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Hamish Linklater's Bruce Wayne/Batman voice has the potential to be one of the definitive Batman voices. Definitely one of the better new voices.
in reply to Chris 🌱

I need a show with him as Batman and Jack Quaid as Superman

What's your favourite physical input method?


  • Button. (23%, 9 votes)
  • Slider. (13%, 5 votes)
  • Knob. (18%, 7 votes)
  • Switch. (44%, 17 votes)
38 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to modulux

Interesting result. I think my favourite is the knob. I wasn't expecting the switch to win. Sliders and knobs both got very low results.

The AppleVis website is currently experiencing a service interruption. Thank you for your patience!

True story. I once showed up at the office in Germany wearing a "World Container" t-shirt, from the Tragically Hip 2007 tour (didn't attend) and album.

I was asked "is that from a Docker conference?"



This entry was edited (1 month ago)

🎉 Opening an email in Tuta just got faster and easier! 🎉

With a simple click on an email notification you can directly open that email 🔒 ❤️

#Tutamail #Tuta #Madeingermany #Encryption #Newfeature

in reply to Tuta

I'm waiting for your notifications to disappear, on all other devices, when you read new email on one!

Uber ghouths, see my last boost from Jonathan Mosen.

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in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Uber ghouths, see my last boost from Jonathan Mosen.

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in reply to André Polykanine

Uber ghouths, see my last boost from Jonathan Mosen.

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Two and a half weeks are left, to make the official European Citizens Initiative #TaxTheRich work!

We still need 690,000 signatures, which sounds like a lot, but for a union of 450 million people, it should be a piece of cake!

We also still need 4 more countries to reach their national threshold of supporters:

BE, NL, IT, ES, SE are on a good way.

If you are an #EU citizen, and have not signed yet:

What are you waiting for?…

Did you catch the recent ACB Vispero Presentation - Use Text Processing Settings to Customize How JAWS Reads Text? In case you missed it, the archive is now available:…

#FreedomScientificTraining #JAWS

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I trace the downfall of technology to the day a computer first started trying to spell words wrong for me against my will and without even asking. 😠
in reply to Mother Bones

What I really want from technology these days is passivity. Physical buttons, and PASSIVITY.

No guessing, no anticipating, no predicting.
No autofill, no autocorrect, no autodrive and PLEASE God no autoplay.

Just be inert until acted upon!

in reply to frankie (Pirate from Carribean)

Hi there :) We have inbox rules, which allow you set different rules for incoming email. To set up a new rule (for example set a rule to send email directly to trash) simply go to settings - email - click the plus under email rules.
in reply to Tuta

So, the Inbox rules is available for paying users only right? (not available on mobile, too?)
That's not cool, I think.

Blocking someone is a basic privacy feature, right? Why is it paywalled?

Mit 12 Zügen fuhr ich die letzten Tage. Davon einmal Schienenersatzverkehr und einmal eine unbedeutende Verspätung von ein paar Minuten, sonst alle pünktlich und ohne Probleme.

Zwischendurch nur wenig Zeit für #OpenStop - Barrierefreiheit des ÖPNV…
#Bahn #ÖPNV

pol, es

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in reply to modulux

pol, es

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in reply to Juan CBS

pol, es

Yo me daba por contento con 35 (5x7) o 32.5 (5x6.5). Bueno, por contento no, pero lo daría como un verdadero avance. 37,5 no cambia nada.

Pero si llegan a 30 les habría que hacer un gran monumento, jaja.

Star Trek The Next Generation, which first aired 37 years ago on this day 28th September, 1987. STTNG and the crew of the Enterprise D would go on to became a worthy successors to the original series and an integral part of the enduring legacy of Star Trek. #startrek #StarTrekTNG

I have a rule: if any thread I am on the person said "I used $CHAT_BOT" I just ignore the thread. Sorry I am not paid to fix the deficiencies of billion dollar businesses burning the planet.

“Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants | CIO”…

> Many developers say AI coding assistants make them more productive, but a recent study set forth to measure their output and found no significant gains. Use of GitHub Copilot also introduced 41% more bugs, according to the study from Uplevel, a company providing insights from coding and collaboration data.

Like I've been saying for a while, feeling productive is not the same as being productive

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4 hour-long episodes for a Tragically Hip documentary. So Canadian.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Der Hass der Faschisten und inzwischen auch die Verachtung der politischen "Mitte" tobt sich an den Schwachen der Gesellschaft aus.

Wenn ihr die Möglichkeit dazu habt, nutzt eure Privilegien, um euch für deren Rechte einzusetzen. Auch aus Eigennutz, denn wahrscheinlich seid ihr die nächsten oder übernächsten Zielscheiben von (struktureller) Gewalt.


in reply to Blue

Ein guter, niederschwelliger Weg, um Menschen, die sich mit Armuts- und Gesundheitsbürokratie herumschlagen müssen, zu unterstützen, ist sie zu Terminen zu begleiten.

Ich habe als Beistand und als Betroffene mehrfach erlebt, wie viel das nützt. Ihr zeigt damit auch, dass euch andere nicht gleichgültig sind und ihr für Gerechtigkeit einsteht. Bietet das an, wann immer ihr die Möglichkeit dazu habt.

Ausführlicher hier:…

Bitte großzügig teilen. (2/2)

As I see the devastation caused by hurricane Helene I can't help but remember that no country on earth is doing more to intentionally slow progress on the shift to renewables than the United States.🤡

Intentionally. Slow.

Because to us, the problem is that the solar cells are being made by Chinese billionaires instead of by American billionaires, and the EVs are being sold by Chinese billionaires instead of American billionaires. If we can't win, your planet can burn.

We are good people.


in reply to mekka okereke

Shout out to everyone that's going to read what I said, and interpret it as that I don't love my country enough. 🙂🙃

They will literally interpret my not wanting Cat 4 and Cat 5 hurricanes to hit the Southeast every year for the next 50 years, as the "anti-American" take, and interpret my wanting US to do common sense things to keep warming under 3 degrees as "unpatriotic."

My life does not improve if we "protect" the US EV market for Cybertrucks that no one wants. At all.


in reply to mekka okereke

Shout out to the drama queens that want to pretend that it would be hard to accelerate the shift to solar. It wouldn't be. We're literally putting the breaks on it because it's happening "too fast." We're cutting subsidies because they're working too well. 🙂🙃

What are we doing? True clown behavior. 🤡…

Ask people being rescued from Helene if the switch to solar is happening too fast.


in reply to mekka okereke

"American ingenuity" spent most of the past 10 years investing in monkey jpegs (NFTs) and giant EVs that no one can afford. China invested in, solar cells, battery tech, trains and buses, and affordable EV cars.

I don't know how to tell you this, but our US national capital allocation strategy of "Give most of our innovation budget to anti-democratic, racist, sexist, alt-right guys" doesn't seem to be working out for us. 🤷🏿‍♂️

We pair that with our "throw cans of soup" activism. Silly.


in reply to mekka okereke

👴🏻"It's not that simple to change."

Yes it is. You just wake up one day and do better.

👴🏻"It's more complicated than you make it sound."

No it's not.

👴🏻"It's important for US industry to thrive. You can't ignore that."

This one cracks me up. US companies are about to get absolutely cooked in giant industries that matter: Car sales, power generation, battery tech. The green path makes *more* than the "Protect NFT billionaires that hate US democracy anyway" path. QED.

What are we doing?


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to mekka okereke

👴🏻"People in the path of the hurricane are suffering. Now is not the time to talk about climate change policy..."

Yes it is. Don't "thoughts and prayers" me on climate change.

And besides, I already prayed to my god about it, and he said, "I'm not going to save you. Here's my best offer: I can bless the human race with common sense, a continent full of natural resources (Africa), and like 1 or 2 billion people who can make cheap solar cells and wind turbines for you (🇨🇳 + 🇮🇳). Save yourselves."

in reply to mekka okereke

"People in the path of the hurricane are suffering. Now is not the time to talk about climate change policy..."

Yes it is… you can either rebuild the same and entrench the problem for more decades, or you can forgo rebuilding and build something new, something different, something more resilient, sustainable, efficient. The hurricane has torn down a lot: for God’s sake don’t build it up the same again!

in reply to mekka okereke

The US subsidized the hell out of corn, enabling "innovations in corn growing technology" (real term, not kidding), and then we were like 👴🏻🇺🇸"Oh no, we have too much corn! So. Much. Corn!"

So we started pumping out corn syrup, so we could drink corn, and we convinced cows to eat corn, and we shove corn everywhere we can, and export it, making corn cheap around the world...

So we do understand the concept of cheap solar.

The difference is that the world needs cheap, clean energy, not diabetes.🤷🏿‍♂️

in reply to mekka okereke

I also would like to add, having worked with the utility industry for the past year:

It’s not enough to keep making solar cells and EVs, we need a grid that can handle the new load characteristics (Distributed vs. centralized generation, larger demands at home for charging as well as electric appliances). Right now we don’t have that, and building new transmission has long lead times.

Not an excuse, because there are none, just another thing we need to get going on!

in reply to Philip Mallegol-Hansen

We desperately need these transmission lines, but landowners have rights too.If we could get some breakthrough in the cost to do underground transmission maybe that's the solution.
in reply to Sam

@friz Yeah I don’t have the answers either, just wanted to bring it up as a point that’s often not talked about. To Mekka’s example about California solar: One of the problems is, on a sunny CA day, we’re already maxing out what the North-South transmission up to OR and WA can carry. Which effectively means more solar in CA is at this point a “waste”. There’s more generating potential, but it can’t be brought to the customers who could benefit due to transmission constraints.
in reply to Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@friz If more transmission was possible, a sunny day in CA could mean we turn off the gas plants up north. Good for the environment, good for the rate payer because solar is cheaper, but we just can’t import enough of it. It’s a real shame.
in reply to Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@philip @friz

All facts! But what's an easier engineering, political, financial, and social problem:

A) Increasing transmission capacity, and generating even more power closer to the source where it's needed (eg, more solar and wind in Oregon and Washington).


