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Four Magic Words


Blíží se CSNOG 2024, registrace končí 19. ledna…
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to bude tenhle účet pořád postovat ten samý obsah dokola?
A zdá se že je to bot, ale není označený jako bot? Zakhle by asi oficiální účet vypadat neměl... 😟
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Coming to Grips with Apple's Seemingly Unshakable Sense of Entitlement



🎉 New episode!
🔜 External links on the App Store
🩸 Bye bye, blood oxygen sensor.
🧑‍🔬 Our Vision Pro plans
💿 The last time we bought physical media.
👥 With special guests @Shelly and @jeffcarlson, and guest host @jsnell!
in reply to Clockwise :relayfm:

@clockwise @Shelly @jsnell Nice! I listened to another episode with you as a guest, but wasn't sure if it was the "same" Shelly Brisbin as I knew. :)
This entry was edited (8 months ago) na Mastodonu, sledujte nás na decentralizované síti…

📝 An #OpenStreetMap contributor posted a diary entry, "MapComplete: 2023 in review."

Read all about it 👉🏼….

Unknown parent

@debacle It is a race condition between a server we used previously for pushing the news and the service we currently use to push news. We are aware and are working on it and try to delete the second post but occasionally we miss catching one or the other.

Series C, Episode 01 - Aftermath

AVON: So are you.
DAYNA: Dayna. 📼 B7BB

in reply to Debian

please, please stay away from Google. Please don't help Google polish their image by participaing in any Google event. Google is not your friend.

Series C, Episode 11 - Moloch

GROSE: You know, you really picked a stupid place to do your trespassing.
[Scene shifts to Vila, who is searching the other man's body. Vila finds the man's gun, takes it, and heads for the internment compound. He reaches it unchallenged, and looks in. Inside, guards' bodies are sprawled everywhere. As he enters, Tarrant comes forward and takes him by the arm.] Tarrant, too, is dressed as a Federation guard.] 📺 B7B6

#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 06 - Trial

BLAKE: Speed?
JENNA: Standard by Eight. B7B1

Series D, Episode 08 - Games

DAYNA: Well so does a burning glass. So what?
AVON: That's not a bad analogy, but given the right conditions feldon is infinitely more efficient. 📺 B7BB

Series A, Episode 11 - Bounty

BLAKE: I said, I'm not a murderer.
SARKOFF: I'm grateful for your semantic precision. Political assassination I can ... live with. To be murdered would the final, sordid indignity. [Picks up a gun.] Now my educated friend, do you know what this is? 📺 B7B6

📝 An #OpenStreetMap contributor wrote an entry: landuse=forestry.

Read more here:…

in reply to OpenStreetMap Diaries Bot

Hmm, this one is i. Russian. There is an RSS feed specifically for english here:

Maybe setup a few bots, based on language? E.g. English, Russian, Spanish, French and German should already cover most of the diary posts.

in reply to Pietervdvn :mapcomplete:

@pietervdvn Right now, I will suggest that you just set your Mastodon client to filter out languages you're not interested in.

I think we should encourage people to get the opportunity to check out diary posts written in other languages, with many web translation tools (imperfect, as they are) already on hand.

#ECJ #AG Emiliou: Palestinian applicants for refugee status can claim that UNRWA’s protection has ‘ceased’ in the light of the general living conditions prevailing in the #Gaza Strip 👉…
#ECJ #Gaza #AG

#ECJ - Energy labelling of vacuum cleaners: the Court of Justice definitively dismisses the action for compensation brought by @Dyson #energy 👉…

in reply to Debian

got snagged by that when i was fiddling with one of my installs yesterday

DebConf24 Logo Contest has started!……

Zase nějaké ty dotazy. Téma Powerbanky. Pamatuju kdy to byla dost základní výbava, ale nějak se to za poslední roky výrazně zlepšilo. Ale určitě užitečné a používané. Takže, tuhle AlzaPower Parade 20000mAh asi spíš nedoporučím (přečtete si recenze. poučné). A někde na Ali/Amazon a spol stojí přesně totéž pochopitelně méně, to je jasné..

Ale můj dotaz je - kupujete/používáte powerbanky “do kapsy” či “batohu”? Nějaké osvědčené?…

NPR: U.S. employers added XXX,XXX jobs in December, as the unemployment rate rose to/fell to/ held steady at X.X%. The labor market proved resilient in 2023, despite rising interest rates.#news #NPR…
#News #NPR


A versatile instant voice cloning approach that requires only a short audio clip from the reference speaker to replicate their voice and generate speech in multiple languages.…

TIL the photo of Salvador Dalí jumping and painting while water and live cats fly through the air took 5 hours and 26 tries because they couldn't get the timing right. The "floating" objects hung from wires or were held up off-camera. Dalí’s canvas frame was empty in the pic; he painted it in later.…
#til #todayilearnedí_jumping_and/

You Can Get This $50 eSIM Card for $20 Right Now…

Mozilla '23 Ann. Report: CEO pay skyrockets while Firefox Marketshare nosedives


#firefox #mozilla

in reply to Hacker News 50

Re last: According to this, Mozilla's future strategy will be/is already decrease reliance on Firefox, and focus on subscription based services and AI, and that justifies the CEO getting ridiculous raises. Fucking wonderful. And this at a time when Firefox really started to not suck again and be needed more then ever.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach They may as well be any random CA tech company, then. "We're going to take AI, of course, and, um, uh, The Blockchain, oh, and crypto, and, um, uh, like, leverage synergy to maximize engagement across multiple, um, uh, look, it's too complicated and you'd never understand it. Give us money! We value ourselves at a quintillion dollars! It's a ground floor opportunity!"
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach After what is going on with Google and antitrust right now, I'm not too surprised. If Google loses completely and is prevented from paying other companies for being the default search engine, Mozilla will be in deep financial trouble.

Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act…
in reply to Debian

"...The report confirms the Commission's proposal to include all products with digital elements. It underlines however the importance to ensure that developers of **open source** software are **excluded** from the scope if they are not receiving any financial returns for their projects."
in reply to Debian

I'm still concerned but the Python Software Foundation's post about the #EU's Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA) makes me optimistic that it could work for #FreeSoftware. I do agree with the core idea that #commercial #software companies should be held more accountable than they currently are. The key is getting it just right so that anyone can write whatever free software they feel like writing, and share it on the internet, without having to get a lawyer first.…

Reckless DMCA Deindexing Pushes NASA's Artemis Towards Black Hole


How can Santa keep his lists when the GDPR is around?




texify - OCR model for math that outputs LaTeX and markdown