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Items tagged with: fAIl

»Zu kritisch? EU-Abgeordnete stimmen gegen Datenschutzbeauftragten Wiewiórowski«. Nachdem der EU-Datenschutzbeauftragte die EU-Kommission aufgefordert hatte, Datentransfers im Zusammenhang mit Microsoft 365 zu stoppen, wirkt diese Entscheidung wie ein politisches Manöver. Wiewiórowski war wohl zu unbequem – schließlich möchte man MS365 weiterhin nutzen. Ist ja alternativlos. 😉…

#microsoft #fail #dsgvo #datenschutz

The #38C3 presentation about the massive #Volkswagen data leak is over and the leak was as bad as it sounded. 100,000s of cars could be located down to cm precision. Also a lot of metadata that is NOT supposed to be public. Disturbing.

The main takeaway was that the real problem here wasn't the leak itself, but that this data was collected in the first place.

I agree. It's not a good idea to create mountains of very personal data and then pray it never leaks.

#privacy #fail #leak #breach #vw

2024: 0.5% of the Global Top 200 Websites Use Valid HTML ☹️… #html #webdev #webdevelopment #fail

Tell me again how #GenAI will extract meaningful trends from and answer queries about your data set.

#chatgpt4o #fAIl

Maybe rather than trying to shove AI and ads in every portion of Windows Microsoft should focus on not letting their cybersecurity partners take down computers and networks all over the world.

#fail #crowdstrike #microsoft

Here's a very calm, well researched video analyzing the facts and data about AI technology progress. And all the stunning tech demos that were faked.

I really like the scientific approach to this and I feel like I'd want to adapt this kind of analytical process to other things in my life.…

#AiRant #AI #fAIl #tech #science

Dnešný fail ruzzkého trolla bol tak rozkošný, že som sa trošku rozpísal - takže kŕmiť či nekŕmiť trollov?…

#troll #chatgpt #llm #fail #blog

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Poll end: 7 months ago

I just had the Be My AI bluntly invent the UPS tracking number that did not exist on the receipt I took the picture of. That was rather grand! #ai #gpt4 #fail
#AI #fail #GPT4

Total Recall... táto téma zreje ako vino. Teda nie - zrie oveľa rýchlejšie.
Zhruba pred mesiacom sa Microsoft bil do pŕs, ako je pre nich bezpečnosť nadovšetko. Pred dvoma týždňami ohlásili obludný spyware, ktorý ale je "super zabezpečený", veď všetko ukladá a spracúva lokálne, navyše "ukladá šifrovane" - viac v mojom ostatnom blogu:…

No a dnes, prichystajte si prekvapený výraz v tvári, ono je to naozaj tak zlé ako sme predpokladali:…

#recall #blog #privacy #fail

Für die #CDU ist das Internet immer noch #Neuland - daran wird sich vermutlich auch nichts ändern. 🤦‍♂️

Zitat: Generalsekretär Carsten Linnemann sprach gegenüber der Bild-Zeitung ebenfalls von "kriminelle Energie" und betonte: "Jegliche Manipulation von Abstimmungen ist in einem Wahlkampf nicht akzeptabel."

Kriminelle Energie. Auweia, ist das schlimm.…

#cdu #csu #fail #verbrenner #auto

Firefox (Version 125.3.0 & 126.0/Android) ist in der aktuellen Version leider nicht datenschutzkonform. Verstöße gegen die #DSGVO und das #TDDDG. 👇…

#firefox #datenschutz #dsgvo #tdddg #privacy #verstoß #gesetz #mozilla #fail

AI is causing massive hiring discrimination based on disability… #ai #disability #employment #tech #fail

"this is another example of bullshit accessibility, profit driven products, fueled by private equity companies" 😢… #a11y #UserWay #overlays #fail

Have we forgotten how to build ethical things for the web?… #ethics #webdesign #apple #fail

