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Did you know elephants are helping shape robot design?

Their trunks' precise movements have been inspiring new tech innovations for 20 years. Researchers are using the insights to create robotic limbs with precise grips that can work to pick up objects in the unpredictable real world:…
#tech #research #wildlife

A friend asked me to demo the sound effects I've made with #ElevenLabs. This ended up longer than I thought, so have almost 20 minutes of random noises, music and utterances that make absolutely no sense. Enjoy.…

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in reply to Andre Louis

That English woman talking to her friend is just hilarious! I wonder why those AI tools just fake languages although they have large knowledge (you know, knowledge in quotes) about languages, especially English.

Ein schlechter Scherz? Leider nein. Statt das 49-Euro-Ticket zu sichern, will die Regierung das Dienstwagenprivileg ausbauen.

Wir fordern zusammen mit vielen weiteren Verbänden, den Haushalt an sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Klimaschutz zu orientieren!

49-Euro-Ticket für alle statt Luxus-Dienstwagen für wenige! Dafür machen wir Druck! Willst du uns dabei helfen? Dann unterschreibe jetzt unsere Petition!…

#Deutschlandticket #Dienstwagenprivileg

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#roffit converts manpages to HTML. Another side project of mine for over twenty years.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

That's awesome. I have recently been looking into utilizing manpages for API documentation (silly usecase, i know 😅) so someone can open /manpage or use curl and get all available APIs through html or plain text manpage-like format.

Guess i should checkout #roffit

Wer unsere Undercover-Recherche zu Lobbyismus im Regierungsviertel verpasst hat: Die ZDF-Doku gibt's jetzt auch auf Youtube:…

Krásné čtvrteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse. Dnes už je to o 100% lepší. No jo, holt jsme drsný horalové z Krušných hor 😄🤷🏼‍♂️
in reply to Archos

Ha! Další z drsných!
Jsem ráda, že je už líp.
Krásné ráno! 😊👋
in reply to Kateřina

Děkuji, jj je to mnohem lepší. Tak jsem rád. Dovolená může začít 🤗
Hezký den i tobě 👋

#dobréRáno a prima cvrček slůňata ❤️ 🌞 🍀 věšíte si klíče na háček ? 🤔 🤭

We have a small gift for the #Fediverse today: over the past 8 months, we've been building an icon library for various decentralized social platforms and protocols within the space. It's an ongoing effort, and we're happy to release our initial version today. It's like Font Awesome, but for the Social Web!…

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If there's one article you read today, it should be this one about the Darien gap.

We are so unprepared for the future.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

 owner, olympics, intermisia

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Stop Running Google Chrome Immediately #Linux #YouTube

Have you tried our new forums yet? Register at, and then head over to the forums either in the menu, or by going to Let us know what you think, and we hope you enjoy them.

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iACast - What’s new with iAccessibility…

More HDR Preparations Merged In Time For GNOME 47

Following the recent Mutter 47 beta release that also marks the feature freze point for GNOME 47, there still are some High Dynamic Range (HDR) display preparations being merged ahead of this next stable desktop release due out in September...…

Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they'd all say "Bach bach bach!"

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Unknown parent

André Polykanine
@Bruce_Toews Yeah, also a good one!

TIL Philadelphia Cream Cheese is produced in New York, and always has been since it was invented by William Lawrence in 1872. He named his company Philadelphia to market off of the city's reputation for high quality dairy products.…
#til #todayilearned…

in reply to Today I learned

Great. Now tons of native Philadelphians are no doubt feeling a huge amount of disappointment. Speaking as someone who was born and raised in Philly, I offer my regrets ...

Just posted on Six Colors: Apple’s permissions features are out of balance…

Y'know, for a project that really likes to dogpile on bloggers for not citing them, LuaJIT's docs are incredibly sparse.

I say this as a person trying to learn about its internals.

Below, the closest thing to docs or papers I can find on their site. Yes, it's instructing you to google basic compiler terminology, plus a 2009 mailing list post.

The amount of interpretive labor this asks of its reader is huge. I'm good, I'll read about other JITs.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to cliffle

If you haven't already seen these, you might find Andy Wingo's blog ( and his talks ( interesting. He has written quite a bit about his work on Guile and a couple of the major JS engines.

Apple Voice Control solves a huge accessibility problem in iOS 18 and macOS 15…

Tamas G reshared this.

Tell me again how #GenAI will extract meaningful trends from and answer queries about your data set.

#chatgpt4o #fAIl

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in reply to Lars Marowsky-Brée 😷

Spelling is a known thing that LLMs are bad at, and it doesn't reflect on their performance on other problems.

LLMs don't see language like we do, all input is first tokenized (AKA turned into subwords) before passed into an LLM.

Most common words are just one token, long and unusual words are two or three. Common combinations of letters, like "ing", "able", "anti" etc also form tokens, so a word like "antiwiral" might be passed as ["anti", "wir", "al"].

LLMs have never really seen letters, you can imagine them as extremely intellectually sophisticated people who enjoy all content through audiobooks and have never actually seen written text.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I'm aware, yet I feel the public discourse fAIls at explaining their limits and constraints at most tasks, while overhyping their capabilities and applications. That's the direction I was heading for.