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to those grousing about Campaign contributions vs #MutualAid

a lot of y'all are taking the wrong lesson out of what we are witnessing with #MastodonForHarris

let's take away the obvious elections hype and enthusiasm. what are we left with?

we have one person managing the effort of fundraising for ONE issue thru a platform that provides very little friction to do so. and that person is vetted and trusted by the community. that's why it scales. that's why the pot keeps growing.


in reply to yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

individual, atomized, Mutual Aid doesn't scale.

there are hundreds of people asking to fill hundreds of pots, each a new story, each a new emergency, each a new urgency.

it's no secret GoFundMe was NOT created for the purposes of becoming a substitute for the welfare system; but that's exactly why it's now a multibillion dollar company. it's become a privatized welfare system built on the back of working class folks.

Mutual Aid is not a substitute for welfare. that's the issue.


Thank you #Microsoft for having a shortcut key in #Word for putting a non-breaking space!
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael Это неразрывный пробел. Когда тебе нужен пробел, но нужно, чтобы оно не переносило на новую строку.

The iOS 18 feature to select only specific contacts to share with an app is very nice. Now I can finally have WhatsApp show names for my contacts without trusting WhatsApp with my entire contact list. Of course, WhatsApp, being owned by Meta, are entirely trustworthy, always will be and I was being paranoid about nothing in the first place.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew Contact sharing criticism notwithstanding, I actually quite like the WhatsApp apps and am happy to use them now that I have this solution. Also, I'm kinda intrigued by the Meta AI glasses even despite the obvious privacy concerns. A blind friend has them and has found them super useful.
in reply to Jamie Teh

I love them! I don’t have to or anything but I unapologetically shill them at every opportunity. I think they are a great balance of price, features and comfort. A watch, for instance, never really worked for me, I already have a phone, I don’t need a second one on my wrist. Smart glasses make much more sense to me.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew I do have a smart watch and I do use it. I was never super comfortable with using my voice to do lots of things in public and Siri is just so utterly useless that there's little point anyway. But I'm told the Meta AI is so much better than Siri, even for reading and responding to messages, etc.
in reply to Jamie Teh

I am a Google guy so I can’t compare, but MetaAI usually understands me pretty well. What happens more often is it will flat-out refuse to do stuff that I consider standard, because I am used to a thing that’s had six years of feature updates. But they are moving pretty fast, as you would expect.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew Ironically, the biggest complaint I've heard about Meta AI is that it won't describe certain things, possibly due to privacy or other ethical concerns. Which on one hand should be considered a good thing - better to be cautious than not in this space - but there really is some irony in that.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew I treat my Meta glasses as reading glasses. Trying to keep them close but not wearing them all the time. But if things progress the way they do, it'll be one of the most useful tech pieces I ever owned!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @drew I'm considering purchasing them. The question is whether I should wait until the next hardware change.
in reply to Pratik Patel

@ppatel @vick21 @drew I'm also intrigued by the upcoming Solos AirGo Vision glasses, but who knows whether they'll be any good. They still haven't even been advertised on their site as far as I can tell, which doesn't bode particularly well, and I have no familiarity with this company at all.
in reply to Pratik Patel

Same! Looks like they will cost around $250… At that pricepoint they are basically head-to-head with the Meta offering. Kinda doubt that it will be better TBH but it being GTP-4O is nice, for sure.

What will be really neat is the camera glasses that let you pick your favorite LLM!

in reply to Drew Mochak

@vick21 @drew @ppatel I've read some articles (don't have links now) that suggest you can choose between AI providers with these, but I'm not sure if that's actually true. Information is really sketchy across the board, so I'm not holding my breath on anything. The other thing is that I'm told the audio tech (both microphones and speakers) in the Meta glasses is really quality stuff, and I'm a bit skeptical that a fairly new player will get that kind of thing right from the start. But I guess we'll see.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@ppatel @vick21 @drew I keep hearing that Meta might be opening up their glasses to third party apps and the like, which I think would be a game changer. However, I haven't seen any authoritative sources on that.
in reply to Andre Louis

@vick21 @drew @FreakyFwoof @ppatel If it does happen, it'll be interesting to see the user experience in terms of how third party apps integrate. If you have to use some long string of commands or if they're limited to specific use cases, that's going to make it a whole lot less useful. I'm cautiously optimistic for now. I think accessibility specific apps running on mainstream hardware is going to be a lot more future proof and have a lot more potential than dedicated accessibility hardware, with all the silliness that entails.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@vick21 @drew @FreakyFwoof @ppatel Other than for listening to audio as headphones, recording videos/audio, obtaining AI image descriptions, or making video calls for sighted assistance, what other purposes have you found for Meta Glasses?
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim @vick21 @drew @ppatel @FreakyFwoof I believe WhatsApp and Messenger both have business calling options, so that would make some sense.
in reply to Pratik Patel

