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🔓 Šmírovací #Cloudflare?
Jak jsem se dozvěděl a později pochopil: CF radši nenasazovat na #servery, které odesílají citlivá data.
Cloudflare funguje jako proxy, od výchozího serveru dostává šifrovaná data přes https, které rozšifruje. Následně se spojí s cílovým serverem a data opět posílá sifrovaně (a nebo ne). Co se s daty v rozmezí u CF děje, to je otazník, věc důvěry.
Rozhodně bych CF nenasazoval tam, kde běží mailserver apod.
Vhodné je používat end-to-end šifrování. #bezpecnost #webhosting
in reply to Archos

@archos no, ufw je celkem fajn na jednoduché věci. Jak od toho člověk chce něco složitějšího, jako DNATy, forwardy, atp, je to někdy docela boj to přesvědčit ať to dělá co má, jak a kam to správně zapsat.

@mush42 @ZBennoui I found a TTS library that's interesting. Can this be light and efficient so it can be added to Sonata a longside Piper and the upcoming OptiSpeech?

I don't really understand why the CBC hates Trudeau and wants to force him out as leader.

I don't even like Trudeau, but the CBC's constantly trying to push a "Liberal caucus is revolting!" narrative is just so transparent and they aren't even owned by a billionaire.

in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

I'm pretty sure the person in charge is a con... you know the same con that want to disband the CBC because of their leftist-bias-agenda....

I hope there's a special place in hell for people who get off the train just to start smoking while standing in the door, blowing all the smoke inside the carriage.

por qué en algunas publicaciones con advertencia no puedo ver el post? me pasa incluso con menciones...
in reply to JC

Es con el TW Blue? Si es el caso, es por un fallo de programación. Si el perfil del usuario o el contenido del tut tiene algún carácter especial, no muestra.

opinión sobre luces de navidad de vigo

Sensitive content

in reply to JC

opinión sobre luces de navidad de vigo

Sensitive content

If only there was a different browser with arm64 builds 😁

From: @benschwarz…

I think the tide is starting to turn in GNOME and free desktop accessibility for blind people. Check out this positive message on the Orca mailing list, from a former vocal critic of free desktop accessibility:…

Note: This has nothing to do with the work I did earlier this year prototyping a new Wayland-native accessibility stack. So I'm not being self-congratulatory.

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in reply to Matt Campbell

*blushes* Hey, that sounds like something I'd write.

Oh hey, I wrote that like yesterday! :)

Sorry for being the party pooper, but my dream, 30 years ago, when I first experienced The Web with the NCSA Mosaic browser on a SUN SPARCStation LX, was definitely not that I will spend a lot of time clicking away nasty pop-ups, cookie banners and filtering 1000s of trackers. But maybe that’s just me ……
in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

I remember in 1995 people talking about the commercialisation of the internet and how it would destroy everything. They weren't wrong.

Having to tap the "don't support the Factorio devs sign" again but no one will listen because no one really cares.…

The GNOME Foundation Board is seeking input on what people would like to see from GUADEC in the future. We'd love to hear your thoughts.…

Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone—those that are now, and those to come. Existence flows past us like a river… Nothing is stable, not even what’s right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us—a chasm whose depths we cannot see. So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance or distress. Or any indignation, either. As if the things that irritate us lasted. (Marcus Aurelius)

It'll be a RISC-V @fosdem DevRoom in 2025! 🥳

Mark your calendars! CFP details will be out soon!

Status: flood-pinging my son's phone because he installed an auto-clicker which went wrong, so now he can only use his phone again when it runs out of battery or otherwise reboots. Vaguely hoping the flood-ping helps drain the battery faster. Other ideas appreciated! (don't dare to put it in the fridge) #NerdChallenge
in reply to Emile is a Data Junkie

press and hold all the physical buttons it has for 30+ seconds. This usually triggers hardware reset.

This article provides tips for content authors on how to create accessible posts. This includes writing using plain language, incorporating alternative text for images, providing clear instructions for forms, using labels for buttons or links, and providing a clear title for each webpage.… #accessibility

Gramerly: we will read your emails and wrote a summary for you, saving you time!

Also gramerly: We will write your emails for you.

Like, at what point is this just burning gpu cycles for no reason? No one is reading the long as email Gramerly wrote cause gamerly is also summarizing it on the other side.

