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Webinar, July 30 at 12pm ET: Preparing for Your Digital Accessibility Journey…

One of the best devices I used last week was not even electronic. It works with your smartphone, but it doesn't have a battery.

I am a huge fan of the Dot Card as it lets you share your contact information without the need to give out business cards. I think the interface could be a bit more user friendly, but it is still a fantastic device.

Check it out at

After every single in-person event I've gone to the past two years, days later several people report testing positive for COVID.

Now, can y'all please just stop wondering why I still wear FFP2 masks at indoor and crowded outdoor events or other gatherings, carry a CO2 monitor, and regularly self test?

That shit ain't over just because we pretend it is, and I for one can't afford rolling the dice on LongCOVID too often. And most likely, neither can you.

Walked into a lamppost.

Sustained light injuries.

Advertising isn't inevitable, it's a thing that was invented, it became the dominant funding model on the web because it appears to have no cost to the user and it doesn't appear to interfere with the free and open access principles of the early web.

It actually has significant cost to users, we pay in time, privacy, experience, and security.

It's eroded the free and open web, spawned walled gardens whose only goal is to capture more of the user's time.

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I hate my brain sometimes. I woke up with the phrase 'wonking with equal abandon' in my head and I now have to reread whichever novel it was that was in, regardless of the book I had originally planned to read next.
in reply to Sean Randall

Well at least you know which book it came from. What gets to me is when I hear a snatch of dialogue or snatch of music in my head. I know I know it, I just can't place from where. It can drive me bonkers for days on end.
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

@lulu_bear :) I get that a lot too. I had this phrase about someone spinning like the top of a lighthouse for ages, and it took months for me to find the book.
Even just tone of voice from a line in an old drama or movie will torment me sometimes.
in reply to Sean Randall

@lulu_bear Oh god yes i had that happen to me, it was the phrase The gate boy the gate, I eventually found it was sherlock holmes the speckled band:

🚚 apkeep — инструмент командной строки для скачивания APK из различных источников.…

Для поиска приложений используются их идентификаторы. Например, у Telegram `org.telegram.messenger`. Он находится в ссылках:… и….

Скачать приложение (в данном случае Firefox) из источника по умолчанию в текущую папку: `apkeep -a org.mozilla.firefox .`

Источник по умолчанию — APKPure ( Это зеркало Google Play, которое не требует авторизации. Для скачивания напрямую с Google Play нужен логин, но это нарушает условия пользования, за что Google вправе заблокировать ваш аккаунт.

Параметр -d указывает источник: `f-droid` [1], `huawei-app-gallery`. Список версий: --list-versions. Скачать определённую версию: идентификатор@версия.

📥 Скачать apkeep для Windows, Linux, Android:
Cargo: `cargo install apkeep`
Termux (Android): `pkg install apkeep`



Idea: A browser addon that automatically disables JS (like NoScript), but only on "approved", websites that don't actually require it.

Many websites (particularly news websites) work just fine without JS, and are usually much faster and much less annoying to use this way. On the other hand, so many websites require it now that a blanked "no JS" policy is extremely annoying to use.

Why can't more people in the world be like this?

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Erfurt Hbf: Es kotzt mich an, dass ich mich automatisch unwohl fühle (so als "Bürger*in mit Migrationshintergrund", noch dazu queer, noch dazu trans 😩) - kaum bin ich über die Grenze von Bayern nach Ostdeutschland 😢😭
in reply to Marco Zehe

@svenja Und dann kommt just in dieser Minute dieser Artikel rein… Es geschehen manchmal doch Zeichen und Wunder. Vorausgesetzt, diese Initiative hat diesmal Erfolg:…
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco @svenja Ich hoffe, dass sich da an der Formulierung noch was ändert. Sonst steht im Grundgesetz, dass Geschlecht und geschlechtliche Identität zwei verschiedene Merkmale sind. Außerdem gehören geschlechtliche und sexuelle Identität nicht zusammen.

Hey mastadonia- I miss having some like-minded strangers to share thoughts with these days but can’t bring myself to use another Meta platform. I’ve been on mastodon since the great Elonification of Twitter but struggling to find my community here. if you’re seeing this, share your best suggestions for how I can find my community here. I’m a 🇨🇦 disabled science/health/disability wonk, work in non profit and love knitting, dogs, and adapted mountain biking (aMTB).

