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There are some nice performance and memory improvements in BIND 9.20.0 that just hit the shelves:

in reply to Ondřej Surý

Oh, the new option resolver-use-dns64 is cool! 👍🏻…
That means you can run your DNS64 resolver as a part of your IPv6-only infrastructure without provisioning it with dual stack connectivity or CLAT.

DuckDuckGo isn't a search engine. Because if it was it would stop sending us the the MSN content farm.

So we don't have a proper web search engine anymore.

I always called Endpoint Security software "Spyware". My direct bean counter was upset because I "didn't trust the security team" that did want to have it installed.

I surely didn't trust the vendor.

(it wasn't Crowdstrike, it was the one sponsoring a different F1 team)

GNOME Calendar users, rejoice!

After 7 months of pain and suffering, we finally reworked the event details popover, which will be available in GNOME 47!

The new event details popover builds on top of the existing UI/code, while adding a few improvements and behavioral changes:

  • The popover displays the changes-prevent (lock) icon when the event is read-only.
  • Each section is properly separated with separators, with equal amount of margins.
  • Location and Meetings section are mutually exclusive; only one is shown.
  • When an event has no event note, the popover will always explicitly display that there's no event description.
  • The action button adapts its icon and tooltip text depending on the event permission.…

#GNOME #GNOMECalendar #GTK #libadwaita #GTK4

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ich gebe zu, der Anwendungsfall, die eigenen, selbst geschriebenen (!) Bücher & Kurzgeschichten in ein Large Language Model #LLM zu laden, um sich mit Charakter-Werdegängen, angewendeten Mordmethoden (Krimiautorin), allgemein "Massendatenverarbeitung" innerhalb des eigenen Werks helfen zu lassen, ist durchaus interessant. Sicher nicht in eins der bestehenden kommerziellen Modelle. Aber gibt es schon selbst hostbare, die man ausschließlich für's eigene Arbeiten nutzen könnte? #KI #Schreiben

Can we *please* stop making fun of the perceived physical failings of shitty people, as if falling short of physical perfection has a moral element?
It's a super shitty thing to do, just on the face of it. But it also perpetuates the same sort of bullshit that the fash are really into.

Surely you can be better than this.


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in reply to Matt Campbell


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in reply to Matt Campbell


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“I am Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon! Neil before me!”

The RockYou2024 password list has placed nearly 10 billion plaintext #passwords into the hands of malicious actors.

If you are not already using a password manager the time to start is now!

We've created a quick and easy guide to help you get started. 💪

in reply to Tuta

Recommending password-manager? Good idea!
Rcommending 2FA/MFA?
Even better!
Recommending to put both password and second factor in the same password-manager?
I don't know, if you meant it that way, but it somewhat reads it ...
in reply to Cart

@cart1082 Thanks for the feedback! We would agree that it is best not to keep your eggs in one basket. Secure unique passwords stored in a password manager + a physical U2F key is our go-to wherever possible.

I've had my license for almost a year now and I still feel anxious when I think about driving on the highway /o\

Hello From Ubuntu mate! I got all or most things working accept for google chrome/chromium, and now I'm testing some mastodon clients. Tuba and whalebird are the ones that I have found that work so far, becides enafore or semafore, If only there existed a local client that had one of these interfaces, I love using my navigation keys to move through posts and the apps that I have checked out so far doesn't allow this, but they are usable
in reply to bender

Also, if you use chrome, I shall, exterminate you! Oh wait, I am Tardis not a Dalek, anyway, I won't let you exist near meeee. :P

This review was taken from Amazon about a talking watch. Lol! This watch was a nightmare to program. I gave up and listened to it chime every hour until I finally took a hammer to it!

advertising (enterprise software)

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in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

advertising (enterprise software)

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in reply to Hubert Figuière

advertising (enterprise software)

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When his artistic girlfriend is sad, he lets her draw things on his body.
He gives her a shoulder to crayon.