I wonder if any Linux-capable system-on-module that can be purchased in small quantities has power management competitive with modern smartphones. The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, the SOM used in the BT Speak Pro (, definitely doesn't. Deane Blazie said as much on the BT Speak support forum. So they have to use a big battery (8200 mAh, compare with typical smartphones) for decent battery life. Used more efficiently, that big battery could allow impressive battery life.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Well, you do have access to the console on a BT Speaks. I'm wondering if there are some services that you could turn off to make it more power efficient? Yeah, that does sound like a pretty big battery though.
in reply to Scary Martin

@mcourcel Oh I'm sure they've already done all the obvious things to make it use less power.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@mcourcel As a part time linux user who is partially sighted... I would say I think there is still a long way to go...
in reply to Matt Campbell

That answers a question I had about the BTSpeak battery as I have had my own struggles powering an RPi in the past.

We all know about scripts/

But are people aware of scripts/

$ cat scripts/
print('lol no')

Gmail, Outlook, they all offer an “Unsend” feature – but did you know that this only delays sending your email?

Do you use the “Unsend” feature or do you dislike the forced delay? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about the “Unsend” feature 👉…

#Email #Emailtips #Unsend #Emailundo

in reply to Tuta

If I'm correct it was just a spin-off from a google experiment function that would keep your emails from being send on weekend nights to avoid sending drunken emails to your boss/friends and then you had to 'approve' them in the morning to be actually send.

The 'unsend' function is so obvious that it's just delayed, but I did use it a few times to correct grammar.

in reply to Tuta

I don’t use the features on the clients you mentioned above, but I do on another one and the unsent message goes into my draft, so I can fix any typos or other errors I might have typed.

Welcome Kazuho Oku as #curl commit author 1310:…

O Governo AD quer rever a disciplina de Cidadania por causa das “amarras ideológicas”.
Nem sequer vou discutir esse ponto de vista, porque desta vez, tenho uma solução fácil, rápida e que pode agradar a todos.
Nem sempre é fácil, mas desta vez, é! Façam isto:
Se querem afastar-se de ideologias políticas, baseiem-se na ciência e na evidência. Reúnam um painel de especialistas (sociólogos e psicólogos) e deixem-nos definir o currículo.
Problema resolvido. De nada.
in reply to Catia Filipe

Agora… podem é surpreender-se ao perceber que muitas das questões abordadas em cidadania não são ideológicas, mas suportadas pela evidência… mas pronto, ao menos desamarraram-se da esquerda e amarraram-se à ciência!

#serviceToot on 2024-11-08 there will be a "planned downtime" for the #IzzyOnDroid servers (repo + website) from approx. 3:30 to 5:30 am UTC as the provider performs network changes (router maintenance). Just an advance notice so you're not surprised then 😉
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

PS: the mirrors will not be affected of course. That's why they are at different locations 😜
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Hetzner? 😅
Sounds roughly like the downtime window the admin of my instance sent out.

Alguma malta, em particular mais à esquerda, tem que melhorar a parte da comunicação em que justificam a violência que se tem passado em Lisboa. Uma coisa é entendermos as motivações destas pessoas, outra é termos qualquer tipo de tolerância para o que se tem passado, que não podemos.

It seems to me that programming discourse has been dominated for several years by calls for intentional mediocrity, either voluntary or enforced. We're supposed to use languages, or language subsets, that are approachable to the average programmer. What happened to beating the averages ( and "succinctness is power" ( To using every available tool to make hard problems solvable and keep increasing our effectiveness without artificial limits?

Rui Batista reshared this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

This thought was triggered by a comment on an article about Rust:…

To be clear, language complexity isn't a good thing for its own sake. Still, reading that comment made me have that sudden reaction.

in reply to Matt Campbell

This, slightly further down in the comments, along with the idea of Kernighan's Lever, gets to the problem with that sort of flexing:

"This implies that programmers exist in isolation. Most of the code I read was not written by me. If the subset of the language that I stick to is a completely disjoint subset to the one a collaborator sticks to, we can’t review each others’ code. If I jump into a new project and it’s using a distinct subset of the language to the one 1/2

in reply to Matt Campbell

this feels like the consequence of a bigger shift from programmers as heroes to programmers as good team players, necessitated by the scale of the internet and what it enables

@torvalds on the removal of some [russian] entries from the MAINTAINERS file:…

"'It's entirely clear why the change was done, it's not getting reverted [...]

[…] the "various compliance requirements" are not just a US thing.

If you haven't heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. […]

[…] I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian aggression? Apparently it's not just lack of real news, it's lack of history knowledge too."

A friend came to visit me yesterday, and he was sneezing. And I said “is that covid?” And he goes “I don’t think so, it’s just a cold”.

Tested him on the spot.

