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OK, huge downside of O-1 preview model? It weirdly cannot (yet) do web searching, and even more weird, it thinks its knowledge cut-off is 2021. Looks like Open AI trained it not with the newer knowledge of later models like 4O, but perhaps the content from 3.5 or the base 4 model. This could make sense while they fine-tune it.
in reply to Mason

@Mason oooh yeah, no web search through API :( I wish. It's partially why I've stayed away from it, maybe even that's a risk they're not willing to take. I use it when I need simple answers to questions, but at times the cut-off date or needing to find out more specific info about a repo it can dig through me (like I just had it do with Storybook's repo to check what's up) saves a lot of time.

Die @openhomefoundation freut sich übrigens über Sprachschnipsel eurer Stimme. Es soll nur "OK NABU" eingesprochen werden, also viel einfacher als etwa bei #commonvoice
Gerne so viele unterschiedliche Sprecher wie möglich, damit später dies wakeword zuverlässig erkannt wird :clippy:…

#stt #stimme #voice #nabu #crowdsourcing #commons #nlp #ml #homeassistant #hass #iot #smarthome

in reply to FediVerseExplorer

@fexplorer die Erkennung lebt ja von der vielfältigen Aussprache von verschiedensten Menschen. Später sollen noch weitere Wörter / Erkennungsnamen hinzu kommen, aber man muss ja erst einmal irgendwo anfangen. Ist ja auch nicht ganz einfach etwas international unproblematisches zu finden #phonetik
in reply to blub

Das verstehe ich schon. Aber wie soll man das nun sprechen? Deutsch? Zu NABU gibt es zu unterschiedliche Varianten. Manche sprechen solche Kürzel nicht als Wort sondern als einzelne Buchstaben. Finde das nahzu unbrauchbar für ein key word ... An wen kann man sich da wenden? Wer legt diese Wörter fest?

My irritation of Tuesday: When Storybook only loads two stories into the DOM initially and relies on onblur events to load more, it creates a barrier. Screen readers like NVDA depend on the DOM to navigate and announce content. If content isn't loaded into the DOM until after a certain interaction, it's invisible to the screen reader until that event occurs. Storybook sucks at this. The onblur triggers when navigating by headings but not when by buttons, oi. Make it better, world.
in reply to Tamas G

now the make-or-break question of the century, is this lazyloading of multiple stories per single-docs page something that can be disabled on a per-project basis, or is it part of the core Storybook functionality at… - hmm.
Well, thanks GPT, you dug this up for me:… - is this one of those situations where lazy-loading for performance can make accessibility worse?
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I notice that there are a lot of people moving over to cane and able hmm what's going on over there
in reply to Derry Lawlor

That instance is administered by Jonathan Mosen. That explains a lot. I also deeply respect Jonathan, but since I don't identify myself with my blindness and don't really grasp the concept of blind pride, I have no intention to move. Also, I'm totally fine with my place in the Dragon's Cave.

Jim Sciutto, de CNN, está criticando que aunque los ataques de Irán han sido dirigidos a objetivos militares, como el cuartel general del Mossad, este está situado en una zona densamente poblada de Tel Aviv... no parece ser consciente de la ironía, después de un año reproduciendo la propaganda israelí sobre Hamás, o Hezbollah, usando a la población civil como escudos humanos.

OK, I'm sure someone will get to it faster than I will, so posting here in case interested! :) iPhone 16: Edit Spatial Audio in Videos With Audio Mix…

I don't buy Nintendo products anymore and I won't buy them ever again.

I read about the Zig programming language website moving from AWS to a dedicated server at Hetzner.… I like the spirit of frugality and (relative) independence behind this. I wonder if more of that can be brought to Rust. As for using Zig itself, I don't think I can get on board with using a systems language without at least Rust-level safety guarantees for new projects.
in reply to Matt Campbell

That's fine while you're small, but I don't know how rust CI would go paying market rates for hardware, you'd probably have to give up on bors. And then there's crater... (fwiw that is a "don't know" in the literal sense, I'm not sure how much CPU time is needed to keep CI responsive enough, but I suspect it's reasonably significant. maybe oxide can donate a rack!)
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in reply to Josh Simmons

@Gankra On the other hand, you might worry more about compile performance if you had to pay for the CI :')

This is *the* best way for governments to be "sovereign" in the face of big tech dominance. Well done, Germany and STF.…