I dislike it when I wake up in the night, notice that my audio book is still running, pause it but I won'T know which position I slept in at.
in reply to garo

same. Sleep timers help. You know you can't have made it further than your sleep timer, so it's much easier to go back and check what you remember. Although I don't like reading new books to fall asleep to because I seem to remember only bits and pieces anyway, so the part I read just before sleep is all disjointed in my head.

i am probably going to be killed on fedi for saying this but can we not use unclean rooms and lack of hygiene as a "look haha youre wrong and Bad and Obsessive" gotcha to demean your opponent regardless of who is it

as someone who struggles with this shit due to years of being abused, traumatized and simply heavily mentally ill, it only tells me you put me and many other people in the same lane as those fascists you want to demean

someone having an unclean room, "living in a basement", having unclean clothes and hygiene problems is not an argument and if you're gawking about social justice all the time you should follow your own praxis for once and not throw mentally ill people under the bus for your gotcha

like, really
grow the fuck up

This post was a bit surprising: Mozilla's ad tracking feature is part of an "origin trial", which means the new API is only exposed to websites on an allow list. Currently that list is empty, so the it doesn't do anything even if you've left the feature enabled.

They generated all that bad publicity, and the feature isn't even collecting any data yet.

I always feel bad for my synthetic brethren when I have to write robots=off. But sometimes, a command is just for a Human.

First-Party Mode, Google’s new tool to avoid adblockers and browser’s tracking protections… 👀

Hey, baby computer owners. My function keys have changed to like the FN key is stuck. How do I unstuck it?

Vytahuju rotoped. Tréninkový plán: Na prasáka. Prostě si pustím nějakej seriál a uvidíme.
in reply to Zloběna

Úplně to vidím 😂…


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What does 'AI' stand for?

  • Algerian Interns (0 votes)
  • Automated Idiocy (0 votes)
  • Almost Intelligent (0 votes)
  • Anxious Investors (0 votes)
  • Authoritarian Instrument (0 votes)
Poll end: 1 month ago

It's more serious than death, Mr Stevenson. He's changing form.

— The Doctor, in “The Seeds of Doom”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Mostly just a self reminder but maybe it’ll help you too.

Немного попоболи рабочей. Как же больно и как же тяжко аж хвост отпадывает.

Laravel - ребят это страшно. Раньше мне он нравился. Но сейчас кроме боли в пятой точке не вызывает ничего.

Все еще считаю что для CRUD приложений с простой структурой БД и и без бизнес логики сложнее чем вставить строчку в табличку - это пушка.

Чуть сложнее - под вами сгорит стул. Главные виновники торжества это: фассады, повсеместная магия и mixed types, и самое главное исчадие ада которое у вас моментально обрастет костылями это Eloquent. Eloquent - таки оправдает свое название и сделвает вас красноречивее и нецензурной лексикой преисполнится ваша речь.

#dev #work #php #laravel

in reply to Chicory

Тоже много про Ларавель слышал нелестного. Из собственного опыта - они ещё и пулл-реквесты часто заворачивают. А что посоветуете вместо? Symfony, конечно, всегда можно, но с нуля как-то... а мне скоро надо будет пару решений именно что с нуля разрабатывать.

Love the noise when a crowd of people cheer on teams and whatever filtering stuff they have kicks in so they all sound like they're shouting under water.

