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Items tagged with: Godot

Don't do this, people. It helps no one and if anything pushes people away from our community.

#godot #godotengine

Been so busy and happy that forgot to make it public till now: last November, I quit my job at Microsoft after the last reorg which sent me away from my xamarin friends and my career goals. Spent 2 months relaxing and recently started on a contract work while I wait for a great opportunity (OSS-related) or the lottery, so that I can retire 😝
Got back to some of my personal projects (#Godot #rust #astronomy ) and am now stress free and looking forward for whatever comes next!

Excited to announce that my recent work integrating #AccessKit into #Bevy was recently merged, making accessibility (mostly) on by default in the upcoming 0.10 release due out soon if not today.

The one exception is Linux, where it is feature-gated pending reduction in dependency size and integration with non-experimental screen readers and forks.

I think this may make Bevy the first general-purpose game engine with accessibility in its core (I.e. not a bolted-on optional plugin or a series of partial solutions. In any case, it's the only game engine with accessibility features that I can use as a blind developer, though #Godot also seems to be making strides in this direction as well.

I haven't tried it yet but #godot looks really cool

Playing with making an extremely high contrast user interface theme in #godotengine #godot.

The theming system is a little wonky and inflexible (compared to GTK or Qt), but still fairly capable considering this is a game engine, and not a UI library.

Today I've done some solid progress on the # character refactor! I've laid out basic decoupled Character → HUD interfacing. I've created a global way to manage the currently followed character (Character's camera and HUD watch for changes and update their stuff accordingly). I've also used @Xantulon 's first person hands model as a better placeholder :D I've created a bunch of new classes for tracking Character state (health, team, score) and damage.
# # #

If you don't know, I'm working on an open-source multiplayer shooter game called #.

There's a small team working on the game, but we're always looking for new contributors - if you're familiar with # and would like to help make this game happen, check out !

Here's one of the playtesting session we've held a couple months ago:

The game is still changing a lot and we have lots of exciting developments in the making.

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