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As it turns out, women leaders are not likely to act based on their emotion, but men are. Study (N=137) finds women leaders had low levels of abusive supervision regardless of their anxiety. Men leaders engaged in more abusive supervision (being rude, ridiculing, yelling at, or lying to their reports) when their anxiety was higher.…

Desde la fraternidad y el máximo respeto a su soberanía, IU hace un llamamiento a la unidad de la izquierda en Bolivia.

Apelamos a la responsabilidad para conducir el diálogo político y evitar la violencia y la vuelta del fascismo en el país.

Comunicado completo:

WHYcast Episode 1 is available now! This episode contains: Fallfest Orgameet, we talk with @Dany from Team:Content, a little history lesson and we talk with @zeno4ever about Hackfest.

Find it on the podcast platforms or:

#WHY2025 #WHYcast

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Folks, never _ever_ forget that mandating employees be in the office 5 days a week is an employer's favourite way to implement a stealth organisation-wide layoff.

person on podcast: “… serious …”

iphone: *interrupts podcast, opens siri*

I keep telling all my friends in the US. You don't ask you don't get.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

“Elon Musk lived in apartheid South Africa until he was 17. David Sacks…left aged five, and grew up in a South African diaspora family in Tennessee. Peter Thiel spent years of childhood in South Africa and Namibia, where his father was involved in uranium mining[…]. And Paul Furber, an obscure South African software developer and tech journalist living near Johannesburg, has been identified by two teams of forensic linguists as the originator of the QAnon conspiracy.”

Yet another completely packed room, for Jan Kohnert’s talk about the Matrix-based TI-Messenger advancing communication in German healthcare 👏


Gnihihi. Die Mobilapp von MS Teams ist mal wieder borken.

Microsoft ist zunehmend ein komplettes Dumpsterfire. Ja, ich weiß, ich bin genauso schockiert wie ihr...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Dickenhobelix

"zunehmend"? Also ich hab das jetzt ja lange nicht benutzt, aber äh, war das nicht schon immer so?
in reply to Bubu

@Bubu for whatever value of dumpsterfire. Aber mittlerweile sind z.B. bei mir im Unternehmen selbst die Microsoft Fanboys ziemlich angepisst. Aber die Businessprozesse sind halt so tief in diese Müllhalde integriert, dass man sie auch nicht mit endlichem Aufwand wegmigrieren kann. Klassischer Vendor-Lockin

Find a sequence of 1000 positive integers in arithmetic progression whose digit sums in base 10 are equal.

Re-reading an Iain M. Banks book while travelling and, as always recently, distracted a little while reading it when coming across Ships' names by the knowledge that Elon is a fan and re-uses them at SpaceX. Like finding a little grain of sand in your food.

I was happy then, in this reading, to be reminded of a Ship's name that entirely encompasses his whole deal.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Our In-Process blog is out! This week, we feature NVDA 2024.3.1, Mykael making it happen in Brazil, RACQ's Road Ahead article, NVDA 2024.4 Beta 4 and Which reference is right for me?

Read it all here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Blog #News #Newsletter #FOSS

Tamas G reshared this.

V pondelok je team-building, opekačka... nechce sa mi ale ok. Ok!?

Really sorry to be missing the Matrix Conference, but at least able to watch on the live stream!


in reply to David Goldfield

I downloaded it this morning. My only problem with Bard Express updates is that I have to change all my settings, every time! But otherwise, it's a good update.

DINUM’s Julie Ripa is giving a talk about everything Tchap, the French sovereign messenger based on @matrix and look at how PACKED the room is!


in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Doma už periem dve čašnícke zástery. Ty vole!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The future is now, and @matthew is giving us a glimpse at what to expect in the VERY short run.

Exciting to see MONTHS if not years of work fitting together


At #matrixConf today and tomorrow.

Conference number 4 and conference day 10 this month.

So excited to be at the first ever #matrixconf by @matrix! Looking forward to learning and chatting tons about messaging interoperability, decentralization, and the future of online communication 🙌

He said it! Given the massive success #matrixConf already is, we will be back in 2025 and it will be in France!

We’re packed! Main room is full, second room is filling up quickly too!

Buenas, a todos los que seguís mi caso contra Iberia el famoso ocaso goleta contra Goliat os cuento que hemos ganado el juicio, la sentencia dice que ellos actuaron con negligencia, y nos hubiera ido mejor si ellos hubieran aparecido, pero supongo que lo calcularon para no ir o sea, una batalla más granada para los perros guías

If you're an AdGuard user and use PiccyBot, be aware that the latest update released yesterday is causing a server issue that blocks access to the UI. A fix is currently in progress, and we’ll update the community as soon as it's resolved.