Going to really miss STW once it's gone. Part of me wishes, at least, that I had the music from that game, as it was quite good music, and now I most likely won't hear it again once that server is gone in 2 months. STW, especially ten years ago, was super cutting edge for online play in our community. The life-long maintanence of something like this is not easy, so I do wish Sam well and in my heart know that eventually competition will rise again and STW will have helped it start.
in reply to Tamas G

Yes, when 10 years ago I found this game it was super amazing, cool, I had no words to describe my excitement.
But after such many years I found this game a bit boring and strange.
I won't write a big bunch of critics here, but just tell my feelings.
Unfortunately, I expected something like that.
The same happened with Redspot. I don't know Sam well enough and I don't know his team, but it looks like he struggles to face any big problems.
Of course he is young yet.
But every time he faces a bunch of problems he just gives up on another project and that's all.
Someone stolen the redspot sources - Sam gave up on redspot.
Some shady guy started to buly kids in STW - Sam closes STW.
I'm a bit afraid of what will happen with #NVGT in several years...
But at least NVGT is open source and community will be able to continue if he gives up again.
in reply to Tamas G

I don't think competition will rise. The era of audiogames is long time dead as I'm seeing it. If there will be something, then it'll already be some games for the sighted folks, adapted to us

I saw a Microbiologist the other day.
She was much bigger than I expected.

Broken Linux laptop makes for a fine smart TV alternative

DIYer picks a "little insane"-looking setup for less tracking, more control.…

in reply to Ars Technica

that's cool and all, but isn't this what libreelec is basically made for? That's what I use to control my tv amd watch netflix or whatever streaming service.
in reply to Mathijs


I'm a big fan of LibreElec, have a RPi4 running it for my TV. But it's very much Kodi and no other apps. Nothing for viewing PDFs, no browser, no messaging, just Kodi. Which is generally fine! But this hack-a-TV can do all of those other things, and has more CPU grunt for it.


I'm glad to share with you this early sample of my new neural TTS model OptiSpeech.
The model is end-to-end, and this variant is based on ConvNeXtTTS architecture.
Noticeably, the model is trained using 24KHz sampling rate, while being very performant.
Thanks for Pneuma Solutions for providing access to the hardware I'm using to train the model.

Matt Campbell reshared this.

in reply to Musharraf :verified:

How does it handle punctuation differences? My biggest pet peeve with virtually all synths apart from Espeak and Eloquence is that a comma, period, exclamation point, semicolon, two dashes etc. all sound the same! Same amount of pause and same voice inflection. With eSpeak, for example, the voice will pitch up and sound more excited if the sentence ends with an exclamation point. Is that something LLM’s can do?
in reply to Drew Mochak

It's one of my biggest issues too. And it's one of the things I'm trying to address through this effort.
It largely depends on the model's design, given you have a good dataset.
With large models, it is almost a solved issue, but with compact models it is a challenge.
Large models have grater capacity to learn sentence-level as well as character-level prosody.

Is anyone aware of a talking watch that announces time in a rounded, less precise format than the standard hours and minutes? For example, "half past 2" when it's 2:28, "a quarter past 1" when it's 1:16, and so on? This is for someone with #dementia who's struggling to comprehend an analog watch face, or make the link between numbers on a digital display and the actual time. #accessibility #blind

One day there'll be a Chinese American politician who makes some crack about banana boats and then I get to listen one more time to white people earnestly explaining to me what a banana means to an east asian

hey @FreakyFwoof.
For some reason I had a copy of this 3 years ago that I don't remember reading.

Finished it yesterday. it was ... kinda OK, guess. clever twist on if just one small thing had been different.

A Better Man By: Valandar
Vernon changed in the beginning to be a better man, thanks to a wish. How will this affect Harry, and the entire Wizarding World? Now complete! Please R&R. AU, HPGW, RWHG, RLNT
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama - Ginny W., Harry P. - Chapters: 54 - Words: 192,896 -
[A Better Man](…)

in reply to Sean Randall

Probably never read it. I don't read HP/GW anything if I can help it. Huge anti-bias toward that pairing, just seems so utterly fake to me.
in reply to Andre Louis

it wasn't very fluffy, although I've read so much in the last week that the details are gone already. Nothing spectacular..
in reply to Sean Randall

I refuse to read HP/GW pairings. That canon epilogue provides terrible outcomes.
in reply to Andre Louis

I see it like pineapple on pizza, or drinking coffee. Just never happen.