I would go ahead and get the current ones. The new ones are heavier and include a HUD. The hardware might be better, but I think we are still better served by a display-less device. (I haven’t used them or anything, that is just my conclusion after reading what’s publicly known about them)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew @vick21 I think I will go ahead and get the current ones then. I'm intrigued by them.
in reply to Pratik Patel

@ppatel @drew It depends on how desperate you are and how essential they would be for your every day needs. I personally feel they can be outdone by the next big thing. IMHO, anyone who goes with Open AI will scor bigger!
in reply to Pratik Patel

@ppatel @drew Or, better yet, get them and try for yourself. You can always return if they feel underwhelming!
in reply to Derry Lawlor

@DerryLawlor @drew OK, a quick check. I got version 7.0 of the Meta glasses firmware, but still have to say "look and" to recognize images. Wasn't Meta AI supposed to get smarter about that? :)
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew @DerryLawlor Nope, still have to use the same old one. I thought we were supposed to get a break from it in 7.0? :)
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew @DerryLawlor Well, I was hoping we could use a more natural language, e.g. "tell me", "describe for me", "read this text", etc. But seems like none of these are working.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @drew Yes I have to say it too, but if I need to give a second command I just say the command.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

@DerryLawlor @drew Yes, thanks, that part does work here as well. I might have misunderstood the feature then. A good thing is that we can at least say: "what am I looking at"? :)
in reply to Jamie Teh

Also, love that you are enjoying WhatsApp still! :) Please do gripe at me if we break stuff.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew I do use WhatsApp UWP with the WhatsApp+ NVDA add-on so I get keyboard shortcuts to jump to various places. It feels like those shortcuts could perhaps just be integrated into the app one day, eliminating the need for much of the add-on. But that's not a practical concern - the add-on does exist - more a point of interest.

Okay, so why does this happen? Here's a silly example. 039;You will be my dinner039; the alien said to the old man.
Unknown parent

Sean Randall
@mcourcel well %20 makes sense because you can't encode a space in a URL.
Unknown parent

Martin in Toronto
@cachondo Yeah, that's usually when something doesn't understand the character and generates this crap. It's like the %20 that you sometimes see in wbe addresses.

Diversity in tech isn't just good - it's vital. PureOS: Secure, private, and free from Big Tech monopolies. #ChooseFreedom…

I'm learning #Hebrew now (for the umpteenth time, hopefully for real this time). Before I always used my slate and stylus (don't laugh!) to write new words for muscle memory. Now I'm learning on #Duolingo using their iOS app, and here's my point: one more pain of using touch screens is that it doesn't add to my muscle memory, and I can easily forget how a word is written. As it's probably not the case with a normal hardware keyboard, I'll create some small vocabulary on my PC.
in reply to André Polykanine

чем, кроме Дуолинго пользуешься? Каким планом? платным либо безплатным?
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael Пока ничем, только Дуо. У нас платный план, в своё время покупал семейную подписку в основном для Наташи, сейчас решил тоже вернуться.

Love working with Makefiles. They make my life so much easier.

I prefer Makefiles over anything in Symfony Console (Composer, Artisan, etc) because I don't need local PHP to run them locally. Just bash and I'm good. #php

in reply to Sarah Savage

I have mostly moved to… . All the upsides of Make without the weird "I assume we're compiling C, right?" assumptions.
in reply to Larry Garfield

@Crell Interesting concept. I'll rewrite it to PowerShell (when I have time, ha-ha) since I develop on Windows machines. WSL is always an option, but still.

Who needs Project 2025 when The Donald could be so easily swayed to return us to 1925, halfway through the forced sterilization of 30,000 Americans in the eugenics program that influenced the Nazis.

“My Uncle Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans Like My Son ‘Should Just Die’”…


If anything good comes out of the CrowdStrike disaster it’s that, hopefully, everybody in the cybersecurity vendor industry learns to be a little more humble.

This era where many people have promoted themselves to be gods fighting terrorism etc is so stupid.

There’s people being paid more than doctors - who fix humans - who think they’re Cyber Batman. Selling solutions that often don’t work, aren’t secure, and negatively impact user experience and availability.

You’re Cyber Jabba The Hutt.

