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Items tagged with: recording

#Colangelo says #Pecker will testify that $150k was more than The #NationalEnquirer would typically have paid for such a deal, & that Pecker had trouble being reimbursed. Crucially, Colangelo says, Pecker will testify that he spoke to #Trump about it.

Colangelo mentions an audio #recording #Cohen made between himself & Trump discussing the #McDougal deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Ковыряю тут.

Если прокатит, то будет песенка в очень низком строе (ниже, чем Drop D тут).

Даже решил попробовать гибридное звукоизвлечение одновременно медиатором и пальцами по такому поводу.

Кто узнал - тот молодец. Но пока ничего не обещаю - нужно чтобы немало факторов сложилось.

#guitar #recording #sound #music #cover #draft #teaser #log

Одним из больших откровений в записи звука гитары для меня в своё время стало осознание того факта, что если гитара вне микса звучит как понос - это нормально.

#sound #guitar #music #log #thoughts #recording #mixing

#AudioMo for today the 19th of #June. recorded the #sound of our drier. this is a long #recording so feel free to fast forward if you want. listen to the machine as it revs up to its full power. I don't know but when I listen to this, it reminds me on the sound of my #first #Flight. it sounds like an #Airplane taking off but then losing its power. for the record, on my first flight, the plane did not lose its power. haha! enjoy!

@jdking92 yeah, they do. my wife has the #BMc3 model, however one of the mics are no longer working. good thing about that mic is that you just clip both mics on your collar and they record in #Binaural. you need to wear a separate headset though if you want to monitor the #Recording

Here is a similar storm... except I'm walking through the house and recording it from the inside at different windows. I love this so much. Headphones again recommended. #Audio #Recording #FieldRecording #BinauralAudio #BinauralRecording #Binaural #Sound #Nature #Rain #Headphones

Content warning: The accessibility for the blind advent calendar: day 16 - France