Items tagged with: drupalcon


Items tagged with: drupalcon

After several years’ hiatus, we’re doing another #DrupalCon Nonprofit Summit in PDX on Thursday! I will be at DC tomorrow through Thursday. Looking forward to seeing some of you folks soon!…

Was curious why only one #Drupalcon session was accepted from our entire company, when normally there are at least three or four. However, looking at the program, I see there are six sessions about #AI scheduled for today alone.

Guess who got entrusted with the #drupalcon drink tickets!!!!🍺🍺🍺

Hey #drupalcon people, come and steal Chris' swag! He has a tiny car and doesn't want to take it home! We have umbrellas, USB adapters, bottle openers and reusable coffee cups (shortly). You can also try out our "énigmes" (riddles, see what we did there?)

I biked to #DrupalCon Lille yesterday 😁 A new personal distance and calories burned record! And a small detour I HAD to take 😜

Randy Fey accepts the 2023 Aaron Winborn Award. #DrupalCon

Drupal has a clear purpose as a public good and a vision of being for ambitious site builders. #DriesNote #drupalcon

Here we go #DrupalCon!!

Please stay home if feeling unwell.
Please take a rapid test before traveling.
Please test while at the conference.
Please, wear an N95 mask with over the head straps, flatten the metal nose piece and bend to fit, check no gaps, and verify tight seal for the best protection for yourself and others.
Please eat outside, when possible.…

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver