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Today I'm doing a deep dive into the use of #alttext on social media platforms, comparing and contrasting habits.

Out of curiosity, when you publish a Fediverse post with a photo, do you use alt text?

  • Yes (0 votes)
  • No (0 votes)
Poll end: 1 month ago

Did you or someone you know recently lose an SD card in Norfolk with 3700 birding photos from a trip to Iceland? Steve Gantlett has found your card, I can put you in touch.

¿Me podéis recomendar autoras de fantasía? Tengo una amiga que dejó de leer fantasía hace años y ahora ha vuelto, pero dice que ve red flags y actitudes machistas en la mayoría de lo que leía.

Le he querido recomendar fantasía escrita por mujeres y por ahora he dicho:

- “La tierra fragmentada” de N.K. Jemisin
- La trilogía de Escolomancia de Naomi Novik
- La trilogía de Binti, de Nnedi Okorafor

A Laura Gallego la conoce y le gusta.

Se agradece el retoot

Prosimvas, to odvolání Bartoše z vlády - jakože cože?

Ivan Bartoš ve vládě končí, Fiala navrhne jeho odvolání…

Hello everyone! We've just made the first release candidate for version 0.17.0 of GoToSocial :under_construction: Adventurous admins who want to try the new features and help us spotting bugs can get the release from below:…

⚠️ This release contains several database migrations which will run the first time you start up this new version. Be sure not to interrupt this migration process. This will take anywhere between a few seconds and an hour or even more (on slower hardware / big databases). Please be patient! Back up your database file before updating! We had to rejig the entire statuses table to introduce interaction policies (see below). ⚠️

Release highlights:

  • Interaction policies: This release gives you the ability to set interaction policies on your statuses using the settings panel. Interaction policies let you determine who can reply to, like, or boost your statuses. You can accept or reject interactions as you wish; accepted replies will be added to your replies collection, and unwanted replies will be dropped. This feature is still a work-in-progress as we will almost certainly have some kinks to work out in terms of implementation etc, but we wanted to get it into people's hands as quickly as possible.
    User docs here:…
    Federation docs here:…
  • Much wider range of support for different media types: In this release we've embedded a webassembly build of ffmpeg into the GoToSocial binary, so that users can post many different types of media than previously, including mp3, flac, and other audio types, and many more video types. Admins: you don't need to have ffmpeg installed on your server for this to work.
  • Audio player: to complement the new media types, we adapted our current video player to also play audio, so people visiting your profile can play MP3s and FLACs. Album art is supported when embedded in the audio file!
  • Header/avatar alt text: You can now set alt-text for your avatar + header images, so that screenreader users visiting your profile can read a description of your beautiful face.
  • Better threading model for statuses: On the web view of a thread, conversations are now indented at different levels, to make it easier to see who's replying to whom.
  • Prefers-reduced-motion is now supported, so that folks with animations turned off in their operating system or browser aren't confronted with lots of animation when they open your profile.
  • Conversations view: You can now view a list of your direct message conversations, making it much easier to keep track of who you're talking to.
  • Import/export csv files: It's now possible to import Mastodon-compatible CSV files for accounts you follow and accounts you block, making it much easier to migrate across instances. Export of these files is supported too.
  • Exclusive lists: You can now mark lists as "exclusive", which means that posts from accounts in an exclusive list will show up only in that list and not in your home timeline.
  • Show/hide posts on your profile: Previously only Public posts were shown on your web profile. This is still the default, but you can now choose to show unlisted posts on your web profile too (the Mastodon default), or to show no posts at all.
  • Lots of new themes: solarized, brutalist, ecks pee, and more.
  • Store worker queue on restart: when you stop the instance, pending tasks are stored into the database, and loaded again when you start up the instance, so that no tasks get lost between restarts.

Thanks for reading!

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in reply to GoToSocial

Hiya! Third and hopefully final release candidate for v0.17.0 of #GoToSocial:…

Fixed a couple cheeky bugs related to status web views and pending replies not being marked pending correctly.

For instructions to update to this release candidate from versions prior to 0.17.0-rc1, please read the release notes for v0.17.0-rc1 carefully, but replace all occurrences of rc1 with rc3.

If updating from 0.16.0 to this release candidate, there are several config file changes and some very large database migrations that will have to run.


in reply to GoToSocial

So far we've seen that there may be some memory issues for FreeBSD users running their instances with SQLite. The issue is that memory usage is far higher than it should be on those specific setups. We're currently investigating why this might be happening.