I got everything I needed at Boots. I got my hair stuff which I really needed and couldn’t get from Amazon because it was out of stock. I also got treated to a new perfume! We are heading for Home now, I am so incredibly, incredibly happy, and so thankful.
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

so pleased you've had a good day. :) Things always feel that bit better after a bit of pampering!

Sad that the #Olympics have already been marred by attacks. I'm only a passing sports fan, but I enjoy the variety every 4 years. Last time, I really enjoyed the choice of music during the parade in Tokyo at their opening ceremony.
Looking forward to this evening's opener!
in reply to Sean Randall

Great fun watching the Archery at the #olympics yesterday, and more qualifying for GB this morning.
The skill and focus needed is impressive, I've only personally done rifle shooting and that was taxing too. The noise of archery is very distinctive, though, and easy to follow by ear.
Tennis again this evening. If Dan and Andy - Dandy? Can pull off another win, well. Hard to imagine how that'll feel.
GB are also in the rowing for a title today, among plenty of other things.
in reply to Sean Randall

Shame about the tennis on Thursday. Looking forward to the Archery qualifying again this morning. GB have been bouncing around the top 6-7 of the medal table the last couple days, been a great #olympic performance for them. I think as an opening week goes, one of their strongest certainly since I can remember!

iOS 18 braille screen input command mode is cool and all, but um... how do I do the equivalent of double tap? On a braille display, I'd normally use the routing keys for that. I don't think there's an equivalent chord command unless I'm missing it?
in reply to Jamie Teh

You can also do a two finger scrub to the right on most controls. If you are focused in an edit box the 3 6 chord must be used.

Venting because I am so upset. My extended family and I have had a vacation planned for almost a year. In February, we rented and paid for a huge Chevy suburban or similar #Avis for our 7 people, plus all our luggage. They called us YESTERDAY afternoon (less than 24 hours before scheduled pickup) & said they don’t have the vehicle we rented and paid for. They offered a smaller SUV, which will not hold 7 adult bodies comfortably or more than 2 suitcases.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Hartgen Consultancy

Is it just me or when it sings JAWS does it sometimes sound like he's saying Charles?
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield No I don't think it says that. Sometimes even some Americans mispronounce that word to my ears anyway. Where I had an issue was when we got to the bridge onward. Despite my original document having no spelling errors, the AI tool insisted on singing, Tors for Windows. That tune was too good to lose, so I simply edited it and substituted the T sound for a J. Strange it did that, but AI can do interesting things.

Forgot to go to the gym today.

That’s 8 years in a row now…

I know the Brailliant BI40X uses thumb keys for navigation but does it also use navigation buttons to the left or right of the Braille display?

André Polykanine reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

yes, the central left and right of each set of 3 can be used this way.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Question for Sean, since he seems to have a 40, does it have regular Perkins style keys, or some type of buttons, like the old nail heads, for braille input? Planning on getting one toward the end of the year and that's the ultimate question for me. I want 40 cells, but not a mantis because I already have an MX keys And the integrated keyboard just makes the braille display bigger.
in reply to James Dean

@GamingWithEars they are ovoid more than square pad shapes, yeah, My fingers rest nicely on them.
in reply to David Goldfield

I'm happy with my BI 40X. With the latest firmware, the reassignable keys for the internal software has made a huge difference in consistency and keyboard commands while navigating the various internal software.


10. He can open your blouse by himself.

9. While suckling at one breast, he caresses the other.

8. He has developed a bad habit of flicking his tongue.

7. He keeps slipping dollar bills in your belt.

6. He uses your milk as creamer for his coffee.

5. Your birth control pills interfere with his acne medicine.

4. After each feeding, he has a smoke.

3. He frequently invites his friends over for dinner.

2. You feel an uncontrollable urge to listen to Dueling Banjos.

1. Beard abrasions on areola.

Inside JD Vance's VC career: five years, two firms before co-founding Narya, investing in AppHarvest, which faced lawsuits and filed for bankruptcy, and more (Angel Au-Yeung/Wall Street Journal)……

Galaxy S25 Ultra to use same battery and charging specs as Galaxy S20 Ultra…

I normally don't do this, but I did a risky thing and installed iOS 18 public beta on my primary (and only) iPhone. I've only been using it for a few hours, but I have to say I'm quite impressed. Regarding braille screen input, aside from the new features, it just feels a lot snappier and more reliable. I haven't had it lag, fail to handle contracted input correctly, etc. like I saw in prior versions. Everything else feels pretty snappy and solid too. I've filed a couple of VoiceOver bugs, but they're mostly obscure things I can work around or avoid. Time will tell, but so far, this feels like a really solid release. And many of you know I don't give that kind of praise lightly. :) #accessibility
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Sean Randall reshared this.

in reply to Jamie Teh

It’s happening with the public beta. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app had no effect.
in reply to Thomas Stivers

@Thomas_Stivers Damn. What phone do you have there? I wonder if it's some weird thing with a sensor my phone doesn't have; the LiDAR or similar. I have an SE, so no LiDAR.

