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Items tagged with: protocolsnotplatforms

We remain excited about the Digital Markets Act and the push for interoperability:…

If you didn't catch the main stage talk from Matthew, Matrix's project lead, at FOSDEM, we encourage you to watch the recording once it's posted online:…

#Matrix #Interoperability #OpenSource #OpenStandards #FOSS #FOSDEM #ProtocolsNotPlatforms #EUPol #DMA

Congratulations on 25 years 👏 Thanks for all your work on open, decentralized communications.

The world is better for having XMPP in it.

#ProtocolsNotPlatforms #OpenSource #OpenStandards #Interoperability

Why Would Anyone Use Another Centralized Social Media Service After This?… #news #protocolsnotplatforms #decentralized #platforms #protocols #facebook #mastodon #twitter #bluesky #nostr #meta