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Items tagged with: czechrepublic

#KarelKučera - to jméno si pamatujte. To je chlap, kterej stál na správný straně a za boj proti zlu byl ochotnej obětovat i život. Chlap, kterého ocenil i #prezident.

#PaměťNároda mluvila s jeho rodiči a parťáky, aby jeho příběh nebyl zapomenutej. Aby jeho jméno znělo dál.

Díky Karle. Hrdinové neumírají. #SlávaHrdinům

#Czechia #Česko #ČR #ČeskáRepublika #CzechRepublic #Ukrajina #Rusko #StopWar #CharlieCzech

Díky za link @Luboš Račanský, byť se to nečetlo lehce...

In #CzechRepublic there is a traffic rule that cars have to keep 1.5m distance from a #cyclist. Nobody gives a shit. And even worse, cars often push cyclists out of the road. It's hard to find a day when I didn't have to do emergency braking like on the video... Pro místní experty co říkají že je to jen voda. Na Jesenicku padají domy, spousta měst se evakuuje, ale ono se vlastně nic nestalo :D #CzechRepublic

#Jesenická60 byla dnes výživná, ale mohla být ještě lepší, kdyby vyšla předpověď. Naštěstí deště spadlo mnohem míň, než avizovaných 20mm. I tak to byla solidní zábava. A odpoledne se za odměnu vyčasilo.
Přes 55 km pěšky, nevím, jestli to budu chtít ještě někdy opakovat (dnes tvrdím, že ne).
#Jeseníky #CzechRepublic

I did not manage to post the window for yesterday, so it's double act time today.
All good things come in threes and as it happens, one of the things I did yesterday was taking part in the Clubhouse meeting of the Czech blind community where 2022 was summed up and different good things that happened in terms of assistive technology were named.
One of the solutions somebody pointed out was the ability to operate an ATM using the banking app of Ceska Sporitelna, one of the leading Czech banks.
Developed with the Covid pandemic in mind, the feature happened to also benefit blind users. The way it works is, every ATM supporting the feature displays a QR code on its screen by default. The user scans it using the dedicated feature in the Sporitelna app, confirms whether the ATM number detected is the same as the one written on the machine itself and once the connection is made, all of the operation: defining the amount of money to be withdrawn, confirmation, authorization etc. is being handled using the app. The money comes out, the operation is successful and everyone is happy.
The number of the machine can be verified either through the list of nearby machines in the app or via an accessible spreadsheet that either the bank or the community have put together, I'm not sure.
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #CzechRepublic #Banking

Back to the Czech Republic we go, where remote assistance of blind and partially sighted people was in operation years before AIRA was founded.
The navigational center of the Czech Union of the Blind assists their customers in many ways:
- by delivering help through the user's smartphone's camera via Skype;
- by looking up information on public transport routes and general information on places of interest;
- best of all: by researching routes that the user would like to take bearing in mind everything that is of importance when travelling independently with a white cane or/and a guide dog, including possible hazards or characteristic waypoints and landmarks.
It comes as no surprise that the service is available throughout the entire country. Pricewise, it works in two models: it is possible to buy packages of single uses of the service starting at less than six dollars for ten single uses; or a periodic subscribtion starting at around 13 dollars for three months.…
#Accessibility #Blind #AdventCalendar #CzechRepublic #Mobility #PublicTransport

To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, today's window opens up to one of my favourite treasure troves of good practices regarding accessibility for the blind - the Czech Republic which I am currently only one hour of a car drive away from.
Did you know that by 2004 Czech Republic was the second European country right behind Sweden with the widest network of audible traffic lights? Not only that but they already started installing tactile floor markings and my favourite invention, the remote controls for the build environment.
The Czech remote control is a tiny box with six buttons that each blind individual can purchase. Using this aid, a blind person navigating through a Czech city can check any public transport schedule available at any stop, confirm the line of the bus or tram that just came, alert the driver to their presence so that they can let them in or out of the vehicle, navigate around the Prague underground, trigger audible traffic lights to be switched on and locate some of the key buildings such as the Blind Union's HQ's.
Although many cities of Europe have meanwhile tried to implement a similar system, the Czech Republic is the only country I know of that offers such a wide range of services in the entire country this way. I was very impressed the first time I tested this and I love coming back to our southern neighbours. Ahoj a zdravim vas s Polska!
Below, an article of the Czech radio broadcaster back from 2004 explaining the accommodations along with audio samples in Real Audio, if you can still play that.…
#Accessibility #Blind #UrbanEnvironment #BuildEnvironment #CzechRepublic #AdventCalendar


This is #CzechRepublic tonight! We stand and will stand with #Ukraine!

Civilization must prevail over barbarism.

Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred.
