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If you’re a feed reader developer/contributor and want to help thousands of sites with misconfigured server caching reduce their hosting costs:

  • Support conditional-GET with Last-Modified headers.
  • Support conditional-GET with ETag headers.
  • Support the RSS ttl element in feed markup.
  • Support the syndication module in feed markup.
  • Request compressed formats (gzip and Brotli; Zstd is also becoming available now). libcurl should have support, if you’re using that.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

Feeds are some of the most-requested pages on a lot of sites, and full-text feeds are often rather large. The feed-paging module helps but not everyone aggressively pages since client support is limited.

I like the idea of having one feed containing everything I’ve written, even if it isn’t the default feed. A single-file archive of my site optimized for feed readers. But if my default feed becomes paginated (the Brotli-compressed version is approaching 300kb; I’ll paginate it once it crosses 500kb), I’ll want my alternate unpaginated full-text feed to have very conservative refreshing.

I imagine a hypothetical future in which I host my site on a single-board computer on a home internet connection, and I build my site for that use-case.

in reply to Seirdy

People have been hosting websites for decades and misconfigured server caching is still a thing. It won’t go away. Client developers can’t expect servers to all be well-behaved, and should make leeway for this reality when reasonable.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this extraordinary song by the UK folk group the Young’uns. In stunning style, it tells the true story of a young man in the anti-fascist protest in London in 1936. It makes me ask myself each time, how much courage do I have?…

reshared this

AI Chat Bot Accessibility Issues from a Blind User’s Perspective…

The sad closure of AppleVis, and why it needs to be archived…
in reply to David Goldfield

I downloaded the entire AppleVis website locally on my Mac, which took up approximately 30GB of disk space.

Did you know Tuta has these keyboard shortcuts? To see more simply press F1.

#tuta #tutamail #shortcuts #encrypted #tutashortcut

in reply to Tuta

hey, for those of us who aren't Windows users and never have been strongly, could you make "?" also be a shortcut to help? (Some of us also use compact keyboards, or are otherwise used to ctrl and alt instead of F-keys...)

"Thou shalt forever forswear and abjure the vile notion that All The World's A Windows Box" -- Me, after Henry Spencer, circa 1990

Pamatuji jak jsem poprvé viděla tenhle obrázek ....neskutečný kanón ... nejdřív vyvinuli tohle ..aby následně kolem toho postavili co ? .....
Ano ...A10 ❤️

There should be a law against this.

Your average user is going to think something is terribly wrong with their computer just because they didn't sign over their rights to Microsoft.

IzzyOnDroid ✅ reshared this.

Sci Fi TV Obscurities: Time Express (1979)…

in reply to Lucinek

Jo to jo, ale už je cena o dost jinde a na zahradu tohle bohatě stačí. Uvnitř je to fakrt pěkný.

Dřevěné arkýře v historických centrech měst na Maltě. Nejčastěji jsou k vidění v hlavním městě.
Některé zdroje uvádějí možný původ z Maroka. Balkónky mají stanovené rozměry a příliš nevyčnívají do úzkých uzlíček, aby je ještě více nezužovaly. Zpravidla mají 4 vyklápěcí okna.


So thanks to a number of you out there I now have tried Enafore for Mastodon and I am loving it. Like others including @brian_hartgen have said it is almost like using an app and not like a web browsing experience. If only the rest of the web could use this style of navigation! Happy Sunday everyone. Steven.
in reply to Brian Hartgen

I'd like multiple usernames to be folded better, it's a bit of a pain hearing everyone's domains all the time.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yes, that's what I have for Tweesecake. I like it to say, initial name and two mentions etc, but you have the option of reviewing those names if you want them.

Que nos va salir más barato quemar la empresa que criticarla...

El Tribunal Supremo sienta doctrina y condena a un trabajador que criticó las condiciones laborales de su empresa en redes sociales - mpr21…

in reply to Camarada Bakunin :anarchy:

Joder... Hay que derribar el capitalismo, sí, pero nos urge empezar por remodelar de arriba a abajo la judicatura...

and a one and a two.

This is my next attempt to post a thing through the trailers account.

I am aiming for …

  1. a title here, which is ‘and a one and a two’.
  2. The content, of course, which is what you should be reading now.
  3. The link at the bottom shouldn’t have a question mark in it, because the permalink should be short,
  4. and finally we need audio to work as well.

This is largely because the trailers account will be posting … well. Trailers. and the trailers are audio things.…

Imagine if #Firefox, #Chrome, and their derivatives could render Markdown, AsciiDoc, LaTeX, EPUB, and Gemtext as seamlessly as they handle PDFs. This could revolutionize the way we publish lightweight websites, making it as simple as dropping a text file into a directory.