He had covid.

in reply to Miguel de Icaza ᯅ🍉

I really believed something good would’ve come out of this: widespread testing, architectural changes for ventilation in public buildings, rethinking sanitary regulations on food production, work from home as default, universal basic income, etc.

Instead everyone is just trying really hard to forget and pretend it never happened.

iplayer on bbc1 now has audio description on live programming! yay! #bbc1
in reply to Big Pawed Bear

It's a very welcome update to be sure, just fascinating from a technologies point of view too.
I could be wrong about what they're doing, I've only listened to it briefly.
in reply to Sean Randall

it's just great to be able to listen to Ad stuff on the pc. I do have a tv, but rarely fire it up now.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

All the people who think calling Trump a fascist is an exaggeration, or just a political attack, should consider something.

Wanting to close the borders, bombing a synagogue, naming left-leaning people as "degenerates" doesn't make you a fascist. Those are just the natural courses of action that the fascist ideas lead you to.

Fascism is a set of ideas and theories. Well defined about a century ago, first in Italy, then mostly in Spain and Germany.

And the thing is that if you read the transcriptions of the speeches the Italian and Spaniard ideologues from the 20 and 30s of the last century, you will be surprised how close they are to the ones by, not only the 2024 unleashed version of Trump, but also from its 2016 tamer version or pretty much most of the mainstream republican party politicians at large.

"Fascist" is not just a generic violent boogie man. It's a very specific set of ideas which are becoming increasingly mainstream among the global right.

Trump is a fascist. Putin is a fascist, even if he pretend to be fighting them in Ukraine. Netanyahu is a fascist even if he shields behind the Holocaust to commit genocide. A fascist is not someone who covers themselves in nazi regalia. A fascist is someone whose ideas match with fascism.

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Without FFmpeg, we couldn't watch YouTube, yet the people who maintain FFmpeg don't get paid. Tell your employer to join the Pledge and #PayTheMaintainers!

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Bear in mind that the difference between a "disposable" vape and a "technically rechargeable" one is basically just the addition of a USB port that had to be intentionally removed from the off-the-shelf electronics used to make it.

Selling "technically rechargeable" devices as cheaply as the "disposable" ones they replace won't fix the problem.…

in reply to Dr Craig Dalȝell

In terms of material use, ten "disposable" vapes are about the technological equivalent of a smartphone.

Imagine a phone you threw over your shoulder after making ten calls.

Now imagine the next "disposable" device that uses the same amount of materials.

We shouldn't be banning individual products. We need a comprehensive Circular Economy Bill that bans ALL products that don't fit strict criteria of sustainability, reuse, repair, remanufacture and compostability.…

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Et voilà pour la facturation électronique on sera obligés de passer par des prestataires privés, propriétaires, et payants.

Un surcoût pour toutes les entreprises, particulièrement les petites.…

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Les us sont justement en train de mettre en place une solution publique et gratuite.

Who knows how do I pin a package to a specific version in #archlinux? Something like apt's package pinning in Debian.

Why? I don't want to update my kernel to newest versions where the team just silently removed more than 10 Russian developers from maintainers list. This is not fair and I will stay on honest versions with honest maintainers list.

#linux #foss

Q: Where's the Lone Ranger take his garbage?
A: To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump!

Q: What's the Pink Panther say when he steps on an ant hill?
A: Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant...

software developers devalue pretty much all the senses other than sight. this is why AR/VR arent really going anywhere. you can sit in a virtual F1 car and drive around in high fidelity 90fps, you can summon 3D objects into your lounge, but your fingers just pass through them. you can pick up a high-poly raytraced banana, and not only does it not feel like a banana, it doesn’t feel like anything at all. it doesn’t even smell like a banana. our brains didn’t evolve for such a disappointing banana

Russell Contreras zeroes in on findings of the PRRI "Challenges to Democracy" study. Who, precisely wants to round up immigrants and put them into camps?

79% of Republicans vs. 22% of Democrats

75% of white evangelicals
61% of white Catholics
58% of white mainline Protestants

#Republicans #Trump #JDVance #immigrants #violence #MassDeportations #churches #WhiteEvangelicals #WhiteCatholics #MainlineProtestants

in reply to William Lindsey

As Moira Donegal reminds us, Trump's plan to round up immigrants, put them into camps, and deport them is a "moral abomination," no matter how many white Christians lust for it and how the corporate media whitewash it.

"What is being proposed is a vast cruelty, a human tragedy, and a costly national investment in racism."

#Republicans #Trump #JDVance #immigrants #violence #MassDeportations #churches #WhiteEvangelicals #WhiteCatholics #MainlineProtestants