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Recherche d'un thème pour Trixie, la prochaine version de Debian…

Stále se ptám sám sebe. Proč instalace NVIDIA driverů na Fedoře je snad nemožná a naprostý pain? Já prostě nemohu najít ofiko návod na Fedora docs.

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed? Krásný návod i se secure boot:…

ArchLinux? Tam si to už pamatuji, stačí jen nainstalovat balíky, které jsou v repozitáři (to taky u Fedory a OpenSUSE asi nikdy nebude)

Takže proč je vlastně nejvíc jednoduchý ArchLinux? 👀😄

in reply to Jiří Eischmann

Asi ani ovladače v jádře, většímu rozšíření Linuxu nepomůže, ale aspoň to vyřeší problémy s ovladači Nvidia.
@VildaVedo @ozzelot
in reply to Archos

@archos @sesivany @ozzelot tak tady to skončilo, stojí to tu už 1h. Ani zde není tlačítko na zobrazení logů...

Recherche d'un thème pour Trixie, la prochaine version de Debian…

I just did some benchmarking of busd (my D-Bus broker written in @rustlang using @zbus) in comparison to 2 others that are written in C (including dbus-broker that's famous for being super efficient) and despite the fact that I have not actively added any optimizations to busd (yet), the results are almost identical:…

Feel free to share this with Rust newbies/curious when they ask about performance comparison with C.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Olaf #Scholz fände also #Bürgerräte zur Aufarbeitung der #Corona-Pandemie "sympathisch". Ich habe zwei Fragen:

1. Warum werden Bürgerräte beim einen Thema jetzt als sinnvoll angesehen und beim anderen (#Klimakrise) in der Debatte völlig abgetan?

2. Kann ich bitte teilnehmen? Ich habe auch Meinungen zum damaligen und heutigen Umgang mit der Pandemie.…

Termux quite unexpectedly got an update at the Google PlayStore yesterday. A statement regarding the released termux-app v0.120 has been made at…


Seeing people out walking while wearing high visibility clothing today reminds me of this cartoon from 1927


They fuckin' are though. You're just making that rule up, Visible. Numbers are in fact 100% allowed in domain names. So are a lot of special characters, actually.

🤢 Wow, someone raised request for an optional tab indentation support for accessibility on Blac, a popular formatter for #Python. They closed the issue and said "No, tabs for indentation are the devil. Making this configurable would go against Black's philosophy." #accessibility #indentation…
in reply to Chi Kim


You're calling out a guy who is already putting in his time, for free, because he's rejecting a feature request that you think is very important.

If there's a feature you want there's nothing stopping you (or anyone else) from making a fork and adding this feature. That's how open source works.

Or you could just use something else.

in reply to Alfonso Urdaneta

@aeu @pete There's already fork with the feature. Are you saying no one should calling out someone spreading ablism just because it's free and opensource? Open source community is not justification for descrimination sexism, racism, ageism, etc.

Great interview by @bagder (BDFL of curl project) on Changelog podcast.

Keď som išiel okolo Vítkovského pamätníku som zodvihol pár plechoviek a pomyslel si... keby to vracajú tu nie sú. 😄…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Here's another good idea coming from the #curl user survey:

Support "curl -h --insecure" etc to output the manpage section for the --insecure command line option in the terminal. Should be possible to work with either long or short versions of command line options.…

Open for grabs!

in reply to Michael Boelen

No, a separate command would lose a lot of the benefit I think because this provides help for the command you obviously already have.

Fuzzy or crazy search is better left for the actual manpage or at least separate work.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

It makes sense, at the same time confuses me a bit. When I use two options with a program, I expect them to fine-tune the action it is about to take. Like --head --verbose will change the request type from GET to HEAD, yet gives me more verbose output. That makes sense. While -h is not influencing the actual HTTP request or behavior, but instead a hard interrupt to show information. Not what I would expect if I would see the command written on a blog post, for example.

"Bündnis Verkehrswende Köln will U-Bahntunnel in Innenstadt verhindern

Die aktuelle Beschlussvorlage der Stadt tendiert eher zum Bau eines Tunnels zwischen Heumarkt und Moltkestraße. Jetzt will das Bündnis den Stadtrat vom Gegenteil überzeugen.

Der Ausbau der Straßenbahn ist beim Bündnis Verkehrswende unstrittig. Dass die Strecke durch die Innenstadt dafür untertunnelt werden soll, sorgt bei ihnen allerdings für Kopfschütteln."…

The Library Accessibility Alliance evaluates the accessibility of different library databases. They make their reports and testing publicly available. Their data can help institutions determine, which databases are the most accessible. This can be an especially good resource for smaller libraries or institutions that have limited digital accessibility resources. #accessibility…

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👉 Compounding complexity in modern web development… #webdev #webdevelopment #reactjs

ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability—but it can improve…

Kolumne: Wenn ⁦‪Friedrich Merz‬⁩ seinen inneren Habeck entdeckt, ist das gut für Deutschland. Leider kommt dieser Sinneswandel für Hunderttausende Deutsche zu spät.


This article discusses the main features of mini PCs and what to look for when shopping for one. Which is what I'm doing as I'll replace my Chromebox with a Linux mini PC.…

#minipc #linux

Wenn eines der reichsten Länder der Welt seinen Haushalt saniert, indem es sich das Geld bei den Ärmsten statt bei den Vermögendsten holt, ist das die moralische Bankrotterklärung seiner Politik.…

in reply to r0man 🇺🇦

Ešteže som ťa tu objavil. Jedna z mála vecí, čo mi tu z #sktwitter naozaj chýbali

The scam-heavy crytpocurrency industry, flush with money from the latest inflated bubble, is pouring vast sums into American elections. Their goal is to to be an unregulated "market" or an industry that is regulated only in ways they like.

Our economy is risky enough now, but this would push it closer to the edge.

See these stories:…


You should follow @molly0xfff for the lowdown on this scandal.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

a to mi připomíná

German magazine c't has covered Nextcloud in a big article, and also DAVx5 is being mentioned :)…

There is also a (freely available) podcast covering it (in German language):…

You asked, I heard you. #curl --resolve with wildcard support for port number:…

Let's you do this to redirect all host names against all ports used in the cmdline to

curl --resolve *:*:

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Thx, that will make a lot of testing so much easier, no more redirect port 80 and 443

Do you think we should create --show-headers the new name (alias) for #curl's --include option, to make it easier to remember and know what it does?…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

A big YES 👍🏻. Aliases for options that clearly describe what it does, are great. On my blog and in my scripts I try to use the long-format options, so that people can easily understand what a command does, instead of looking at 5 random flags. Also, aliases may help finding the right option easier as well.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I like “curl_response” if it cannot figure out a base name

And if either curl_response or base name exists, I would expect the files to be named with sequential indexes


While the Mastodon devs are working hard on grouped notifications (…), I took a separate route to whip up a WIP UI on Phanpy for "timeline of public posts about a trending link"…

- This is for upcoming v4.3 (not out yet)
- The copywriting here is tough, settled on "Mentions" for now
- Permalink can't be created for each link as the link can "expire" from trending

#PhanpySocialDev (still on my local dev, not dev site)

We've got this cheap egg cooker that plays the loudest, most terrifying alarm you've ever heard when it's done cooking. My wife requested that I make it "less aggressive" so I hacked it into the most gentle egg cooker of ALL TIME

(warning: probably loud)

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