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Items tagged with: matrixConf

Aaaand closing thoughts for the #matrixConf! Full room to hear @josh and Yan wrap the conference up! We’re all so excited, energized, and hopeful for the future of online communication!

Awesome to see that message hammered again and again: digital tools have become infrastructure!


The sheer size of that crowd! The community is excited to see what authentication is going to look like in Matrix in the very near future


Because tech doesn’t happen in the void, Denise covers the various challenges of regulating decentralized spaces at #matrixConf

@matrix I'm having a lot of FOMO looking at #MatrixConf. Congratulations on Matrix 2.0! When will it be available to the rest of us in Synapse?

WorkAdventure’s David Négrier is giving an excellent talk about their journey into using Matrix behind the scenes for their product.

As the person who is responsible for onboarding new people and developers, this talk is so valuable to me!


Some big brain time at the #matrixConf, I love it

@mhoye your talk at #MatrixConf was PHENOMENAL. I cannot wait to get the transcript... it was full of brilliant quotes and it definitely inspired me to talk about privacy in a different way

Did my presentation an hour ago. Went really well. My slides will be online soon. Thanks for all the great questions from the chat/live stream and from the audience!


Ok so apparently I need to order a lot more white-on-black #Matrix favicon stickers! They seem to disappear quickly every time I put some in the sticker exchange pile here at #MatrixConf 👀

Sometimes being a #HealthAndSafety / #IAQ advocate can feel a little lonely, but I'm an eternal optimistic – and not without reason.

When I bring air quality monitors to events, and make the data easy to access, people respond. People here at #MatrixConf have been monitoring the air quality, adjusting ventilation, and noting when things are concerning. I never even had to ask!

The trick is making the invisible visible, and giving people the tools to make informed decisions.

... and in case you're curious, here are the live data feeds for the event!

LAB Green:
Organizer Room:

With so many people chatting around and getting their breakfast together the #matrixConf is starting to feel like a nice group trip 😁

On my way to day 2 of the #matrixConf, and I'm so looking forward to a day full of discussions about the social impact of our work, how it works behind the scenes, and how projects use Matrix in their products.

And you can join the fun remotely too, at!

Congrats Danielle!

Thanks for an awesome presentation at #matrixconf on the power of Element Server Suite.

For more information about ESS visit

Fascinating presentation at #matrixconf from Jan Kohnert at gematik.

Germany’s healthcare industry is developing the Matrix-based TI-Messenger standard. An excellent example of interoperable secure communications.

#TIMessenger #TIM

Feel free to use this image under CC0 license for #matrixconf / #matrixconference related stuff :)

Well gosh, I'm glad we required masks 😂 If we use this venue again (and we definitely will when we return to Berlin), I've got some ideas about how to manage airflow differently.

#MatrixConf #HealthAndSafety

Yet another completely packed room, for Jan Kohnert’s talk about the Matrix-based TI-Messenger advancing communication in German healthcare 👏


Really sorry to be missing the Matrix Conference, but at least able to watch on the live stream!


DINUM’s Julie Ripa is giving a talk about everything Tchap, the French sovereign messenger based on @matrix and look at how PACKED the room is!


The future is now, and @matthew is giving us a glimpse at what to expect in the VERY short run.

Exciting to see MONTHS if not years of work fitting together


At #matrixConf today and tomorrow.

Conference number 4 and conference day 10 this month.

So excited to be at the first ever #matrixconf by @matrix! Looking forward to learning and chatting tons about messaging interoperability, decentralization, and the future of online communication 🙌

He said it! Given the massive success #matrixConf already is, we will be back in 2025 and it will be in France!

Look at that massive room of 150 people overflowing so much we had to live stream the opening remarks to a second room on the venue at #matrixConf

I'm very stupid and forgot to bring a mask with me to #matrixconf. Does anyone know where I can still buy one close to the location?

Woo, getting ready to press the big "Go Live" button for the streams, as I see a @josh getting to his stage!

The excitement is real 🤩

Follow along at!


The great Pain au Chocolat / Croissant war has a winner at the venue. It indeed is a Pain au Chocolat


Good morning Berlin! #matrixConf is getting ready to welcome everyone for the first conference day!

Goooooood morning, #MatrixConf! I hope everyone had a great night and got some good rest – or at least one of the two 😁

Looking forward to a great Day 1! Doors open at 9am, and opening remarks are at 10am.

Not here with us in Berlin? You're missed, but you don't have to miss out! Talks will be livestreamed:

#Matrix #OpenSource #FOSS