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry from Google DeepMind tried the 2024 International Mathematical Olympiad and performed at the level of a silver medalist! #Math #LLM #ML #AI…
#AI #math #ML #llm

Here's my advice on how to design your course to be more ADHD-friendly. Many of these tips will help students regardless of #ADHD diagnosis: scaffolding large projects and being abundantly consistent about instructions.

#Academia #UDL #HigherEd #AcademicChatter #DisabledInSTEM…

in reply to theADHDacademic

Why should it be up to the teacher to break large projects into chunks? Isn't that a skill that the student will need to learn to do for themselves when they want to take on a large project in the workplace?
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt 1) Having assistance breaking large projects into smaller tasks is something that ADHD people can often receive as workplace accommodations, so this is an acknowledged problem in the work world rather than something exclusively expected of individual employees themselves. (See… as an example.) Workplaces, like many instructors, are invested enough in people's success that they will work with them to help make it happen.

2) Just like any other skill, most learners will acquire the ability to break things down into smaller chunks if they have it explicitly modeled for them, rather than absorbing it through osmosis.

3) Almost all learners—ADHD or otherwise—will produce work that's more what the instructor has in mind if they receive some degree of formative feedback along the way. Chunking projects helps this feedback be more manageable / useful for everyone.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Why should it be up to the student to learn how to do this without guidance? Isn't that a skill that a teacher could scaffold and explicitly teach them so the process and expectations are clear? Isn't managing a project something *managers *in a workplace should do for/with their reports and teams?
in reply to B Haas

@belehaa Because employers want people who can manage themselves. Less overhead. We may disagree about whether that's reasonable (I personally think it is), but surely it's important to set up students for success in the world as it is.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Validating students' needs and supporting them as they learn will set them up for success far better than leaving them to struggle. Abandoning people to figure it out on their own because "everyone else" can do it is ableist
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @belehaa Setting students up for success in the world "as it is" means setting them up for burnout and mental health issues including a higher risk of suicide.

How about we create learning and working environments that support everyone's talents and allow everybody to thrive?

in reply to Kit Muse

@KitMuse @matt @belehaa Yeah exactly. Expecting people with ADHD to live without accommodations rests on the belief that either:

-ADHD is not a "real" disability or;
-Disabled people do not deserve accommodations

Both are ableist.

in reply to Cap'n "Salty Vibes" Nic 🏴‍☠️

@PacificNic @KitMuse @belehaa I don't believe either of those things. But I wonder if ADHD requires accommodations from teachers, employers, etc., or if it only requires the people who have it to know how to work around their own disability.

I'm legally blind. I understand why a sensory disability requires external accommodations. I just wonder if the same applies to ADHD. I should probably go off and learn more about this on my own before I say anything more.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @PacificNic @belehaa I appreciate your willingness to learn. Speaking only as someone who wasn't diagnosed until they were 48 and in the final semester of a dual major bachelor's (I'm now a graduate student), learning that I was ADHD changed me from believing I was broken to someone whose mind worked differently. It literally facilitated the healing journey I'm on, moving it from fumbling around feeling like I was broken by trauma to understanding why it happened.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @belehaa Employers also want people with functioning vision, hearing and movement. Every disability – be it blindless, deafness or ADHD – puts demands on employers. What you are saying implicitly is that disabled people have no place in the working world.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Why should it be up to the teacher to teach how to write a project proposal, how to evaluate a project's success, how to work as part of a team? Aren't these skills that the student will need to learn to do for themselves when they want to take on a large project in the workplace?

Read more about scaffolding as an educational term. It's about gradually removing support over time so that the students work independently eventually rather than chuck them off the deep end and see who swims.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt No worries. It's a term with a specific meaning in education. There's a range of strategies between "chuck them off the deep end and see who swims" and scaffolding, but scaffolding generally leads to a greater number of successful students and is more equitable, in my opinion.