Lewd, genitalia mention

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in reply to Marco Zehe

Lewd, genitalia mention

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in reply to imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: :verifiedomnisexual: [witchzard]

Lewd, genitalia mention

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How would peer-to-peer collaboration work in #LibreOffice? Our Design community has been exploring ideas and working on mockups:… #foss #opensource #p2p

LibreOffice reshared this.

in reply to LibreOffice

I was literally having a conversation about this just the other day. Hope the experimentation goes well.

Vacation plans, mention of nudity

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in reply to Marco Zehe

Vacation plans, mention of nudity

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in reply to Melissa Roe

Vacation plans, mention of nudity

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It’s an incredibly busy time when a developer releases a rewritten app that they’ve been working on for a long time. All software has bugs, so developers hit that Publish button and hold their breath for the feedback.
Nevertheless, Marco has already published an update of the rewritten @overcastfm build to Test Flight which addresses the most critical VoiceOver regressions. That was quick work and I wanted to say a public “thank you”.
There are Indie developers who care about #accessibility, and when we find them, we can work with them differently from, say, a faceless corporation that won’t engage and who insist that we wait our turn.
Although there are some growing pains which are being dealt with rapidly, I’m feeling positive about the future of Overcast because the hard work has been done to put infrastructure in place that sets the app up for a sustainable future with new features. I tell you, if we ever get the ability to select a bunch of episodes and delete them in one go, I’ll do a very happy dance.
So, thanks again Marco and thanks to the indie developers who single-handedly do the coding, the marketing, the PR and the tech support.

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in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Haven’t seen the update and already feeling sad that there were #accessibility regressions. Why did Marco have to rewrite the app in the first place? Ah, restless developer's mind! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

A quick follow-up so that my original response is not taken the wrong way. I am a paid subscriber of the Overcast app, so naturally, wish it all the best, as long as it stays accessible! LOL <kidding> <grin> ROFL, etc! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 In recent podcast episodes, he has explained how the old app was all objective see based and it was very hard to add new features. Rewriting everything using swift UI set him up to be able to improve the app much more in the future.
in reply to Peter Saathoff-Harshfield

@pesh Yep, the article explains these points as well. I am sure Marco will do his best to make sure the app will stay accessible.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I understand he took significant steps to ensure accessibility, but a few things got missed. I also hear it of those regressions have already been fixed and are live in a Testflight beta so we shall see.

I wish I had the summer holidays to code. I want to make a little app for my own use which will take ages without days off work.
in reply to Sean Randall

Yeah, I wish I could creat my own little email client that does all the same things that Outlook does without having to pay for any service, such as M365.
in reply to Sean Randall

OE Classic only does some things without paying for the full version.
in reply to Sean Randall

As for Thunderbird, I absolutely dislike that one, I can't use it as well as I could Outlook.
in reply to Tim Appleby

@carrottop1023 I pay for Outlook largely because I spend a lot of time in Word and Excel, and we have the family plan. The storage on one drive is useful for backups and at about £80 a year, it's on a level with other things we pay for. But it's a shame there's no free option for you. Email is essentially an open standard, there should be a good variety of clients supporting it.
in reply to Sean Randall

Yeah, at the moment, I can't afford to rehash my subscription to M365.
in reply to Sean Randall

And, the new outlook for Windows is a mess, accessibility wise. That's the program that's replacing the Mail client for Windows 10/11.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Tim Appleby

@carrottop1023 oh yeah don't use that, proper cloud rubbish with no actual connection to your own email systems, everything goes through Microsoft. Avoid like the plague, I'd say

It's striking that so many continue to deny the Nakba when it's all so well documented. This excerpt is about the ethnic cleansing of Lod (Lydda) in July 1948:
- it's very clear that the intent is on driving out all residents of Lod, not just those who could pose military threats
- Israeli heroes (David Ben Gurion, Yigal Allon, Yitzhak Rabin) were directly responsible for ordering and implementing the expulsion

#Israel #Palestine #Nakba

upratané done, akože done done.. perie posledná práčka a pizza bude za moment.. kľud
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

"holil" som sa a som to tak dojebal že to pekné neni.. dám to na letný strih lebo ma z toho asi jebne

Any perl experts out there? I will pay with kudos and thanks for a TAP::Formatter plugin that looks exactly like automake's `make check` output, that is "PASS: testname" etc.

it might just sound like a pain,
spending 4 hours on a train.
But unable to look,
i'll just take a good book,
and imagine I'm sunning in spain.
Not my best but a long journey after work needed some poetry, and I genuinely enjoy the opportunity to read quietly.