F U, Apple. "In Loving Memory of Square Checkbox" #UIDesign #forms #fail

I am about to install @Arch Linux on a new laptop. This time I am attempting to look into the #secureBoot properly. Trying to boot #archBoot or manually adding #preloader into the install media fails with secure boot violation error. I understand I should enroll loader hashes into the mok list in the nvram. I can't use EFI shell, hashtool.efi, keytool.efi and similar since at that stage of the boot process there's no accessibility support and I can't handle that on my own with OCR snapshots of the laptop screen. Am I missunderstanding the secure boot concept or is that yet another thing I can't overcome no matter how much I am trying to prepare for the task? Of course windows is booting and I do have a screen reader running. But I can't find windows tools capable of manipulating EFI variables. #secureBoot #fail #Accessibility

Sadly, "Keyboard accessibility may NOT be enabled on your Mac, and historically has been turned off by default". Here's how to enable it.… #a11y #keyboard #macOS #OSX #fail

European Commission makes statement on accessibility overlays.

"Claims that a website can be made fully compliant without manual intervention are not realistic"

"overlay tools may make a website less accessible for some users"…

#eu #a11y #accessibility #overlays #fail

What happens when you cross my crazy wak ass blind friend group, with state of de art AI technology, with my rediculous, embarrassing laugh, with a video about bad translations?

You get this:…

Fair warning, this is a lightly edited Discord voice chat session, and I apparently had my gain set waaaaaaay to high, so expect clipping and general audio discomfort.

#AI #TheLowerElements #ElevenLabs #Translation #Fail

Whereas the Czech government hasn't yet met its own mandatory #IPv6 requirements with a 2010 deadline. Even the ministry of finance launched multiple brand new ISes not supporting IPv6.

#fail #13yearsnotenough #countryforfuture

@eric This is cool. But unfortunately, it's a great example of the extra work the industry does to make up for poor web design. ☹️ #webdesign #fail

Yup!!! "Web developers don't know HTML anymore"… #webdev #webdevelopment #fail #html

Web developers, please stop adding aria-label to everything!!! #webdev #fail #ariaSerious #a11y

Not a surprise in the least. ☹️ "Threads launch fails to prioritize accessibility"… #threads #socialmedia #a11y #fail

Excuse me? This is the exact "flight number" text provided to me. I tried a few variances and nothing worked. Oh well. #UIDesign #UXDesign #fail

Der Mähroboter Landroid Vision M600 (WR206E) der Firma Worx sendet offenbar Fotos eures Gartens an den Hersteller. 🤦‍♂️ 👇…

#datenschutz #teamdatenschutz #dsgvo #fail

Update on WP to Twitter plugin (I wonder what that could be about)… by author Joe Dolson #twitterAPI #elonMuskTwitter #wordpress #twitter #fail

»Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies«

Wenn man die DSGVO-Bußgelder korrekt und konsequent umgesetzt hätte, dann wäre Facebook heute vermutlich längst pleite. So schlittern wir aber von einem Datenskandal zum nächsten. 🤷‍♂️…

#facebook #datenschutz #privacy #teamdatenschutz #fail #gesundheitsdaten #tracker #tracking

The Market for Lemons — super important article about the failure of modern web development… "the JS-industrial-complex pulled an Exxon" #javascript #webdev #fail

Bisher: Bei der Nutzung der mobilen Outlook App (iOS, Android) speichert Microsoft die Zugangsdaten zu dem E-Mail-Konto (einschließlich des Passworts) auf eigenen Servern, verarbeitet alle ein- und ausgehenden E-Mails auf eigenen Servern und hat damit vollen Einblick sowohl in Inhalts- als auch in alle Metadaten.

Neu: Jetzt exklusiv auch für Mac-Rechner verfügbar! 😵…

#microsoft #dsgvo #datenschutz #fail #imap #outlook

Almost Everyone Who Organized the Capitol Riot Has Been Allowed Back on Twitter - VICE… HT Paul Adam #twitter #fail #elonmusktwitter

The most annoying @Tutanota feature... why won't it go away...!!!