If you are one of the unlucky folks running into this issue, could you please try using this alternative build of the GoToSocial release candidate that we just uploaded, which uses a different SQLite driver?…

If the issue is resolved with that build, please let us know :)

Calling all coders! Developers! Programmers! Hackers! Whatever you want to be called 😊 Join the LibreOffice Development Workshop at our upcoming conference, and learn more about Git, Gerrit, C++, building large codebases and more:…

Darf ein evangelischer Theologe hinter die #Allmacht Gottes ein Fragezeichen setzen? Beginnt nicht das Apostolische #Glaubensbekenntnis mit der #Omnipotenz Gottes? Ich habe in der Bibel und bei #Bonhoeffer nachgelesen. Mein Blogbeitrag dieses Sonntags.…

My wife Kirsten @MoonCat and I decided to give potential podcasting a go. I know, 'Not another one?' But we hope this might be a bit of light entertainment for you.
Consider this a pilot to see how things go.

In this first episode we discuss a somewhat annoying Tiktok trend I heard about in a video, the point of hugging and our love of the 'Cautionary Tales' podcast from Tim Harford.

StroongeCast E01: Will You Peel My Orange?


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion I've only literally just made it now, so I don't have an RSS feed or even sure how to set one up, but I've just put it up on my server, for those who don't want to go near youtube.
in reply to Andre Louis

I have nothing against YouTube, it's just a matter of catching up quickly. If you need tips for setting up a podcast, ask here, I or someone else will definitely help.
in reply to Andre Louis

@menelion pinecast seems to be a good platform to publish podcasts automatically to various platforms
in reply to Andre Louis

@TheCube @jakobrosin Yeah, either install something like WordPress, or, I guess the geekiest way, to write a script that would generate the feed for you.

This is a joke, right?

reshared this

In der Schweiz zahlen Milliardäre einen höheren Steuersatz als in Deutschland und Menschen aus der Mittelschicht dafür einen viel niedrigeren. Eine Vermögensteuer ist machbar. Das Bürgerbegehren „Tax the rich“ sammelt dafür gerade EU-weit Unterschriften. #TaxTheRich…

Me entering my number in a form field: *enters 3 numbers*

Form field: NO NO, that's an invalid phone number

Me: *enters the next three numbers*

Form field: what the hell? NO, this is invalid

Me: *finishes the last four numbers*

Form field: Ohhh I get it now! Yeah that's valid

A question for users of #altText. I'm currently writing alt texts for book covers in a webshop. These are text books for higher education, no fiction. Just repeating title and authors would be superfluous I guess. Does a short description of the cover image make you happy? Eg.: Book cover of "Introduction to global Finance", showing the skyline of a modern business district.
Or would that be distracting fluff and would just "Cover of [title]" be better? Or something else?
in reply to Maaike

absolutely seconding not repeating any text at all already on the page. But also, yes, nine times out of ten the cover description is decorative in my opinion

ja si tie dotrhané/vydraté čašnícke nohavice budem odkladať a potom si snimi vytapetujem jednu stenu
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

aaa ročník 24 a toto ročník 27 uhh toto bol obzvlášť dobrý rok 28 :kekw:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

kámo aké zrkadlo som našiel, presne toto som potreboval

edit: neprimerane ťažké 🤔

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

У создателя известной онлайн-библиотеки «Флибуста» обнаружили большую злокачественную опухоль мозга, и прогноз, очевидно, весьма неутешительный.
Грёбаный рак! #Флибуста
in reply to κρ🦥μγ

@kpmy Нет, просто платить и хостить будет некому, вот и всё.
in reply to André Polykanine

как говорил Нэвэльный, в стране 147 миллионов человек, кто-нибудь найдётся.
in reply to André Polykanine

@kpmy раз некому, значит это изначально никому не нужно

musím prať a upratať.. potom bude všetko krásne

I totally didn't spend last night tweaking my 5.1 sound setup via #pipewire-pulse under #Ubuntu at all... But then again, until the knowledge lasts, I consider myself to be the greatest channel upmixing and remixing expert within a few kilometres. ;)

C2S server for accounts is blocked in Russia using deep packet inspection (DPI). That means people can no longer access their accounts without resorting to censorship circumvention technology.

The website and S2S federation server are still reachable from Russia.

@ooni @matrix

#Matrix #Russia #Roskomnadzor #Censorship

How effective are bug bounties in securing critical, open source infrastructure? On 30 Sep 2024 in Berlin, following a keynote by Sabine Grützmacher (MdB), Dr. Ryan Ellis will present his research and dive into FOSS, security, and the public interest with an expert panel. Details & agenda for the evening event:…

We’ve set aside 30 spots for interested FOSS community members. Register here:…

Participated in #matrixconf, and really liked their photo privacy policy:

Black lanyard=photos OK White lanyard=Please no photo

Simple, but very effective.