Talking to Israelis is like talking to a gambling addict in denial, but instead of gambling it is violence. They win a round of craps but don't understand why they are deeper in debt. #israel #gaza #lebanon #iran

Sperrminorität im EU-Rat: Niederlande bekräftigen Nein zu Chatkontrolle

Die Niederlande wollen den Kompromiss der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zur Messenger-Überwachung nun doch nicht unterstützen.…

#EU #news

#News #EU

One place I hope machine learning eventually comes to is git. Looking at diffs and logs, trying to work out when code arrived or what happened between two points, is tedious at best. It's way worse for those of us who use screen readers. If something could take a natural language question, parse all the git data, and give a natural answer, that would be amazing.
in reply to Alex Hall

I just tested this (with Claude 3.5 Sonnet) and it does indeed work.

I gave it a diff between two commits, asking to describe what changes were made, and it did it perfectly.

Ich finde, wir sollten feiern, wenn die #Energiewende vorangeht, statt immer nur zu beklagen, was nicht so gut läuft. Der Kohleausstieg in #Großbritannien ist deshalb möglich, weil #Wind- und #Sonnenenergie dort verstärkt genutzt wird

"Da erklärte die AfD die Grünen zum angeblichen Hauptfeind unserer Gesellschaft und alle machten mit. Man kann mich gerne korrigieren, aber noch nie in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik haben die Grünen den Bundeskanzler gestellt. Aber es wird immer so getan, als wenn sie seit 30 Jahren an der Macht wären und niemand sonst. Der Tonfall etwa aus CDU und CSU gegenüber den Grünen unterscheidet sich nicht von dem der AfD. Das unterhöhlt die Demokratie, das ist zersetzend, weil sich die Parteien so koalitionsunfähig machen."

Sehr treffen formuliert von Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk.
Dieser Feldzug gegen andere Parteiein, die fest auf dem Boden der Demokratie stehen, ist ein Irsinn, der die Union kein Stück voran bringen wird!…

#cdu #csu #union #söder #merz #grüne #afd #bsw

Browser extension I'd love. An extension that has a list of sites that are known to be paywalled and says something like hey, possible paywall ahead, are you sure you want to read this? It'd save me so much frustration.
in reply to Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

Not this, but you can prefix many URLs with and then they suddenly have no paywall.

As time passes, I'm more and more convinced that we'll see cases of "tech tourism" in the next 10 years.

Aah, new instance, new #Introduction post I guess.

I was on another instance that's closing down, so I've done the migration thing and decided to end up here.
As this server has the word 'hear' in the domain, and I'm a #Musician, it somehow seems fitting I do so.

I'm a #London-based musician that plays piano/keys, and finger-drumming also on keys.
I make #youtube videos on various things that interest me, make the #StroongeCast podcast with my wife, have two ridiculously amazing children and read voraciously. Being stereotypically British, I do like me a good cup of tea as well.

What genre I play is up for debate. Genres though, yes quite a few.
Jazz, Funk, Soul, R&B, Reggae, Pop occasionally, Drum and Bass recently.

This is too long already, so I'll just end by saying links to projects in bio for the interested.

Thanks for your time, and feel free to say hi.

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I’ve published my article on the Impact Hero SDK (as used by at least 16 browser extensions) and the refoorest extension. The company behind these is the France-based Colibri Hero, also known as allcolibri:…

Trust me, the article title is justified. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how everything they claim turns out to be a lie. Their line of business is commonly called “affiliate fraud,” so they carefully avoid this topic and instead make the impression of being supported by altruistic companies that genuinely care for our planet.

They promise to plant trees if people use their extensions but their numbers are all fake. The numbers displayed by the extension don’t add up to the numbers shown on their web page. Maybe they should have implemented access control if they didn’t want anybody to figure that out. And the numbers on the web page – well, these have been increasing at a constant rate of 20 trees per hour for the past four years, completely ignoring what their extension users did or didn’t.

Do they actually donate any money? Probably, I don’t know. They don’t disclose their finances, and if they did these would probably turn out fake as well. Should anyone trust them? No, not from what I saw. Should these extensions be nuked from orbit (or at least from the add-on stores)? Yes, absolutely.

There is more “fun” stuff going on here, so feel free to read the article.

