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When Hillary Clinton was the nominee, she was called "Hillary” by fans, opponents, and media alike. I was told “that's because 'Clinton' means 'Bill' in people's heads," and I didn't entirely agree, but OK.

Now Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee, and she's "Kamala,” not "Harris.” There is no other President Harris.

Trump isn't "Donald," Biden isn't "Joe,” Obama wasn't "Barack.” In 2016, it was possible that this wasn't gendered. But I can’t buy that anymore.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Since I started posting music on Soundcloud in 2015, if I sum all the money I've earned from my music across all the streaming sites, including Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube, my music income is $40.51.

My yearly Soundcloud subscription is $145 a year.

I pay for my music to be available for you to listen to.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

In case you missed it: Accrescent is now mirrored in the GrapheneOS App Store! This helps GrapheneOS users securely and easily obtain Accrescent from a trusted source.

GrapheneOS highly values privacy and security as we do, so we're excited about this collaboration.…

#privacy #security #accrescent #appstore #android

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to FDA approved :verified: lychee

@PaintedDurian We don't plan on allowing other app installers such as Obtainium in Accrescent at this time. But in general, all apps in Accrescent are uploaded by their respective developers, so it's up to them to determine whether they want their app in Accrescent.

food (veg)

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💗 Handmade 💗 glass seed beads 💗 adjustable clasp 💗

Hot Pink Dreams Triangle Peyote Stitch Beaded Bracelet…

DM with customs or questions!

#Cvkvlv #CvkvlvBeadwork #Mvskoke #Native #Indigenous #NativeAmerican #Beadwork #Jewelry #Bracelet #Handmade #IndigenousCreatives #IndigenousArtist

Today, Reaper's release candidate tightens up tab order and labelling in a single reworked dialog. No changes other than accessibility. Nada. Zip.

TBH it was already solid enough that I wouldn't have been at all mad if they'd decided to press go and refine in the next update, but instead, they went one more round and made sure that keyboard/screen reader users have a decent UX on arrival.

Why is this small gesture a big deal? Well, I might be able to take a day off at some point! I mean, name another DAW developer who's done that without anyone asking/convincing. I'll wait...

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in reply to Scott

@jcsteh Let’s ask our good Reaper friends to improve the a11y for some of their stock plugins. My forum posts didn’t get any traction. I really think that part of Reaper has been a bit undertaken-care-of. I know JS stuff is hard, or nearly hard, without some serious extra work, but VST? :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @jcsteh Have you checked them lately? I did a full run through of stock plug-in GUIs and had them clarify a load of labelling, there have also been improvements in js GUIs in recent times. They've even adopted OSARA's keystrokes for adjusting sliders in stock plugs now.
in reply to Scott

@jcsteh Good call, and thank you! I was so used to the old way of doing things. It didn’t even occur to me to just tab around… Thank you! One immediate thing I see though is that when the tab stops on a slider, VoiceOver on Mac OS doesn’t speak anything. SLiders are workable if you use VO navigation though. But at least edit fields can be typed into! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @jcsteh Yeah VO navigation still needs some love, that's a much bigger project and I've got no idea when it'll happen. Sorry to hear sliders are still acting goofy with VO, thought they'd already been fixed. I'll chase that up.
in reply to Scott

@jcsteh No worries! We still have the old way as a plan B! :) Cockos guys have gotten us so far already! :)

Disability:IN Announces 2024 Inclusion Awards with Winners in 12 Categories…

Color me surprised.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hugo Awards Disqualification Statement…

in reply to David Goldfield

They're not a bad program. I would warn folks that since the computers are donated, they might not be the latest and greatest.-t

Master these Windows 11 features to supercharge your efficiency…

Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA and Explaining the Latest DOJ Web Accessibility Regulations! - Blind Institute of Technology…

The First Doctor and Steven reunited…

Do y'all have any suggested resources for writing a resume when you're career switching?

:drgn_think: Why on earth have we failes to make it easy to hook up our most sophisisticated document renderers to locally running applications, while it is trivially easy to point them at some centrally hosted application on any other computer.

No localhost isn’t the solution, why can’t the application talk to the browser without involving the network?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Slatian

I think I understand, but I think a separate local web server that accesses the sockets used by any number of applications to “translate “ this protocol to HTTP is probably a better solution than teaching a browser to use this new sockets-based protocol, simple as it may be.

This sounds similar to CGI and its cousins.

in reply to Seirdy

This is because the browser still needs an HTTP stack anyways, not just for browsing but just to keep its components and extensions up to date. Either way, it’s using the network. What you’re describing is better for a basic webview than a full-fledged browser.

Cool OSPO job at UC Davis, within the library system, focused on sustainability. This could be really interesting for the right person. CLOSES THURSDAY so pull the trigger quickly if this is you.

#getfedihired #OpenJobs #opensourcejobs cc @jobs @osjobhub


Kinda tired out tonight, so obviously I spent it doing a bunch of art stuff and then I made a fake safety infographic as side content for my game projects, instead of actually working on those.…

El futbol llanero devora las chinampas de Xochimilco:

Desde hace más de una década en cientos de chinampas ya no se siembra, se juega futbol. Ya sea porque los propios chinamperos decidieron cambiar los cultivos por balones o porque otros fueron despojados de sus tierras. Se trata de una zona declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I know it's probably just the time until midnight eastern time, but my head canon is now that you have a beeping countdown clock on your wall that counts down the seconds until your ultimatum from the elder council runs out.

