless you really know what you're doing
  5. Think before you click

@andrew Not relevant as such, but I recently switched away from standard DNS in #PiHole to using #Unbound instead, thanks to something Patrick mentioned.

Tak! #PiHole už se několik dní snaží a vypadá to dobře. Dnes jsem ještě rozšířil domains on adlist o pár seznamů, zakázal upstream DNS a nastavil #Unbound, ať trochu snížím svoji stopu na internetu. Teď se uvidí, kolik toho nebude fungovat 😂

»Die umfassende Überwachungsmaschinerie, die für digitale Werbung entwickelt wurde, ermöglicht nun direkt die Massenüberwachung durch den Staat« [1] Zitat von @wchr.

Daher: Ein Tracking- und Werbeblocker gehört auf jedem Smartphone/PC/Netzwerk zur Grundausstattung! [2] 👇


#tracking #datenschutz #surveillance #staat #werbung #ads #adaway #adguard #netguard #rethinkdns #pihole #ublockorigin

@ner Just be advised that #Pihole doesn't care for it, so you'll have to bypass for the 10 seconds necessary to click the link, but once you're on the page it's all good. lol

I think for my sanity I'll just block the whole damn pointless and stupid domain in #PiHole directly so I don't have to even think about it. the dot zip domain is literally one of the most incompetent tld's I have ever heard about and it only gets worse.

E-Mail Server bei : #Posteo_de
E-Mail Clients: #fairmail #thunderbird
Chat: #signal
Office: #libreoffice
Browser: #firefox #fennec
Phone: #VollaPhone #googlefrei
Password: #keepass
Social: #mastodon
Video: #newpipe
Map: #openstreetmap
VPN: #openvpn
Radio: #radiodroid
News: #hamburger
Route: #osmand
Tracking und Werbeblocker: #pihole auf #rasberrypi
E-Mail Verschlüsselung: #pgp
Cloud Speicher in Deutschland: #MyStorBox
Captcha Plugin for Joomla! 3 and 4. : #aimy

Let's not block intrusive ads.
Let's intrude into intrusive ads!

Can we make a browser addon that does not remove ads (like ad blockers usually do), but replaces ads desirable content from #Sense3?

Maybe this could be turned into some kind of extension of the DNS-based ad blocking like #PiHole.