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Someone would get a free pass straight to diploma in a PR school for this statement. Good job, Sonos. "Unwavering focus on the customer experience: To ensure that we deliver the highest level of customer experience, we will always establish ambitious quality benchmarks at the outset of product development and will not launch products before meeting these criteria. We will also enhance the tools necessary to measure the quality of the experience actually being delivered to customers to ensure that we maintain the standards our customers expect."
in reply to Jakob Rosin

This may have been generated by AI! :) Now, how are they going to keep up with such a statement? :)

Na automobilový průmysl je kladeno nespočet požadavků, které navyšují cenu a komplexitu, každopádně co domácí spotřebiče?

Existuje nějaká legislativa nutící výrobce poskytovat API pro čtení/nastavení zařízení jako pračka, bojler/kotel, myčka, lednička, topení, a další "komponenty" domácnosti na standartizovaném rozhraní?

IMHO integrace otevřené komunikace je relativně (k ceně spotřebiče) levná položka otevírající dveře kompletní automatizaci a lepší ekologii domácnosti.

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in reply to David Heidelberg

K nějaké úrovni otevřenosti a standardizace se začalo tlačit u telefonů a domácí výpočetní techniky a lidi na to nadávaj, výrobci to všemožně bojkotujou a ojebávaj. Asi pro to keště není dostatečná poptávka. 🤷‍♂️
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

@stepan Poptávka v téhle fázi nikdy nebude. BFU nezajímá nějaké API. Ale když uvidíš, že soused má malou krabičku, co mu šetří peníze a zpříjemňuje život (např. ) - zájem mít bude...

Godot overtaking Unity in one of the most recent, largest game jams out there is a wonderful example of the triumph of free software against a corporate platform. Something something Year of the Godot Desktop yada yada.

Does anyone use I'm still in my apparently endless consideration of WordPress alternatives.

I will continue to do this until I finally learn how/dedicate full time to write my own site from scratch.

Might be more of an "if" than a "when," but the desire is very strong.

in reply to Anne Deschaine

What about spinning up a static site generator, something like Hugo? You won't need to write everything from scratch, yet you can add themes and such.
in reply to André Polykanine

Second the #ssg suggestion. There are some #Indieweb examples using #ActivityPub integrations within static pages. So transgressive!
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Bearing in mind that is a SSG on top of Hugo, you get a lot of benefits by paying to let them take care of it all.
in reply to Eat This Podcast

@etp My only concern is that I cannot try before paying. I need good accessibility of every solution I pay for, so I don't really want to pay for the thing I don't know the accessibility of.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion @etp It appears to offer a 10-day free trial, but without signing up, I don't know whether it charges then refunds or what

Perhaps the last human-generated song I'll ever write.

"AGI: Artificial God Incarnate"

(recorded live at the Fontainebleau in Las Vegas)…

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Thanks MAtt. The backtracks are embedded in my Keynote presentation and I cue everything with my clicker (live sound is wired into the venue's audio)
in reply to Forrest Brazeal

Ah, I wouldn't have guessed that there was a Keynote presentation for the show. (I'm partially blind so I didn't pick up on that in the video.) Thanks.

Mein Domain-Registrar wohnt in der Prinzessinnenstraße, und mau, ich will da auch wohnen 🥺👉👈

(oder vielleicht auch nicht, wer weiß, wie die Umgebung dort so ist. Wenn das insgesamt sehr aristokratisch angehaucht ist, ist's wahrscheinlich doch nichts für mich)

in reply to Elinya~ >^.^<

Also es gibt eine im tiefsten Kreuzberg hier. Das ist ... eher nicht besonders aristrokatisch 🤔.

Upscaler just hit 100K downloads and became App of the Day :3

Following on from a recent question about taxis. Are dock based hire bikes (i.e. ov fiets, Boris bikes etc...) public transport?

  • Yes (36%, 4 votes)
  • No (63%, 7 votes)
11 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Quixoticgeek

in Montreal they (Bixi) are owned by the city and fall into the transit planning. So in that case definitely public with user fees.

A lot of the problems with #ActivityPub could be solved if we could all just collectively agree that it isn't a protocol but more like saying "I communicate in JSON."

So we're not communicating in AP, we're communicating the Mastodon API.

But there is a dedicated commitment to conflate them and in the protocol itself conflates them, which stifles the ability to work in this space.