🚨 NEW: Telegram now shares users’ IP addresses and phone numbers to governments when legally required as Bloomberg reports.

What app will you be switching to?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

ale veď ja nie som zvyknutý (čítaj východniarsky)

El otro día estuve en un evento atendiendo al público, enseñando VoiceOver, la app del banco y esas cosas. Las 3 preguntas más recurrentes que me hacía la gente demuestran cómo ha calado la accesibilidad en la cultura general: absolutamente nada.
-¿Y esto de que hable el teléfono lo váis a llevar a más aplicaciones, o sólo es para la del banco?
-Cuando acabéis esta app accesible para ciegos, ¿la váis a difundir por la ONCE?
-Siendo ciego de nacimiento, ¿cómo te imaginas los colores?
in reply to modulux

@modulux Pero vosotros sabéis como se maneja una persona con otra discapacidad? O sea lo pregunto en serio, porque la verdad es que yo no. Sé cosas muy básicas, o a lo mejor ni eso. El desconocimiento que tienen conmigo yo también lo tengo con los demás, y a mí me parece frustrante de mi misma.
in reply to Georgiana

Buena pregunta. Algunas cosas sí pero seguro que muchas no. Pero a eso vamos: no hay conocimiento social de estas realidades, o eso creo yo.

Dnešní #podcast 5:59 - doporučuju všem, aby si udělal představu o funkci rusáckých trollích farem.

Schválně, jestli vám ty komentáře a jejich zadání nepřijdou povědomý :)

Webová stránka epizody:

#rusko #propaganda #dezinfo

O democratizamos el modelo de redes sociales o muere la Democracia.

✍️ Comparto mi artículo de hoy. #RedesSociales…

in reply to Odón Elorza

Me parece una postura interesante, y desde leugo estoy de acuerdo en la importancia de socializar los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales. Lo que veo menos claro es esa tendencia de separa las redes sociales corporativas de otras hegemonías en los medios de comunicación de masas. No hicieron falta rdes sociales para colar el timo de la conspiración del 11M al país, solo el poder de la prensa, radio, y tele de toda la vida.

Creo que hay una cierta lucha sectorial interburguesa entre los propietarios de editoriales, televisiones, y otros medios de comunicación contra los propietarios de centros de datos, cables submarinos de fibra, y demás; y en esa lucha soy bastante neutral, porque no me creo que el periódico sea bueno y democrático y TikTok malo y antidemocrático en contraste.

nemám nôž.. akože ani som nemal.. nemám nôž

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want to hear a funny political joke?

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Toľko alkoholu čo som vypil včera som vypil za posledné dva roky dokopy... cca :kekw: #dobréRáno
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Es una gilipollez, pero odio la sinécdoque de "pantalla" por "ordenador" u otro dispositivo. Me jode que se reduzca todo un sistema de computación a una puta matriz de pixeles que a mi no me sirve de nada.
in reply to modulux

y encima parece que las pantallas son absolutamente perniciosas para la humanidad. Excepto para trabajar, para trabajar aparentan ser lo mejor.
in reply to Juan CBS

Eso también, claro. Limitar el "tiempo de pantalla", el "acceso a las pantallas", vivir "más allá de las pantallas", pero a ver, que a esa pantalla está conectada una máquina de turing universal (bueno, casi, teniendo en cuenta que la memoria no es infinita).

Was ist euer größter Security-Fail? Meiner war, als ich mit ca. 15 Jahren eine Software auf einen Windows-95-Rechner geladen habe, ohne die Quelle ausreichend zu überprüfen. Das Ende vom Lied: Die komplette Festplatte wurde gelöscht. Seitdem interessiere ich mich für IT-Sicherheit. 🧙‍♂️

#security #fail #beginner #sicherheit

in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Als dummer Junge war es mein größtes Vergnügen, kostenpflichtiger Software ein Schnippchen zu schlagen und, nur, weil ich es konnte, das Internet nach Cracks und Keygeneratoren zu durchsuchen. Das Ende vom Lied war eine Schadsoftware, die über ein halbes Jahr heimlich meine Daten mitlas und irgendwann alle meine damaligen Webprojekte infizierte. Online-Banking etc hatte ich damals zum Glück noch nicht, von daher ging es noch vergleichsweise glimpflich und lehrreich aus.

Good morning fedi. Slept better last night, so that’s good