Ysanne Churchman, who voiced Alpha Centauri in ‘The Curse of Peladon’ and ‘The Empress of Mars’ has died.…

@podcast Jonathan, In the past, you've expressed some valid concerns about Meta and why you personally don't like using Facebook. You seem enthusiastic about their smart glasses and I'm curious as to whether you feel conflicted about this or has Meta made significant changes that you're feeling comfortable using and recommending their smart glasses? I'd love to purchase them but I have such negative feelings regarding Meta. Feel free to read this on your podcast, reply back on Mastodon, both or none of the above if you'd prefer not to comment.
in reply to David Goldfield

Oh boy, yes, I am very conflicted and while the glasses have some nice general features, I find the AI quite superficial and we shouldn’t forget that their primary purpose is to promote the use of Meta services, about which I still have reservations. It is interesting though because WhatsApp seems to have largely retained its integrity.
in reply to David Goldfield

I thought I'd weigh in on this, too. I dumped my Facebook account six years ago. I was disgusted when I heard that they were saving up money to pay legal fees of which they might owe an exorbitant amount. Then, some people were on WhatsApp and I wanted to join a particular group of folks so I kept that app. Then, I did feel slightly conflicted about the Meta glasses but I really wanted to experience them for what they do offer. For the price the sound is great and I've been having fun taking videos. I figured a mainstream company might be able to put more money into development that would improve what they offer, including the AI capabilities. I guess this is supporting them, but I'm choosing how much I want to get involved.

@overcastfm With the new version, when I go to a playlist containing a lot of episodes, VoiceOver seems to almost freeze for around ten to fifteen seconds before allowing me to read the list of podcasts. The older version never exhibited this behavior. Also, sometimes names of podcasts are still not being announced.

We just had the totally totally best lunch ever. I do not remember having such a good time for ages and acres. The only thing was, icky Stealing Brian‘s truffle Parmesan fries! It’s totally outrageous! I feel so happy at this moment. I’m so thankful, thankful, thankful!
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

Mention of alcohol

Sensitive content

Dneska volníčko, ráno kilák a půl v bazénu a teď oběd "na prasáka", tlačenka s cibulí a octem a pivo 😊
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos občas mě ty sprostý český jídla chybí 😊
Když přijedu do Čech, většinou požírám jedy jako Gothaj a Turisťák, takovou hrůzu taxu nekoupíš.
Ale co naděláš, 40 let ti to rvali na talíř a přeučuj se skoro v padesáti...
in reply to Cynik

Jj plně chápu, však ještě pamatuju dobu, kdy jsem šel ráno do práce a první kam se jelo bylo na ovar a pivko ke snídani 😄👍
Nebo taková dršťková ke snídani 😋😋
in reply to Zechy

@zechy To je taky klasika :flan_XD: No ten ovar bych už asi dneska ke snídani nedal, ale gulášovka, nebo dršťková to není špatný.
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos @zechy Tak houbový guláš, to je jiná 🤤 Nejlepší je z václavek 🤩 Já u dršťkové nemám problém s polévkou jako takovou ( je to v podstatě gulášovka ), ale dršťky nemám rád (i když jsou správně očištěné)
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos Chystá se k nám z Asie tchán. Vidíme ho jednou ročně. Vyžádal si českou hospodu, kde mají koleno nebo kachnu se zelím 😁

Roses are red.
Roses are blue.
Depending on their velocity
relative to you.
in reply to Dgar

There once was a man from Nantucket

Who tripped and fell on a bucket

But due to his speed

Which was relativistic indeed

A series of fusion events and thermonuclear explosions preceded a massive shower of particles and gamma rays that created an expanding bubble of plasma that... ah, fuck it

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

OpenAI Just Released SearchGPT. It’s Already Error Prone. (...The tool then pulls up a list of festivals that it states are taking place in Boone this August, the first being An Appalachian Summer Festival, which according to the tool is hosting a series of arts events from July 29 to August 16 of this year. Someone in Boone hoping to buy tickets to one of those concerts, however, would run into trouble...)…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

WestphalDenn reshared this.

Massive leak reveals One UI 7.0 design changes!…

#SFF people! The Blaft Anthology of Anti-Caste SF is an amazing project and deserves all the support! If you want to promote #OwnVoices and #DiverseSFF this goes beyond South Asian or Diaspora Indian lit to feature caste oppressed writers and anti-casteist stories. It's also super pretty and fun and well-designed! There's a tote!…

I want this to be totally clear. "DEI Hire" isn't just shorthand for Black (or not white.) It contains the assumption that people who aren't white are inherently inferior and, thus, inherently unqualified. Therefore, any person saying this is a white supremacist racist full stop.

reshared this

REAPER 7.19 change log:
"in new projects, primary click is higher-pitched than secondary click by default"
The primary click being lower pitch has never made sense to me, and even though you can easily configure it, this is a very welcome change IMO. :)