The lack of a formal extension/handshake mechanism further makes it difficult to even get value from using it.

in reply to Hrefna (DHC)

What would an alternative look like? A thought experiment.

* Formalize the protocol in OpenAPI. Not all of it, just the behavior and shape of the inbox and outbox.
* Formalize and render as testable all of the behavior with side effects.
* Remove basically all of the other fields from the Actor object.
* Type is always a list and starts from the Base Type then applies essentially mixins, which can be extensions
* Type is always strongly specified
* Collections have precisely defined navigation

На правах бреда: а что если это не у нас блочат, а нас блочит какой‐нибудь Hetzner? 🤔 Ну или где там хостится.

#lang_ru #xmpp #мысли

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Unknown parent

Ténno Seremélʹ
@daniel That’s weird! Hm… Thank you for a quick answer.

8 y/o daughter lost her hearing. Had to learn to sign. Struggled at first as none of her friends knew how to talk to her. One day I noticed our Labrador run to the treat cupboard after she signed "treat?" to her. In the absence of friends our dog had learned sign language for her

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Gajim 1.9.5 has been released 🎉

This release comes with many improvements for Gajim’s Microsoft Store version. 👔

Translations are now available for all distributions again. 🌐

Thank you for all your contributions! :xmpp:

#gajim #xmpp #chat…

Nicoco reshared this.

How do other people with disabilities learn to accept the constant, never ending inaccessibility of the world without being continually crushed, frustrated, angry and ultimately just feel like giving up? I see some folks just seem to accept it and move on and I just don't understand how to learn to do that. And it feels like the older I get, the harder it gets to accept.

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to Jamie Teh

@kfjelsted I'm a very positive person. I don't have the energy to be negative all the time, and no that's not a criticism of you at all. I'm just answering your question from my own perspective. I don't even have the energy to advocate for blind people, which probably sounds selfish and no doubt everybody thinks I am selfish, however, I just want to live my life as well as I can. Added to that, I'm also a Christian who believes in the promise of everlasting life in the future With no more sin, death or pain. But yes, in the meantime, I try and just stay focused on the positive; my supportive friends and family. If I listen to the news or concentrated on all the inaccessibility of the world, yes, I would get weighed down as well. But I don't have the energy and I'm not going to let the negatives win. Sure, I do get frustrated at times when I'm on a website and cannot for the life of me think of how to do something, but I am getting better about being better about that.
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Gotta love system firmware updates that install without asking, don't complete the install until you next power on the machine and then provide no audible indication that they're installing. If I hadn't thought to check what was going on with Seeing AI, I probably would've bricked my machine.

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Jamie Teh

Good luck. That company is definitely one of the reasons I switched OSes. Did they fix that broken audio driver yet, or does it still leak unpaged memory like crazy?
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I think they finally fixed it, but for various other reasons, I still use a dongle now, so I'm not 100% certain.
in reply to Jamie Teh

As a former screen reader developer, do you have an idea what, exactly was going on there, and why we were affected so much? I tought something along the lines of "frequent opening and closing of the audio session", but the bug still existing with the Bluetooth audio disproves that hypothesis. In that case, it should also appear in e.g. games
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Not really, no. I do know that the driver installs audio enhancements which run as ... I forget what they're called, but they're basically bits of code that run in the WASAPI audio chain. But that should only be relevant if the enhancements are enabled. My suspicion is that it did actually affect other audio beyond screen readers, but screen reader users just use audio so much and so regularly that it disproportionately impacts us. But I have no evidence either way.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Mine did allow you to disable enhancements easily, and that didn't seem to help.

Not sure how deeply you looked into this, I think I was one of the first users affected due to being on insiders for reasons too complicated to explain, so I tried tracing that leak before I knew what driver it was coming from. There was a tool from the Windows Driver developer Kit that let you see unpaged memory allocations by tag, and the tag responsible for the leak was related to the Windows Event Tracing subsystem.

in reply to Jamie Teh

Come to think of it, most (all?) vendor-supplied UEFI updates would install this way. Usually Windows update loads the firmware file pre-shutdown but post-logoff sequence, so the update is applied upon next boot. Normally this is less of a problem when you do "update and restart" (or manually had chosen the BIOS update in "optional updates" section), but more of one if you went to bed and chose a simple shutdown or "update and shutdown" and it did it. I could face it, too.