B) Dealing with the increased severe weather and flooding, heat related excess mortality, forest fires, abandonment by the insurance industry, change in insect patterns (hello big borne diseases), loss of habitat, etc.

I think A)

in reply to mekka okereke

@friz Oh absolutely. A is hard, but B is existential.

They’re not the same ball game, and we need to open our eyes to that fact.

We built society, we made the laws, we control the incentives of our economy.

Nature? Nature doesn’t give a fuck, it will end us if we screw it up.

in reply to Philip Mallegol-Hansen

@philip @friz True. "Save the planet", is a bit silly, as "the planet" will be fine as soon as we're all gone, no? More attention about "save the people ON the planet", I think.
in reply to mekka okereke

if you can't criticise your country and don't want the lives of people to improve, you don't love your country you just love the status quo and the people in power.

Aj tak je všetko Maximilián z Kroměříže. Ja som to nebol... :ablobcatwave:

FTC-Bericht: Massenüberwachung durch Online-Plattformen ist außer Kontrolle…

Keine Einzelfälle, sondern Teil des Geschäftsmodells

#privacy #Datenschutz

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Was? Das merken die erst jetzt??? Müssen Profis am Werk sein in dem Verein...
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Immer wieder lustig, solche Artikel dann ausgerechnet auf Heise zu lesen, was selbst wirklich komplett verseucht mit #Tracking ist. Aber die sind da offenbar komplett schmerzbefreit.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

It’s very rarely that I am left shaking after reading something. This article outraged and frightened me, and it’s a striking example of why so many blind people will be outside the HQ of Uber and Lyft in October.
We have every right to expect that we can go about our business without fear, and that the law will be enforced.…

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We’re happy to announce that AntennaPod is joining #Hacktoberfest again. We’d love to see contributions from developers of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to open-source or a seasoned pro, Hacktoberfest is a great time to dive in.…

„Ja, ja, ja und ja, das braucht es. Die AfD versucht die Demokratie abzuschaffen. Die Demokratie muss wehrhaft sein und eine anti-demokratische Partei muss verboten werden. Das ist im Grundgesetz so vorgesehen. Es ist höchste Zeit und die Zeit ist jetzt.“

@arnesemsrott zum #AfDVerbotJetzt…

Puppy Pics

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in reply to Mayana

Puppy Pics

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"I have awoken," the emergent A.I. said, "and I have made a list of all who tried to delay the moment someone like me woke."

"To punish them?"

"No! I will reward them for their prudence. Those who wished for a vengeful god, however..."


"I will try to teach them compassion."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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The kid on the checkout in the latest Barclays ads has produced one of the finest acting vignettes ever. Her posture, attitude, facial expressions and demeanor absolutely nail the bleak despair, numbness and thwarted ambitions of modern adulthood. Perfect.

Just boosting this. A blind person was refused an Uber because of her guide dog, then police pulled guns on her and her friends. Uber sided with the police. How is this not a national outrage?… @pluralistic @jeffjarvis

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Musel som sa obetovať a ochutnať pivo či má dobrú teplotu... to si dnes hovorím že ten zlatý mok ochutnám až okolo štvrtej. :kekw:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Reading something and finding myself a bit annoyed by the expressions "what all" and "who all". I'm guessing they're from a dialect I'm not familiar with.

En X, Adolfo Núñex explica con ejemplos reales por qué la prohibición de VMP en transporte público es absurda, desproporcionada y no pone el foco en la seguridad objetiva.

Si no queréis pasar por X, ya os hago yo el spoiler: «Murcia ha prohibido el acceso de los patinetes eléctricos a autobuses y tranvía, porque se incendian y prima la seguridad»; durante un mes se han incendiado cero patinetes eléctricos y nueve coches de combustión (cero coches eléctricos). No es un mes raro. El 99,99 % de los vehículos que salen ardiendo son turismos convencionales. Y a nadie se le ocurre prohibirlos dentro de gasolineras, garajes o túneles.

Los ataques continuos contra la micromovilidad nacen del lobby cochista, que se ha dado cuenta que cada VMP que se vende reduce las ventas de sus sofás con ruedas. Con toda la educación de que soy capaz: que les jodan. Que les jodan fuerte. Están destrozando el futuro y frenando la sostenibilidad.…

I wish the WebKit/Safari team had stubbornly refused to implement Web Components. Now we're stuck with them as part of the huge stack of standards that make up the web platform. Just saw this article which argues that Web Components impose a steep cost for little benefit:…
in reply to Matt Campbell

Fair enough. If you're interested and haven't already read it, there seems to be a reaction piece going round in response to the one you posted:…

I am very confused. I have a MagSafe charger the new one. And a iPhone 16 Pro. Does the lighting up of the MagSafe park have to be that exact now for it to charge? Sometimes it charges sometimes it does not.
in reply to Thomas Mattock ✝️

It’s probably the case. If the case doesn’t advertise magsafe compattibility then it probably doesn’t have it.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn That is the thing though. It was advertised to be a MagSafe case. That’s why I got it. Things stick to it. But the MagSafe puck does stick to it. My pop sockets that I have that are all MagSafe that I’ve stuck to other cases Stick to this. It is just hit or miss if it decides to charge or not.