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Items tagged with: csharp

These days I write a lot of #CSharp code. And the more I write, the more I like the language. Super expressive, super convenient and pleasant both to write and to read. Kudos to #Microsoft.
the only thing I really miss is a keyword for a function start, like "function" in PHP, "func" in Go, "fn" in Rust, "fun" in Kotlin or "def" in Python.

Folks will have to update their “find the syntax issues in this C# code” interview questions thanks to #csharp 12. 😅


Content warning: Programming

The trend in #csharp seems to isolate as much inside a function (thanks #fsharp).

I think it would make sense for #csharp to adopt global functions as a first-class citizen.

It definitely would reduce ceremony for folks using something like the Mediator pattern.


The new "required" keyword in #csharp 11 and #dotnet 7 are pretty cool.

Force consumers of your object to define values for properties. This helps reduce the need for constructor overloads.

Content warning: Programming, Dev Recommendations