#smolweb #smallweb #indieweb

(somebody knows an influential person at @mozilla ?)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Adële 🐘

🤔 maybe would be fastest if it was added to pdf.js

Then the changes to Firefox code would be minimal, I assume.

Though until browsers support it, it could make sense to have some web server or ningx script that automatically wraps the files into a reader web app. So users can just drop in the files into SFTP and the web server wraps it when the browser doesn't support it natively.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

"If you don't hear from us within the hour, you should receive an email from us in less than 6 days." is the most nonsensical sentence I've heard in a while.

USB-C is a fantastic "standard" if you are a cable manufacturer. My latest dance required trying three different cables, all unlabeled with anything other than manufacturer name, before my devices would talk to each other.

I remember people were so excited that USB-C was going to make the vagaries of USB a thing of the past, but in my experience - today was not much of an outlier - it has only accentuated them while introducing new puzzles.

Cars to germans are what guns are to americans. Ideologically and psychologically charged no matter the costs or deaths.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to holga

The love for cars has gone so far that in many regions life is hard without a car. (though that's not only Germany and USA, but also other countries another prime example is Dubai)
Like missing public transport, missing bicycle lanes, but not only that, even missing sidewalks , so you can not even safely walk.
Also infrastructure such as stores and other places a modern society needs are spaced along car distance, so without a car you are at a disadvantage.

Well, 2 points for a #SuckySunday.
Cinema trip is off, the child is unwell. And our last Team GB quarterfinalist got knocked out in the Archery. Not even 11 in the morning and I'm annoyed.

The "weird” strategy was laid out by a genius long ago

During latest two days I have attempted a minimal #a11y related hacking in #rust with #matrix #fractal code base. While working on it I found this tech note by @Hubert Figuière on subclassing #GTK4 widgets verry help full.
Let's see if I have done it right. At least I am back to chatting now.

len nech to ide, len nech to ide, kľudne môžem robiť v práci aj nič, takmer nič

OK, I want to hear something utterly ridiculous.
A midi file that when converted to raw PCM, sounds like music, but for that to happen, the midi data itself would likely be really strange indeed, but it has to conform to the midi spec and be playable even if it did sound like nothing.

La noche del 4 de agosto de 1789 la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente ponía fin al sistema feudal en Francia acabando con los privilegios de la nobleza y el clero. Una de las fechas más importantes de la Revolución Francesa.

I shouldn't have started reading the international cause of death codes.

Mal eine Faustregel zum Thema "Sozialschmarotzer".

1. 'Sozialschmarotzer' fallen (solange damit Menschen gemeint sind, die von Bürgergeld leben, obwohl sie theoretisch 'arbeitsfähig' wären und nicht Steuerbetrüger) faktisch zahlenmässig nicht ins Gewicht.

2. Sobald politisch und gesellschaftlich dennoch von 'Sozialschmarotzern' geredet wird, wird ein Nicht-Problem zum scheinbaren Hauptproblem aufgebaut.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

#Wrocław und das #Viertel der gegenseitigen #Achtung.

In meinem Umfeld kam die Tage die Rede darauf. Vielleicht ist es ein #Reisetipp?

Ich war seinerzeit jedenfalls sehr beeindruckt von Janusz Witt's #Engagement für #Toleranz und Achtung.

Falls sich jemand dort umschauen sollte, ich wäre für ein #update zum #Projekt dankbar.…

Večer som si dal dve Desperáda, po ceste z roboty, doma už nič okrem večere a žihľavového čaju.

Nechal jsem si boty na kolo uschnout na balkoně. V noci byla u nás docela silná bouřka, tak je mám ještě víc mokrý, než když jsem včera přijel 🤦
To je ale #dobréRáno

A víte, jak to dopadne, když vám někdo "ze srandy" šťuchne opilého kamaráda přímo před autobus, který jede 27 mil za hodinu?
Spoiler alert:

Vyvázl z toho pravděpodobně "jen" s otřesem mozku...

"Mit der Schuldenbremse kann man keinen Staat machen."
Peter Bofinger über die ökonomische Geisterfahrt der deutschen Regierung

@AppleVis Has anyone reached out to iBugtoday to ask if there's a possibility that they might be able to continue to maintain AppleVis?
in reply to David Goldfield

@AppleVis@mastodon.applevis.comPlease save applevis. This community resource needs to be saved. I completely david goodwin steping down but this is a valuable resource it helps beyond words.

Curiosidad sobre las olimpiadas: en 1992 la competición de tiro era mixta, y se llevó el oro esta señora, Zhang Shan. Vamos, que ganó al resto de señoros. En consecuencia se prohibió jugar a las mujeres para las siguientes. En el 2000 se les dejó volver a competir pero aparte.
Que veo a mucha gente preguntar por qué algunos deportes no son mixtos, pues por esto, por si ellas ganan.…