Items tagged with: neurodivergent
This goes out to everyone who invalidates people after they were vulnerable by being open about their pain:
Fuck you
(The more privileged you are the better you are not pulling this shit, or I'll personally rip you a new one.)
#trauma #neurodivergent #queer #bigotry #neuroqueer #neurosupremacy #minority #marginalized #ADHD #actuallyADHD #autism #plurality #actuallyAutistic @neurodiversity @actuallyautistic @actuallyadhd
The #BBC is looking for a Head of Digital #Accessibility, with the role only open to #deaf, #disabled, and/or #neurodivergent applicants. Hybrid working, based at any UK BBC hub. Salary up to £110,000.
"dyslexia simulators'' spread misinformation.
these "simulators" typically show letters being swapped around within words.
but #dyslexia is not a visual processing disorder. a person reading in Braille will still be dyslexic. a person reading in a language with no alphabet, like Chinese, will still be dyslexic.
people with dyslexia are #neurodivergent.
we don't have "simulators" for other neurodivergencies, like autism or adhd.
#a11y folks, we don't need them for dyslexia either.
My ADHD brain.
#ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #Neurodiverse #Neurodivergence #ADHDmemes #Memes #Meme
As someone whose never got on with open offices I endorse this message.
PS: I'm also a #writer, and maintain a youtube channel where I post soundscapes and other things, though mostly soundscapes at the moment. That channel can be found here:
Some of us Internet Weirdos are doing a survey on Neurodivergence and Education.
If you are in school, college, university or whatnot, or have been in the last five years, could you spend a few minutes filling in this out for us?
We're writing guides for educators and learners and the more input we have, the better we'll be.
Appreciated folx!
#ND #neurodiverse #education #school #college #university #neurodivergent #autism #actuallyAutistic #ptsd #survey #surveys
For years, we used to explain to folks that we experienced a phonological delay in processing speech or sounds, and that it was likely linked to us being autistic.
We only later worked out that we're actually AuDHD (inattentive ADHD and autistic) and that there's an actual medical term for this: auditory processing disorder.
If you're some flavour of neurospicy, you might have it too without realising. Common signs and symptoms include:
- speaking louder or softer than is situationally appropriate;
- difficulty remembering lists or sequences;
- needing words or sentences to be repeated;
- impaired ability to memorize information learned by listening;
- interpreting words too literally;
- needing assistance to hear clearly in noisy environments;
- relying on accommodation and modification strategies;
- finding or requesting a quiet work space away from others;
- requesting written material when attending oral presentations; and
- asking for directions to be given one step at a time.
It heavily overlaps with ADHD and autism
Hope this is helpful to someone
#ActuallyAutistic #ActuallyADHD #ActuallyAuDHD #ADHD #AuDHD #autistic #autism #neurodivergent #neurodivergence #neurospicy #APD #AuditoryProcessingDisorder
I am doing a survey about yoga and neurodivergent folk and your boosts would be appreciated.
If you are neurodivergent (self-realized or Dx'd, it's all good here), and fall under the vast ND umbrella, I'd love to hear from you. Quick 6-7 question survey and you can remain anon if you want.
Thank you!
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ADHD #neurodivergent @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity @disability #yoga #accessibility #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #TBI
ND Yoga Survey
This is a quick 6-7 question survey where I ask neurodivergent individuals their thoughts about yoga in general. Information will be kept private and all answers can remain anonymous.Google Docs
I find myself reaching out for #MutualAid once again. I thought I had 11 days to renew my phone number for the month, but I only have 9. I have to pay £9.49 by January 26th. Please support me with whatever you can!
#blind #disabled #neurodivergent @mutualaid
Support SeedyThreeSixty on Ko-fi! ❤️.
Support SeedyThreeSixty On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donationsKo-fi
Best visualization of #auditoryProcessingDisorder lol.
Alt text provided. #Neurodivergent #adhd #Autism #Autistic #AuDHD
We’re a disabled-led #transcription and #ClosedCaptioning company, dedicated to creating work for #disabled, #ChronicallyIll and #neurodivergent freelancers.
By offering discounts for junior, under-funded, independent, & marginalized #researchers & #ContentCreators, we make our services accessible so you can make your content more accessible.
Thanks @SusanJonesArts!
Get a quote today at….
#DisabilityPrideMonth #a11y #accessibility
Our Prices
We provide specialist transcription services with a social impact. Transcription is the process of converting audio into written text. We’re experts in supporting you transcribe audio from ev…Academic Audio Transcription
My queer platonic partner Luke and I are both trans, neurodivergent, and disabled. We are currently homeless and living out of our van with our two cats.
We are in need of mutual aid donations to help us be able to afford food, gas, and other necessities, along with our phone bill on the 4th of $100.
My CashApp and Venmo links (handles:$magicalgrrrl/@magicalgrrrl respectively) and Luke's PayPal (@LouieSJ) are in my linktree:
Please help a couple of homeless queers survive during #Pride month
#MutualAid #disabled #trans #autistic #neurodivergent #queer #homeless
If you’re in or around Dublin and are #ActuallyAutistic, #ActuallyADHD, otherwise #Neurodivergent in any way, or just an ally, Neuro Pride Ireland are holding Neuro Pride @ Dublin Pride this Saturday
Wishing everyone who takes part a fantastic day! ♾🏳️🌈
I’m a bit far away to make it along myself sadly
For anyone like me who wouldn’t want to take part in an indoor event anyway, NPI also have an outdoor quiet zone in the #Pride Village the following Saturday 😊