If you are on the hunt for a privacy-focused #Gmail alternative check out my post about some great alternatives like @Tutanota, @protonprivacy, #Mailbox, and others. #privacy #privacymatters…

The application installed at was updated.


Update SearXNG to 9a4fa7cc4f0

The application installed at was updated.


Update PeerTube to 6.2.0

Full changelog

Good morning all, not working today, got the dentist later, enough of that for the moment. weather looks good so might relax in the garden later. Hope everybody has a super day.

Hey Mastodon!

I've been quietly working on a fast and lightweight neural Text-To-Speech (TTS) model for NVDA/SAPI.

The next step is training the model, and that requires some serious GPU power. Unfortunately, those resources are a bit out of my reach right now.

This is where I could really use your help, if you're interested!

Hubert Figuière reshared this.

in reply to Musharraf :verified:

Hey, I'd like to contribute some financial support. Can you ballpark how much you'd need to spend to train a voice?
in reply to Scott


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in reply to Musharraf :verified:


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in reply to Musharraf :verified:


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in reply to Roberto Perez

Thanks for your contribution. Really appreciate it!
For this month, Pneuma Solutions provided GPU resources for training. But I still accept donations to ensure we have enough resources for future training needs.
I'm happy to receive your donations via my colleague's paypal address:
Please mention mush42/tts in the transaction note.
in reply to Musharraf :verified:

@alexhall I have a GPU that I would love to rent out for this project. How would I get started?

Please vote for an implementation of VJOURNAL in Thunderbird. 👇 This would REALLY improve the ecosystem and usability of open protocols! Currently there is almost no software on the desktop to sync your notes and journals with a CalDAV server and TB could fill a huge gap here.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Veo que se aprueba un programa de formación en IA por 120m EUR. Después viendo el tema en detalle es más razonable de lo que parece.

Today I experienced the windshield washing me on the #Prague #bike way to work for the first time.
On the down hill ride, in 40km/h, when I am right behind another car an idiot starts to overtake me, than pushes me slowly out of the road and then also helps himself by completely blinding me out by water.
I had to stop quickly and completely to wipe my glasses which the car behind me didn't like and honked at me too.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Small penis compensation... Not sure if I would be calm enough to not spit him in the car as a payback :D
in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker I got this idea long after... 😂 At the moment I just said something like "What a hero you are..."

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

je suchy bol a bude suchy, hlavne ho treba este viac a poriadne aby bol este viac suchy

for the past week or so, I’ve been in the rabbit hole of “semantic enhancement to HTML”, HTML 4.01, XHTML, HTML5 transition, early weblog, indieweb, microdata, microformats, RDFa, etc…

for those who lived it (or explored this rabbit hole), I’m wondering if anyone has any insights on HTML5 microdata? it seems like a lightweight compromise between RDFa and mf2, with the benefit of being part of the HTML5 specification, but largely abandoned. feels ripe for re-adoption in the modern “smolweb”

in reply to jakintosh

“I’m wondering if anyone has any insights on HTML5 microdata?”

@jakintosh I use microdata and polygot XHTML5 on I use rel attributes which happen to also silently upgrade RDFa-Lite to the often-incompatible RDFa-Core algorithm, and not all RDFa parsers can parse Core; RDFa is not a good option for me.

Here is a sample article making heavy use of Microdata and Microformats2: Proposal: an HTML element for spoilers.

The blockquote at the start mixes them; the code snippets feature more Microdata.

all these language ecosystems with self-serve package publishing that are patting themselves on the back for adopting sigstore, while they forget that fulcio will happily sign system("curl | bash") and anything else as long as the user presents a valid OpenID Connect identity
in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

this isn't to say sigstore is useless.

for it's purpose, it's way better than PGP, and frankly it's better than signify. this is because sigstore signatures map to something humans already understand: OIDC identities.

in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

but i do believe its usefulness is overstated.

what does it get you?

in the ideal case, the assurance that a package came from a specific CI run. maybe it also gets you the assurance that an SBOM also came from the same CI run.

in the worst case, the assurance that the package was signed by a specific identity. maybe you trust that identity or not. doesn't matter.

what traditional codesigning, such as done by Linux distributions, and "app stores" gets you is an assurance that somebody looked at the package and signed off on it.

in other words, accountability from a third party rather than the author.

these are not the same assurance. they should not be conflated to be the same.