Original PaX emulates the NX-bit by marking all non-executable user pages as supervisor mode pages, thus causing *any* access to fault, or using segmentation hacks.

I'm not sure it is worth emulating NX-bit anymore in 2024.

in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

Computers that old are the ones that can least afford the performance overhead of emulating a hardware feature in software. Seems not worth it to me.

🎶 In jedem sechsten Ei 🎶 Oops? Besser als Ü-Eier? Schauen wir mal…


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Was zählst du denn da? Sicherheitslücken? Repeatable Builds? Neue Apps vs. Updates? 🤔
in reply to Andreas :tardis:

@andunix Darf ich dazu mal den Rudi zitieren?

🎶 Lass dich überraschen… 🎶

Aber nein, keine "77 Sombreros" 🙈 Und das "fünfte Ei" wird es wohl erst _nach_ der Bekanntmachung geben…

uspol but constructive and pro-fediverse

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in reply to Luis Villa

uspol but constructive and pro-fediverse

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in reply to Matt Campbell

uspol but constructive and pro-fediverse

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I also just found that my bns, instead of... you know, turning on, howls like a banshee. in fact, all 3 of my 640's do. sad times.

I recently discovered that the OpenCore boot loader has a screen reader built into it, which makes it the only boot manager accessible to the blind. OpenCore contains UEFI drivers for different hardware and filesystems, and one of them is an audio driver that works with Intel HDA cards that are very common on both desktop and laptop motherboards. There is an option in its configuration file called PickerAudioAssist that enables the screen reader if the audio driver is configured. When this is enabled, OpenCore will speak which operating systems are available to boot, and then it will speak the selected option when you press an arrow key, and it will say which option it is loading when you press enter or when the timeout expires. It uses audio files of the words and phrases it speaks instead of using a speech synthesizer, so it is limited in what it can speak. For example, there are audio files for Windows and MacOS but not for Linux, so it will say "other OS" for any linux distribution. However, this is still much better than only hearing a beep and having to guess where you are or memorize the menu to figure out which option is selected. OpenCore was designed to boot MacOS on non-Apple hardware, so it implemented audio and screen reading functionality similar to what Apple implemented on Intel Macs but for all X86 computers, and you don't need to install MacOS to use OpenCore if you don't want to.…

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in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @weirdwriter I'm not sure since I only started using OpenCore very recently. Have you gotten it to work?
in reply to Elijah Massey

@weirdwriter No, I actually busted my old Mac and need to get back to it to recover. Hopefully, then I will be able to upgrade to the latest version of OC to try it out.

Yep, a self-healing metal.

Scientists have discovered that metal-halide perovskite, a next-generation semiconductor material, can self-heal from radiation damage in space. And this could be a game-changer for space-based solar panels and future power generation.…

#Space #Research #Engineering #News

If a person with a disability tells you they can’t do something it’s not because they’re lazy or don’t want to.…

Having some fun playing around with PipeWire's midi support today using various applications from Flathub. #linux #pipewire #rosegarden #qwgraph #qsynth #fedora_linux

#uspol Republican playbook hilariously upset. Energy and hope.

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with the proliferation of ai bs im going to start calling myself a "classically trained computer scientist"

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I find it really frustrating that people take the first attempts of disabled people to do something as an indication of whether they can do it or not, without realizing that anyone can fail when doing something for the first time just because they have never done it before. This is a huge double standard that I don't hear people talk about often for some reason. Today I saw a parent forbidding their blind child from cooking because she once accidentally spilled salt on the counter. The fact that the girl is rarely ever allowed to cook and doesn't have much experience somehow slipped their mind. Not to mention that such things can happen and do happen to literally anyone. I've also been in situations where people wouldn't let me go somewhere on my own, because they saw me get lost once. The fact that it's normal to sometimes get lost and not know the exact route if you have never been to that place before, again, slipped their mind. And God forbid if I tell them about this one time when I didn't get to the right place with Google maps. I keep being reminded of it every single time I want to go somewhere. I understand that those people are worried and everything, but damn. This only makes things worse because it's normal to learn from mistakes, and it's normal to make such mistakes. Maybe... I guess not for us.

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in reply to Mariia Sydoruk

Very good point. It's not like sighted people don't get lost, do clumsy things, drop stuff, burn food... But for them it's an incident, whereas for a disabled person it's assumed to be a permanent limitation.

We've partnered with Abside to create a groundbreaking secure communication solution for government agencies. Our Liberty phone, featuring Made in USA Electronics and running our non-Android PureOS, now integrates with Abside's N79 5G private network. The result? A fully American-made, ultra-secure platform for government personnel to communicate and access critical data on the move. Privacy, security, and performance – all in one package. #Purism #Cybersecurity #Abside…

in reply to Purism

Does that mean that there is a 5g modem for the librem5 that will be available soon?
in reply to Purism

what is the status of upgrading the librem 5 pureos to crimson? has this effort been abandoned or will this be pursued?

Just got GNOME Mobile 46 built and running in @postmarketOS on my OP6, here at #GUADEC2024 in Denver, so the folks in Berlin aren't the only ones that can try it out!

Come find me at the BoFs tomorrow if you want to play with it!

Thanks @cas for the help getting it building!

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